
Friday 24 August 2012

Romance Rewind: A Day with the Hathaways

The Hathaways by Lisa Kleypas
How you know you are a humongous Lisa Klepas fan:

(1) Reread all her books obsessvly avidly;
(2) Have daydreamed about all her heroes;
(3) Have a fangirl scream-dance release day routine perfected.

We have all the above ticked off and feel no shame, and although we can no longer do (3) for the Hathaways as it is a complete series, number (1) and (2) are still going strong (especially (2)) Like all LK's romances the Hathaway series is well written, funny and romantic, reading each one is like meeting up with your friends and family and settling in to watch the romance blossom.

The reading order is below with a small quote to entice you further!

Book One: Mine Till Midnight

“The Rom believe you should take the road that calls to you, and never turn back. Because you never know what adventures await. So we're going to take this road," he murmured, "and see where it leads.”

Book Two: Seduce Me at Sunrise

“All the fires of hell could burn for a thousand years and it wouldn't equal what I feel for you in one minute of the day. I love you so much there is no pleasure in it. Nothing but torment. Because if I could dilute what I feel for you to the mil­lionth part, it would still be enough to kill you. And even if it drives me mad, I would rather see you live in the arms of that cold, soulless bastard than die in mine."

Book Three: Tempt Me at Twilight

“In the fairy tale you mentioned last night, I would probably be the villain. But it's possible the villain would treat you far better than the prince would have.”

Book Four: Married by Morning

“You are not a perfect woman. You have an evil temper, you’re as blind as a mole, you’re a deplorable poet, and frankly, your French accent could use some work.” Supporting himself on his elbows, Leo took her face in his hands. “But when I put those things together with the rest of you, it makes you into the most perfectly imperfect woman I’ve ever known.”

Book Five: Love in the Afternoon

“Beatrix, do you know what happens to girls who ask such naughty questions?”
“They’re ravished in haylofts?” she inquired hopefully.


  1. LOL! I can tick off 1 and 2 also :))

    LK is a great writer, but I miss her HRs so I can't wait for her to go back to them :)

  2. Love all the quotes...thanks for highlighting this series!

  3. I'm with Aly. I've read a couple of her contemps but gave up after that. I don't think I will read any more of her work unless it's a historical.

    Plus, Some of her historicals have Paul Marron on the stepbacks but not the contemps.


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