
Friday 9 December 2011

Interview and Giveaway with Zoe Archer

UTC is thrilled to have Zoe Archer here today to chat with us about her wonderful books! Thanks so much for stopping by. Let's talk about your latest release, Devil's Kiss!  Zora is a very liberated woman in the 18th century. Did you find it hard to give her this right at that time and place? Do you see yourself in her?

My research into Romani culture showed that while women of the Rom were expected to be modest and obedient, they were also very powerful within their families. Zora isn't exactly a typical Romani woman, and she chafes against the restrictions within her culture. She operates outside of traditional 18th century society, too, since the Rom and gorgios (as non-Roma were called) didn't mix. In many respects, Zora is unique. But I think that, in every time, in every culture, there are people who rebel, and Zora is one of them.

I'd like to think I've got Zora's fire, and she certainly doesn't think of herself as a second-class citizen just because she's a woman, much like I do. But I can't read palms or cheat expertly at cards, so in that, she's got me beat.

Whit is a sexy, bad, untamable man (well, before Zora). Which character other than the ones you've created would you like to tame for yourself?

It'd be nice to have a djinn or some other magical creature to do my bidding—like clean the bathroom.

HellRaisers is such a great addition to the PNR world. How did you come up with this idea?

Thanks! Back in the 18th century, there were a few clubs of aristocratic rakes, and they all called themselves the Hellfire Club. There were rumors of secret meetings, devil worship and wild orgies. I started to think about what if there was a group of 18th century English rakes who really did get involved with the Devil. What if they earned the name of Hellraisers, and then literally rose Hell? Also, with my Blades of the Rose series, the heroes were all decent, good guys, and I wanted to explore what it would be like to have some truly bad heroes. How bad could I make them? Could they be redeemed? And what kind of heroine would be the counterpoint to these bad boys?

Some of your series are completely different genres, sci fi and historical paranormal romance. What inspired you to write such seemingly opposite genres?

The uniting element is, I think, the action and adventure, plus heroines who unapologetically kick ass. It doesn't matter what era they're in or what planet they hail from, they can take care of themselves. And all my heroes think this quality is sexy as hell.

How do you feel about followers/fans commenting about your book on Twitter/Facebook? Irritating? Stalkish? Or do you welcome it?!

It's great to see my books engendering discussion. That way I know I've moved people.

What does your workspace look like? It is clean and orderly or scattered and covered with post-it notes? Any visual would be great.

Since my husband (fellow romance author Nico Rosso) and I share an office, along with the elliptical trainer, bookshelves, file cabinets and two cats, the office itself is...full. I like to keep my desk tidy, though. Can't work if everything's cluttered.

If I blindly stuck my hand in your purse and grabbed something, what would I find?

Grocery lists.

Which of you heroes would you...
Marry — Catullus, from STRANGER, because he can build anything
Have a One Night Stand with — Bennett, from SCOUNDREL, because he knows exactly what he's doing
Have a Summer Fling with — Whit, from DEVIL'S KISS, because once he's pried away from the card table, he gets very focused

(By the way, this is all harmless speculation, because my heart always belongs to Nico!)

How about some rapid fire questions!

Singing in the shower or car? Car. The window to our bathroom is right off the catwalk in our apartment building, and I don't want to torture anyone with my rendition of "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go."
Sunset or sunrise? Sunset. Sunrise is too early.
Coffee or tea? It used to be tea, but then I became a full-time writer and had a legitimate reason to stay awake, so now I'm a full-blown coffee addict.
Plotter or panster? I plot out the whole novel before writing, but I often discover as I get into the book that things need to change, and so I figure those elements out when I get there—but even that is plotted.
Favourite food? A cold, fudgy brownie with a ribbon of salted caramel.
Favourite genre to write? Aaah! Don't make me choose!
Favourite genre to read? Historical romance.
Favourite place to read? I'm still looking for the perfect reading chair in the perfect reading nook. For now, I read on the sofa. But if someone wants to donate a chaise longue, I wouldn't say no.

Devil’s Kiss
Hellraisers Book 1

A handsome devil

1762. James Sherbourne, Earl of Whitney, is a gambling man. Not for the money. But for the thrill, the danger—and the company: Whit has become one of the infamous Hellraisers, losing himself in the chase for adventure and pleasure with his four closest friends.

