
Monday 1 August 2011

Sexy Snippets

Sexy Snippets is a weekly meme hosted by Secrets of a Book Lover and Reading Between the Wines for the 18+ crowd. To join in just grab the button, post a sexy paragraph or two from your current read and share the author & title so other participates can add the book to their TBR lists if they like.

An Offer From a Gentleman
by Julia Quinn
She was here, with him, and she felt like heaven. The soft scent of her hair, the slight taste of salt on her skin - she was, he thought, born to rest in the shelter of his arms. And he was born to hold her.

"Come home with me," he whispered in her ear.
She said nothing, but he felt her stiffen.
"Come home with me," he repeated.
"I can't," she said, the breath of each word whispering across her skin.
"You can."


  1. Wow... That is very interesting :)
    With those lines, the cover doesn't seem fitting ;)

  2. Thanks for stopping by the Wyld Hollow! I luv the smooth and sexy. :)

    And the cover is pretty cool. I like it.

  3. Sweet and simple! Sorry I'm late, I totally spaced yesterday. Bad blogger & host! LoL


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