
Thursday 29 September 2011

Covers to Covet


Our Author of the Month, Julie James has just released the cover of Kyle's book, About that Night! Here's the blurb:
Though Rylann Pierce tried to fight the sparks she felt for billionaire heir Kyle Rhodes the night they met, their sizzling chemistry was undeniable. But after being stood up on their first date, Rylann never expected to see him again. So when she finds herself face to face with Kyle in a courthouse nine years later, she’s stunned. More troubling to the beautiful Assistant U.S. Attorney is that she’s still wildly attracted to him.
Just released from prison, Kyle Rhodes isn’t thrilled to be the star witness in a high-profile criminal case—but when Rylann comes knocking at his door, he finds she may be the one lawyer he can’t say no to. Still as gorgeous and sharp-tongued as ever, she lays down the law: she doesn’t mix business with pleasure. But Kyle won’t give up on something he wants—and what he wants is the one woman he’s never forgotten. . .
You can also read an excerpt of this book here.  ABOUT THAT NIGHT will be released on April 3rd, 2012. I CAN'T WAIT!!!

In other news, I found new cover of Paul Marron! HE'S IN A KLIT! Cue swoons. That's right, he's on Jennifer Ashley's cover of THE DUKE'S PERFECT WIFE! This is Hart's book and I am anxiously waiting for this release. Publication date is April 2012.


  1. le sigh. Suspenders and kilts. What a great way to wake up to. Thanks!

  2. Okay, I just tweets about this cover with Annie at Twitter..
    Do I see the naughty bulge at Kyle's pants?
    Are he so happy with this photoshoot or because standing so near with the hot chick??

    End of question.

    And hoorah for another Marron's shirtless cover!

  3. This book sounds awesome!!! I just discovered Julie James and can't wait to try her books. Thanks for the spotlight!

  4. Can't go wrong with a shirtless Paul Marron in a kilt! *swoon*

  5. o_O The cover model in the JJ book has a woody.

  6. Very nice covers! I can't wait to read both of these. And LOL @ Lethal!


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