
Friday 13 July 2012

Interview and Giveaway with Jasmine Haynes

Jasmine Haynes

Oh it's a great day today.  It's Friday and we have another very talented author spending some time with us today.  Jasmine Haynes writes some pretty hot books but that are also very emotional!  Have you had the chance to check them out?  You HAVE to!  Please help us welcome her to UTC today, thanks so much for being here today Jasmine!

Thank you so much for having me on the blog!

TAKE YOUR PLEASURE has a super hot cover that grabbed my attention. What was it about this story that made you want to write?

Thanks. I’m glad the cover grabbed you. My cover artist, Rae Monet, is wonderful. Don’t let my boss know, but the truth is, I was sitting in a boring meeting and I started daydreaming. Not about MY boss, but bosses in general. I suppose it’s politically incorrect to say that I find the whole boss/employee relationship very sexy. Not a forced thing—I would never condone sexual harassment—but a consensual fling. I’d also been toying with a BDSM theme. Lo and behold, it seemed perfect to combine the two things.

Here’s a little blurb of TAKE YOUR PLEASURE for your readers:
When Natalie Beaumonde catches her boyfriend with another woman, her boss Lincoln Masters hatches a plan to help her show her wandering man the error of his ways. Being a Master himself, Lincoln’s the perfect dom to help Natalie execute the punishment. But Lincoln has an agenda for Natalie of his own, one that involves a bit of bondage and a very good spanking!
Can you tell us any details about TWISTED BY LOVE, the first book in your Reincarnation Tales series?

I’ve wanted to write reincarnation since I read The Reincarnation of Peter Proud and watched the movie Dead Again. And I have to admit that I do believe in reincarnation. I’ve even done a couple of past life regressions. Readers can learn more about that on the 69 Shades of Smut blog, The reincarnation theme seems perfect for the whole endless love scenario. In the series, Reincarnation Tales, I introduce the Daniels family. TWISTED BY LOVE is Bern’s story, the eldest of the clan. Have you ever met someone that you felt like you’ve known forever? From the moment Bern Daniels sees Livie Scott in the lobby of his office building, he feels an uncanny sense of familiarity. And his desire for her is overpowering. Livie feels the same. The problem is her sister, whose goal is to keep them apart. Is it possible that they’ve lived this triangle in the past? Is their love doomed to end in tragedy?

What is your favorite scene in PAST MIDNIGHT, the first book in your DeKnight series?

PAST MIDNIGHT is a very emotional story about a married couple who have suffered a great tragedy: they’ve lost their son. Favorite is probably not the right word for this scene, but I do think one of the most powerful scenes is actually the first scene in the book, where Dominic is making love to his wife Erin. Here we see the deep chasm between them, how their lives have been blown apart and now all they have left is the physical. The reader feels Dominic’s gut-wrenching sense of loss, but also his great need to find his way back to Erin in both body and soul. My task with this story was to try to bring two broken people together again.

If you could collaborate with another erotica romance author, who would you like to work with?

I must admit that I’m a bit of a control freak, so collaborating would be hard for me. However, my good friend Leigh Wyndfield and I once considered doing a story where she took the male POV and I’d take the female. We’d play off each other. Now that I think I could do and have a lot of fun. Plus she’s a wonderful writer!

What do you do when you aren't reading or writing? What are some of your hobbies?

I speedwalk every morning, and I love to hike. I just wore out my hiking boots and need to get another pair! I also enjoy working in my garden, and in the evenings, I love sitting down to watch a good movie or mystery show with my hubby. And while I’m watching, I work on my needlepoint. I have needlepoints all over my house!

Erotic Romance is taking the world by storm right now, but you've been doing it for awhile. What are your thoughts on the fascination of all things sexy?

The doors have been opened wide, and readers are loving the sexy books authors are putting out. But what I find they want in their books is not just gratuitous sex, but also highly emotionally stories with memorable characters. My readers also seem to enjoy reading about older heroines. And I love writing them, women who’ve seen and done things, who’ve lost some of their inhibitions. That’s not to say I don’t write a few younger ones, too, for variety! I think people are looking for something new, fresh, highly sexy, and very emotional, and they’re finding it in erotic romance!

Who are your favorite erotic romance authors and what books would you recommend to your readers?

I love Bella Andre. Her Sullivan series is fabulous. And I love Crystal Kauffman’s Guardian’s Realm series. It features gargoyles, which is fresh and different from many of the paranormal offerings out there. Of course, Nalini Singh is marvelous. I read everything she writes! But right now I’m engrossed in George RR Martin’s Song of Ice and Fire series. It’s not erotic romance, but if you loved the Game of Thrones on HBO, the books only get better.

We are asking authors participating in the event to share a favorite drink recipe with readers. Do you have one you'd like to share?

