
Monday 4 June 2012

ARC Review: Beauty by Laurell K. Hamilton

by Laurell K. Hamilton
(Anita Blake # 20.5)

Sexy, lots of sex and I mean a lot of sex (7 orgasms later, yes 7 of them) But what do you expect when you put Jean Claude, Anita and Asher together... in a hot tub no less. I liked this deleted scene, we were able to see how Anita has grown in her sexuality, and it's about time!!!

Story in a Nutshell:
Jean-Claude and Asher decide that they together will top Anita, but come on, we all know Jean-Claude is an Alpha male and he ends up TOPPING both Anita and Asher. After about 7 (I lost count after that) orgasms the story ends lol . But aside from all the sex, we're able to see how much love Jean-Claude has for Anita and how much she trusts him.

There is also a scene that is a sneak peek of the next book, Kiss the Dead (#21 in the series).

Favorite Quote:
I heard his voice in my mind, like a breath. “How can you doubt your beauty even now?”

*ARC provided by publisher

Purchase Links: Amazon


  1. Haven't read this series but this sounds good...definitely think I need to check this series out!

  2. Good review! I have this on my kindle and need to read the full size book that came out before this. The Anita Blake series is one of my auto-buy series because I love the characters so much and I'm so glad to see Anita and Jean Claude still in love after so many books.


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