
Friday 17 August 2012

Review: Townie and the Twink by Daisy Harris

Townie and the Twink
by Daisy Harris
(Men of Holsum College # 3)

First things first...there is no way I will go any further into this review without acknowledging the elephant in the room.  Or in this case, the terrible cover.  I really almost did pass up on reading this because it was hurting my eyes. Gahhhh!  But the blurb was catching and I really did want to see what these college boys were all about.  I am actually really glad I did!  So if this is holding you back, please get past that!

This was my first read by Daisy Harris and obviously I'm coming into this series in the middle.  I worked great as a standalone and it worked pretty good being that it's a short story.  Yes, as with other short stories there are things in a relationship that do feel rushed and I had some issues with.  But I have come to expect that a lot of times there will be an I love you that I feel shouldn't be there.

Nick, the townie, is the local boy still living at home and going to college.  Doesn't have a lot of money.  And thinks he's straight.  Gabe is the openly gay guy at school.  Their relationship is actually kind of cute.  Gabe right away knows he has a chance with Nick and he eases him into pushing his boundaries.  I thought, for someone who thought he was straight, Nick was too easily persuaded to do a lot.  But for the length of this book it worked.

There was a little bit of humor and some hot smexy times (especially the smoking hot one where Nick bangs on the door and comes in all rough and ready, oh my!) and, along with liking both Nick and Gabe, I also enjoyed the secondary characters in this story.  I can't wait to go forward and read about Brooks and Matt.  

*Review copy provided by author
Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes and Noble


  1. I've seen other books from this series before and thought it sounded like fun light reading. Totally agree about the cover! Hehe!

    Thanks for sharing your review!

  2. Thanks for the review - yeah the cover really stinks

  3. That cover is awful but the story sounds really good!

  4. LOL thanks ladies. Yeah...they need a cover makeover!



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