I’m not sure it’s a recipe, but my favorite drink is a champagne cocktail. Drop a sugar cube in the bottom of a champagne flute, add a teaspoon of Angostura bitters, then fill the glass with champagne. Be careful, though, the sugar will make the champagne foam quickly, so pour very slowly.

Let's give the readers something to drool over! Can you give us a sexy excerpt from one of your books?

We haven’t talked about my West Coast hotwifing series. So why don’t I give readers a taste of Book 1, Revenge Sex, which I’m offering as a prize on this blog!
Tough, autocratic CFO Clay Blackwell strikes both fear and loyalty into the hearts of his employees. But he’s got one quirk no one at West Coast Manufacturing knows: he loves the idea of his live-in girlfriend Ruby being with another man...then coming home to him for the best sex of his life as she describes every naughty detail. He’s got only three stipulations: no sex with anyone from work, no sex with another man in their own home, and she always has to tell him when she has a date. The problem? What to do with a “hotwife” who has all the freedom any woman could want, but still can’t follow three simple rules.

Jessica Murphy has the utmost respect and admiration for her CFO. She also has wild sex fantasies about Clay every night. Not that she’d ever tell anyone. Until she walks in on Clay’s girlfriend Ruby screwing Bradley the financial analyst right on Clay’s desk.

After that, all bets are off and a little revenge sex is the name of the game. Ruby thinks she’ll placate Clay by telling him to have sex with another woman to pay her back for all her rule-breaking. When Jessica learns about that, she makes up her mind to seduce her boss for keeps, not just one night of revenge.

But can she become the more-than-one-man woman Clay Blackwell wants? Or will his desires tear them apart?
Excerpt of Revenge Sex
Copyright Jasmine Haynes

Jessica Murphy jerked, then snapped to a sitting position on the break room sofa. In the dark, the microwave clock flipped to ten-oh-five in bright blue letters. Good Lord, all she’d wanted to do was rest her eyes, a five-minute catnap; she’d slept for over an hour. The board meeting was on Friday, and she needed to review the March quarterly financials tomorrow with Clay Blackwell, the Chief Financial Officer. But there was an issue in CIP, the construction-in-progress account.

A noise had woken her. It couldn’t be the cleaning staff; they’d left before her so-called catnap. She rose from the couch, crossing to the door by the illumination of the microwave clock. The hallway was dark. She’d turned out all the lights, not wanting to waste electricity, especially when she was accounting manager for West Coast Manufacturing, which meant she knew exactly how much the PG&E bill was.

There it was again. Bracing herself against the doorframe, she strained to hear. A moan. Then she was sure she could make out voices, though the words were indistinguishable. She shivered slightly. The automatic thermostat turned the heating down at nine, raising it again at six in the morning. Despite being the beginning of April, the San Francisco Bay Area was still chilly at night.

Stepping out into the hallway, which bordered all the cubicles in the middle of the large accounting department, she made out lights on the far side. From the CFO’s office. But Clay had been long gone before she’d crashed on the break room sofa. Obviously, he’d come back.

What if he’d discovered her sleeping? Jessica fluffed her hair, which was curly and tended to get mashed after she slept on it. It must look like a rat’s nest. And her lipstick was probably smudged. She ran a finger under each eye to get rid of any mascara, then smoothed beneath her lips, hoping that was good enough to fix the lipstick. She hated the idea of Clay Blackwell seeing her at anything less than her best. He lived with the CEO’s executive admin, Ruby Williams, and Jessica didn’t have designs on him—she wasn’t a home wrecker—but she admired Clay immensely and...well...a woman could have her fantasies in the middle of the night when no one else suspected.

All right, nothing could be done about her appearance now. She marched down the small walkway between the cubicles, and the sounds from the other side of the thin dividers grew exponentially louder with every step she took. Jessica’s heart started to pound, and she thought about turning around and getting the hell out. Because really, what was Clay doing in his office? And just who was he with?

She might have run, too, if she hadn’t heard distinct words in a female voice—“Clay’s never taken me like this”—punctuated by a man’s low growl of pleasure.

Turning the corner by the end of a cubicle wall, Jessica could see straight into Clay’s office. Her breath stopped in her chest.

Ruby Williams was facedown on the desk, skirt pushed up over her butt, dark hair flowing around her shoulders, eyes closed, her red lips parted on a moan of intense pleasure. Behind her, Bradley Palmer was tall, his features strained, his stubbled jaw line rigid. The AP girls oohed and aahed over his resemblance to Brad Pitt. Jessica had never liked Brad Pitt. She didn’t particularly like Bradley Palmer either.

And she hated Ruby for letting Bradley screw her right on Clay’s desk. Ruby and Clay had lived together for three years, since shortly before Jessica had started at West Coast Manufacturing. Even if they weren’t married, Clay was Ruby’s significant other in every sense of the word. And Ruby worked at West Coast, too, for God’s sake. This was so totally wrong.

