Indecent Experiment

Have you ever wondered what goes on at those psych experiment places? Well for Melissa and Matt it all came down to money. She needed money to pay her bills. He needed money to go with his buddies to Cancun. And $1,000 offered to participate in a week-long psych experiment was too hard to resist. And all they had to do was spend time with someone chosen by the psychologists to see analyze the reasons why you would have sex with a person.
They were first interviewed and asked for their perfect partner requests. Of course they got the complete opposite!! They are not each others first pick in looks and personality. But first impressions aren't always the best way to judge a person are they? As they spend more time together and follow the simple requests and instructions of the experiment they realize that they like each other a lot more than they expected.
But it will all come down to the end of that week. What will they decide? Are they going to have sex or not?
I really enjoyed this story. The characters seemed very real, and likeable, and even though this was a pretty quick read, it was definitely entertaining.
My favorite quote:
"We just want to find out how long it takes you guys to decide if you'd like to bang like a screen door in a hurricane."

I gotta say, this is really intriguing :D And I love that quote!
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