
Saturday 14 January 2012

Lothaire (Paul Marron) says HI to UTC!!

As some of you are aware Kresley Cole is traveling with the gorgeous Paul Marron for the Lothaire book signings.  We have to thank our wonderful friend DiDi from Guilty Pleasures for thinking of us when she got to meet him (I'm sure thinking was probably difficult)!


  1. You know it was a hardship to get up close to him and ask for his autograph. But it was a sacrifice I was willing to make for my friends at UTC =)

    lol....Thanks for the Shout Out!

    Happy Saturday!

  2. That's AWESOME! =)

    I wish I still lived in FL, I definitely would be going to the Tampa signing.

  3. AMAZING, He looks 100x better in person, if that's possible lol.

  4. He looks so much better in person! Your pictures came out better than mine LOL.

  5. He's really SOMETHING!
    Wish could see him!
    *envy you*

  6. *sigh* oh so yummy!!

    I'm super excited for you all!!

  7. oh now i get the dark fascination people have with "lothaire".....he's so.....oh


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