Jessica should have run away right then, but her feet were rooted to the carpet right outside the pool of light spilling from the open door. She couldn’t move. She could only watch. And listen.

“Isn’t it hot, baby? Tomorrow when you’re meeting with Clay”—Ruby giggled—“you can think about what you were doing to me right here.”

Lastly, what's next for Jasmine Haynes?

I’ve got lots in store for readers! Twisted by Love should be available sometime in August. Readers have asked for an update on the erstwhile foursome in Kinky Neighbors, so I’m working on a short sequel, which should also be available by the end of summer. The third book in my West Coast Series, The Boss’s Daughter, is in the works. I’m also pleased to say that I’ll be writing two more books for Berkley! I’m still discussing the plots with my editor, but readers will probably see those books starting in 2013.

Author Bio:
Jasmine Haynes, Rita Finalist for Somebody’s Lover, plus two-time Holt Medallion and National Readers Choice Award winner, is the author of over 30 classy, erotic romance tales. Look for more in the West Coast series coming soon. Of course, she’s also the author of the award-winning Max Starr psychic mystery series. And don’t miss her writing as Jennifer Skully, KOD Daphne award-winning author, bringing you poignant tales peopled with hilarious characters that will make you laugh and make you cry.

Stalk Her:

Visit her website at and her blog at Jasmine is also on Facebook,, and Twitter: @jasminehaynes1.

Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by today Jasmine, we loved having you here!

One lucky maiden will win a pdf copy ofRevenge Sex, West Coast, Book 1

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hey Jasmine.. Already have all your books so not doing the contest.. I actually have your older More Than A Night in the book format (now there is a cover that needs to be updated :) ) Loved the first two West Coast books - cant wait for the daughter's book...

  2. I love Jasmine Haynes. I was reading her books years ago. Thanks for the giveaway

  3. I didn't realize that Jasmine was also Jennifer Skully...too cool!
    Thanks for the contest :)

  4. Great interview! I've read some of Ms. Haynes shorter stories in some anthologies she's been in and just got my first full length book written by hers (of course it's the 3rd in a series but I'm going to go ahead and read it

  5. Cindy, thanks for reading all my books! And LOL, I've been thinking about that, too, asking my publisher,, if we could do a new cover for More Than A Night! I'll be working on The Boss's Daughter in a few weeks!

    Thank you, Jo, for reading me for years!

    I'm glad I could let you know that jasmine and Jennifer are one, Cheryl!

    If you're talking about The Principal's Office, Maria, the story will stand alone without having read the previous ones in the series. I hope you enjoy!

    Thanks to everyone for stopping by!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I'm looking forward to reading this series, especially this book which has an interesting twist. I haven't read a book before where the hero actually wanted his woman to sleep with other men (without him present)and hear the details.

    Definitely not something I'd put up with, but sounds fun to read about.

  8. Maria, Usually, I'm OCD with reading in order but in this case, Principal's office is totally stand alone and you will not be lost.
    I read that first before Past Midnight. I love both books.

  9. Jasmine Haynes is a new to me author but will soon be added to my TBR list. Thanks so much for the interview.



  10. I would definitely keep the artist who does your covers...amazing!

  11. I have not read any of Jasmine's books but I can see that I am going to be a fan. The covers are beautiful; very sensual.

  12. I haven't read any of Jasmine's works yet, but that is about to change- they all sound fabulous!
    mcv111 at hotmail dot com

  13. I haven't read any of Jasmine's books yet but I plan to.

  14. Jasmine is a new author for me. Thanks for the great interview and excerpt. All these books sound fantastic.

  15. It's a very different premise, Ann, I'll grant you that! But that's part of the fun of this series!

    Thank you, Angela, for that wonderful endorsement of the DeKnight series, and also for the wonderful review!

    books4me, I'll definitely be keeping my fabulous cover artist! Her name is Rae Monet! She doesn't do the Berkley books, though, and I've gotten some great covers from them, too, especially The Principal's Office.

    smartmouthtexan, Yvette, mcv, megblod, and Joanne, I'm so glad you found me at this blog. And I hope you enjoy the books you might choose to read!

    Thanks for stopping by, everyone!

  16. I haven't read any of your books so far but they sound really good and I can't wait.

  17. I would also like to mention that Smashwords is having their summer sale, and this weekend on Smashwords, you can try two of my books free, Dead to the Max and Double the Pleasure.

  18. The excerpt from Revenge Sex sounds good. I'm sure that will be hot fun! And the cover of Take Your Pleasure is very sexy. Yum.

  19. Thanks so much, Catherin. I'm glad they both caught your eye!

  20. Jasmine...Thanks for the tip about the free books on Smashwords. I got a few good titles.

  21. I just finished reading her Max Starr series and LOVED it. Definitely planning to read more from this author.

  22. This is the first that I am seeing of Jasmine Haynes... that's just wrong:) So I looked up her books and now I think I might be hooked! Thanks for the giveaway and for adding more to my wishlist!