Which was how Whit found himself in a gypsy encampment, betting against a lovely Romani girl. Zora Grey’s smoky voice and sharp tongue entrance Whit nearly as much as her clever hands—watching them handle cards inspires thoughts of another kind…

Zora can’t explain her attraction to the careless blue-eyed Whit. She also can’t stop him and his Hellraisers from a fiendish curse: the power to grant their own hearts’ desires, to chase their pleasures from the merely debauched to the truly diabolical. And if Zora can’t save Whit, she still has to escape him…
Buy links:
Barnes & Noble
All Romance eBooks

Zoe Archer: website, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr

Bio: Zoë Archer is an award-winning romance author who thinks there's nothing sexier than a man in tall boots and a waistcoat. As a child, she never dreamed about being the rescued princess, but wanted to kick butt right beside the hero. She now applies her master's degrees in Literature and Fiction to creating butt-kicking heroines and heroes in tall boots. She is the author of the acclaimed BLADES OF THE ROSE series. December marks the beginning of her new paranormal historical romance series, THE HELLRAISERS. Zoë and her husband, fellow romance author Nico Rosso, live in Los Angeles.

Ms. Archer is giving away today a copy of Devil's Kiss to a lucky follower.  A signed print copy for US or a PDF copy for international.  All you have to do to enter is:

1. Be a follower of this blog
2. Fill out the form below


  1. This sounds like a great book great interview thanks for sharing! I can't wait to read it thanks for the chance!

  2. This sounds like a great books, loved the interview.

  3. Please pass on to Zoe that the PERFECT place to read is my over stuffed chair-and-a-half. I can curl up, I have pillows to lean against, and there's even room for my cat, Elliot.

  4. Great interview. Can't wait to read the book. As for a great place to read - the sofa when the sun is shining is my favorite spot. Or anywhere my kids are cuddling.

  5. Great sounding book. Can't wait to read it. Thanks for the giveaway.

  6. I love the idea for the series!!! I can't wait to read it!!! Oh, btw, LOVE your boots!!!!! :D

  7. I like the sound of this series. Look forward to reading it.

  8. I have never read any of this writers work before, but it sounds interesting. I'd love a chance to win!

  9. Thanks for the lovely post and giveaway! I've heard such wonderful things about this book and I've added it to my wishlist :)

  10. Zoe your book cover is definitely hot and the blurb sounds fantastic. i am definitely adding this to my wishlist. Congrats on your new release. Thank you for the giveaway and Happy Holidays.

    Ronda Tutt

  11. I am fascinated to read more about the heroine being from the Rom culture and the hero an English lord tossed in with the paranormal elements.

    And might I say 'wow' that you and your husband can share working space.

    Thanks for posting the interview and for the giveaway opportunity.

  12. Great interview and giveaway! Thanks for introducing me to a new author...FAB cover!! Happy holidays!

  13. Zoe...My hubby and I have 2 cats too...A momma tabby and her boy, Chewy, an orange tabby. My suggestion for the office space--keep the cats (and hubby) but ditch the elliptical machine!


  14. Please enter me in this contest. Thank you.

  15. I love Zoe's what if's. Sounds like a fascinating new series.

  16. Id love to read this thank you for the chance to win it .

  17. I was eyeing those boots too. sorry totally off topic. =)

    This book is a great read!

  18. Can I just say how GREAT this book sounds!!!! I added it to my Kindle Must Haves wishlist!!!! Thanks ladies for the great interview and author reccommend I truly appreciate it!!!!!!

  19. Thanks for the giveaway! Zoe's books all sound like a cut from a different historical romance cloth.

  20. Sounds like a great book. Enjoyed the interview. Thanks for the chance.

  21. Well, if you want to have a summer fling with Whit, from DEVIL'S KISS, Zoe, that's a good enough incentive for me to want to read the book!! Awesome interview and giveaway:)

  22. I just finished reading Animal Magnetism and highly recommmend it! It was well written with humor and romance.

    books4me67 at ymail dot com

  23. It looks like a great book and my purse has grocery lists too.

  24. Someone just recommended your books to me. Cant wait to read them!

  25. Cool interview. The book sounds great.

  26. Great interview. The story sounds great, I will definitely being sinking my teeth into this one.
    Plus, love finding a fellow WHAM fan. I love wake me up before you go-go, I am a fantastic singer in my car. :-)

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  27. Awesome interview! TY for doing it!


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