* Jacquelyn Frank: Author Override | UTC Reviews
* Skye Warren: Author Override
* Narrator Lorelei King: Interview
* Stephanie Tyler: Interview
* Carolyn Crane: Author Override | UTC Review
* J.T. Geissinger: Interview | UTC Review
* Men and Women of the Military Giveaway Hop
* Keri Arthur: Interview | UTC Reviews

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Interview and Giveaway with Lorelei James!

Welcome back to Under the Covers's Burning Up July erotica event! We are so excited to have the cowboy queen, erotica author Lorelei James with us today.  You might've heard of her Rough Riders, Blacktop Cowboys or Wild West Boys series. James know exactly how to steam up the pages of her books and if you have not read any of her work yet, then get to it! For more information on Lorelei James, jump on her website here.

UTC: Thank you so much for taking the time to be with us today! We love your work! But if you weren't an author, what would you be?

If this is a fantasy type thing, I'd say a kick ass cop. But if I have to pick something that utilizes my current marketable skill set...I'd be screwed, so it's a good thing I love my writing job, huh?

UTC: It is a damn good thing you do the writing thing, otherwise we'd be out of hot books! So, what are your "must-haves" when writing?

I write all new material on a laptop with no internet access so I'm not tempted to screw off, so I must have a candle burning in my bedroom when I'm writing. I need quiet, which is why I work best during the day when I'm home by myself. I wish my answer was that I needed something cool and unusual in order to write, like pickled squid and aromatic tea, hand picked from a mountainous slope in China, but nothing that exotic or glamorous.

UTC: LOL, that seems glamorous enough! What book was the hardest for you to write?

It's always the last book I finished, but then again, the last book I wrote is also my favorite book, with my favorite couple, so I think that's mostly because it's the one freshest in my mind. When working on an ongoing series it's difficult to think back and remember specifics about what sections or what characters gave me hell, because at some point, they all give me hell. What I've found interesting, after starting my 29th writing project, is this gig doesn't get easier. In fact, each book gets harder to write.

UTC: Which one of your heroines is most like you?

Some days I'm like Keely, some days I'm more like AJ, some days I'm channeling Skylar, but the heroine I wish I could be most like isn't on of my romance heroines, but my mystery heroine, Mercy Gunderson. She's a take no shit chick and a helluva shot.

UTC: Are you going to do a prequel story about Carlson and Carolyn and how they got together?

Now that's an interesting question, isn't it? Yes, that's artfully dodging it :)

UTC: Now let's do some fun questions! Pick just one character for each statement!

I would marry.... Kade McKay because he's such a stand up guy, and a great daddy to little girls -- plus he's hot :)
I would have a summer fling with.... Colby McKay because he knows his way around bein' a naughty bad boy behind the chutes.
I would have a hot one night stand with....Bennett McKay because for the most part, Ben doesn't do more than one night with any woman, but he does give you his undivided intention during that long, hot night.

UTC: What are five weird (or maybe not so weird) thing about yourself that readers don't know.

1) I'm not comfortable riding horses
2) I've got a cowgirl boot fetish
3) I once did a ride along with a cop for a class I was taking and we ended up at a crime scene where a guy had been stabbed in the head with a steak knife
4) My maternal grandmother is 102 years old and sharp as a tack
5) I am highly resistant to buying a smart phone

UTC: So, we have read Chasin' Eight and thought it was great, but it seemed a little different from your other books, still plenty hot and fun but a little more serious, was this intentional?

I don't know if it was intentional, but I knew from the start of the book that Chase would be facing some big challenges in order to change. Sticking to his initial plan before he met Ava was part of his change. So was dealing with tragedy. So was figuring out he wanted to be more than just a bull rider. So was falling in love with Ava. I remember texting my editor with the comment that there was no sex between Chase and Ava until the midpoint of the book, which is pretty late in my erotic romances. But every story is different, every couple's journey to happily ever after is unique, the challenges the hero and heroine face aren't the same in any book, so some books/plots are lighter, some deal with more emotional issues. CHASIN' EIGHT is my longest book to date and that wasn't intentional. I just uncovered more about my complex cowboy than I'd initially imagined, and I wanted to share that character arc with readers, especially since Chase has sort of been a mystery throughout the previous ten books in the Rough Riders series.

UTC: The character that really really intrigued (and by intrigued I mean made me hot) was Ben, Chase's older brother, will he be getting a book, and if so when!? I wanna see what he does with that collar and chain!

Ah, Ben. Well, I gave you a little bit of a teaser above. But yes, I'm working on Ben's book, titled COWBOY CASANOVA, and it will release on Dec. 6th. And just to be clear, Ben's lady is not someone I've hinted at in previous RR books.

UTC: Another character that I liked, although she was only in it briefly was Winnie, I loved that she called Chase on his BS (for a minute I thought they were gonna be getting together!) Is she going to feature on future books, or hook up with anyone?

I know a lot of readers thought Chase would end up with his publicist after his lewd comment to her in COWGIRLS DON'T CRY, but I knew the minute Ava appeared on the page she'd be perfect for Chase. So no, Winnie's appearance was a one time thing.

UTC: What do you think of bull riding and the rodeo, are you a big fan?