  23. Thank you for dropping by, Dicey. And you know how much I appreciate you telling everyone how much you love Max! Thank you!

    Yadkny, thank you for discovering me and getting hooked!

  24. Loved the post. Your books sound like great reads and I love the covers! Thanks for sharing I have added them to my tbr list.


  25. :) Such a huge Jasmine Haynes fan! "Fortune Hunter" is one of my favorite romances, just love it so much!

    Congratulations on your new release, we are all excited!

    brunettelibrarian AT gmAil . c0m
    The Brunette Librarian Blog

  26. I'm a huge Jasmine Haynes fan ever since I read the anthology Twin Peaks...great post btw!!!

  27. Great interview. Have loved Jasmine Hayes books since reading The Fortune Hunter. Thanks for the giveaway!

  28. Certainly one of the most imtriguing author in the erotica genre. I will definitely put my hands on Past Midnight, too emotionally charged and sexy to miss it!

  29. Thank you, Gabrielle. I'm glad the post and covers intrigued you!

    Brunette Librarian and RedJuliet, wonderful that you both loved The Fortune Hunter! Thanks on the release and interview!

    Thanks so much for being with me since Twin Peaks, Timitra! That's a long time!

    A wonderful compliment, Mina. Thank you! And I'm so glad you're intrigued about Past Midnight. It's such an emotional story!

    Thanks, everyone!

  30. Great interview and excerpt. I don't like Ruby from this excerpt and really hope that Clay finds out what she is like and dumps her, and of course gets a little revenge ;)

  31. Wow tres sexy, I cannot wait to start reading this author! sdylion(at)gmail(dot)com

  32. Thank you, June! I'm glad the excerpt intrigued you! But mums the word, I won't tell you what happens to Ruby!

    Glad you found the xcerpt sexy, SdyLion! Thank you

  33. I have not read anything by this author yet so I appreciate this site bringing her to my attention. This book looks like a great first read!

  34. Wow hot cover!!! Love it! This series sounds great added to my tbr!! Off to Smashwords to check put your books!

  35. Loved the interview. I am getting a lot of books for my list! Thank you for the chance to win

  36. Jasmine Hayes was new author for me. It's sound great from i see another cooment. I wanna read her books :)

  37. Dominic and Erin's story sounds intense. Great interview! So glad you had Jasmine featured so I could find out about her!

  38. Hello Jasmine,

    Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to spend time with us. You are a new Author to me, but that will be changing very soon Thanks to your GREAT Interview & your Books that definitely sound like FANTASTIC Reads! I LQQk forward to reading Books! Thanks for your very generous Giveaway.

    Take Care & Stay Naughty,
    PaParanormalFan (Renee’ S.)
    paranormalromancefan at yahoo dot com

  39. I am so intrigued by the title of this book. Revenge Sex sounds like a great read. I've found a new author.
    luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

  40. Wonderful contest, thank you so much! I loved reading the interview!!!!

  41. I love the idea that we find people from past lives and keep them in our lives. Thanks for the interview your work looks fantastic.
    Carin mawmom(at)gmail(dot)com

  42. Thanks, Landry! I'm glad you found me here.

    Glad you loved the cover, Andie! And great that you took advantage of the freebies on Smashwords!

    Jess, thanks for adding my books to you TBR list!

    Thanks, Filia, I'm happy the books interested you!

    You are right, Lexi, Dominic and Erin have a very intense, emotional story. I"m glad it intrigued you!

    Thank you, Renee. I'm so glad the books appealed to you and the interview intrigued you!

    Julianne, wonderful that the title of Revenge Sex appealed to you! It came into my mind, and I had to write a book that fit it!

    Thanks for stopping by, Carol, and enjoying the interview!

    Carin, I love that you're intrigued by the reincarnation theme. It's been in me a long time to write a past life story!

    Thank you, everyone, I'm so glad that so many of you have found me as a new author through Under The Covers Blog! It's been great visiting with all of you!

  43. halo jasmine....
    i love ur book's covers...very hot and steamy...
    i must confest...i haven't read ur books before...but i am eager to...
    wish me luck...
    i hope i win this giveaway...
    thx u :)

  44. I haven't read anything by this author before, but Revenge Sex sounds really good! Thanks for the chance to win. :)

  45. Been happily reading Ms. Haynes's work for years now :) Thanks for the lovely interview!

    f dot chen at comcast dot net

  46. Thank you, nurmawati. I'm so glad you love the covers!

    Angie, I'm glad Revenge Sex sounds intriguing.

    And Fedora, thank you so much for being such a wonderful fan all these years!

    Thanks to all of you for stopping by!


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