
Sunday 15 July 2012

Review: Stalking the Others by Jess Haines

Stalking the Others
(H&W Investigations #4)
by Jess Haines

I’m sorry to say but this series as officially lost its appeal for me. I very much enjoyed the first two books in this series, but the third book was a DNF. I felt that Shiarra’s head was lost in the clouds while dire things were happening. She ignored several warnings that only resulted in more trouble. I don’t like it when an author creates drama or conflict at the expense of their character.

Fortunately, I was able to get through STALKING THE OTHERS but just didn’t care very much with what happened to Shiarra. She has officially lost her appeal. I found myself liking some parts, but then dozing off in others. There’s a ton of unnecessary internal dialogue that I think can be filtered out. I skimmed a lot.

While I show indifference to Shiarra’s character, there are other characters whom I simply don’t like. I think I will save myself the trouble next time and just end the series here. It’s time to say goodbye to Shiarra and the gang.

*Review copy provided by publisher
 Purchase Links:Amazon


  1. I hate when a good series goes bad! I have this book on my Kindle - hopefully I will enjoy it more than you did. Thanks for the honest review.

  2. Maria, I do hope you like this better than I did!!



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