I'm a huge rodeo fan and attend as many local rodeos as possible, as well as hitting some away from home. This year I attended the Houston rodeo, with several of my beloved James Gang members, and I'll be in Cheyenne the end of the month for Cheyenne Frontier Days. Next year I'm hoping to get to the San Antonio rodeo and the Pendelton Round Up.

Viva la cowboys!!!!!!

This giveaway, open across the board, internationally will be a free book, either in ebook or in print, winner's choice.

To enter:
1. Be a follower
2. Fill out the form


Buggy's Blog said...

Thanks for the great interview you lucky girls.

Anonymous said...

Great interview. I am just discovering the Rough Riders series and would love to meet these characters.


June M. said...

Great interview. I have not read many of the series yet but I am working on them. :)

Love that Lorelei is not comfortable riding horses. I have always been scared of them, but that's ok since I can't be near them anyway due to allergies. Just too bad because I live in Kentucky and they are everywhere!

Anonymous said...

Love the interview! I am DIEING for Corralled!

SiNn said...

I heart Lorelei! her books how aweosme she is too her fans

_yay_ said...

I love Lorelei James' books! Thank you so much for the giveaway :-). Don't want to buy a Smartphone? Didn't see that one coming haha.

Texas Book Lover said...

I recently read a free kindle download of Lorelie's and loved it and really looking forward to reading more of her books!

Thanks for the chance!

Irene Jackson said...

great interview and I love the books. i am steadily reading through the list and would love to win one.

Dawn said...

AWESOME interview...I LOVE me some Ben already!!

Escape by Fiction said...

I sure hope Ben's book is next. Great interview. I love, love, love all of Lorelei's books - she's converted me from a PNR only to a cowboy fan now.

Good reading ~ Escape by Fiction :)

Want to be a cowgirl said...

i so want to be a cowgirl...! love the interview.

smiles said...

Super interview

Leagh said...

Great interview...thanks for being here L.

Unknown said...

Excellent interview! I loved the answers about about the five weird things. I never would have guessed that about horses and LJ.
I have read every single book by LJ but I have never picked up a Mercy Gunderson book. I am interested now.
Oh yeah, I loved the "who would I marry" Kade is my fav McKay!

Well done! MichelleKCanada

Modokker said...

Awesome interview. I recently read the first in this series and enjoyed it. I have serious catching up to do. lol

Lisa B

Kanya said...

Loved the interview! Thanks for the giveaway!


Elaine G said...

Great interview.Thanks for the giveaway

BLHmistress said...

I haven't read any book by Lorelei's been wanting too though. I am the same way with horses, I love them just scared to ride them. only one I rode if you wanna count that is a pony when I was younger.

Darlene said...

Lorelei's books sounds great! Thanks for the giveaway!

Carol L. said...

Would love to win any book in the Rough Rider series. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

In Julie's Opinion said...

I haven't read any books in the Rough Rider series yet so that would be my choice! Thanks for a great giveaway:)
jwitt33 at live dot com

Megan@Riverina Romantics said...

Theses are the only cowboy books that I read!

Unknown said...

Great interview! I love cowboy heroes.

Nissie said...

Awesome interview and giveaway!

Happy Weekend to all :)

theba71 said...

Would love to have another book by Lorelei.. Love both her Rough Rider series and Blacktop Cowboys series. Looking forward to Cowboy Casanova and Wrangled and Tangled..Thanks Lorelei... Thea

Andrea said...

I love Lorelei's Cowboy books.

Jen B. said...

I love Lorelei's books. I hope I win so I can give Corralled to my niece. I think she would love it!

Mary Preston said...

Loved the interview. Having a cowgirl boot fetish sounds like something I could definitely get on board with.


Cassandra @ Book & Movie Dimension a Blog said...



lovesbooks2 said...

I've said it before & I'll keep saying it....I love your books! Thanks for the interview and teaser's... I've added a visit to cowboy country to my bucketlist ;-)

Pendelton Round-Up the rodeo in Oregon? Maybe I'll see you there as I live in the beautiful state.

IdentitySeeker said...

Wow! You must be so proud of your grandma! I can only ever hope to live to that age and remain sharp. I'm surprised that you're resistant to buying an iPhone, though. Although I guess it can be an unnecessary stressor. Thanks for the giveaway:)


Michelle said...

Great interview!

Sherry said...

I love the interview. Thanks for the giveaway.

sstrode at scrtc dot com

Booksrforever123 said...

one of my favorite authors-great job Lorelee
j-coverholser at sbcglobal.net

JoAnna said...

I have only read the first in the Rough Riders series. And can I say I love cowboys. Must get the rest of the series.

Thanks for the interview.

Pam S said...

Thanks for sharing such a fun interview! LOL on the needs for working. I've not started Rough Riders yet but have the first couple of books and so need to get on it :)!

Sam S2 said...

OMDAYUM I love Ms. James, she is my freaking idol. Best erotic series EVA!

xander_316 said...

Hello. My name is Linda Fitzpatrick and I am a Rough Rider addict!!! OMG i just noticed this competition... yes please i would love to enter :)

Koushka said...

Can't get enough LJ
Hit it out of the park everytime....
Love it

Erika said...

Gotta love those gruff cowboys. Every LJ book gets better and better!

Vick428 said...

I just loved LJ's interview and always look forward to reading every single installment of RR and once that's done, I'll pick up another one of LJ's series, cause that cowgirl sure knows how to write 'em. :)