Hell Hath No Fury
by Jamie Brenner
(The Gin Lovers # 6)
The moment has finally come! The last installment in the Gin Lovers serial. If you haven't been reading this along, like me, then I think you're missing out. The world Ms. Brenner created is addictive and alluring. After the past few episodes, I was very excited to read this last one.
The events leading up to this book, and then everything that happens in this last episode, had me biting my nails and pulling my hair. This series is full of intrigue. I admit there were times reading this episode that I didn't know which way the author was going to go with the ending and our main love interest. But rest assured there is a HEA.
Basically Jake is going to jail and the only one that can do something to save him is Charlotte. She has the big fish the cops need to drop the charges against Jake. And yes, that would be her husband. Incredible how much Charlotte has changed throughout this serial and has come out of her shell and sharpened her claws. She is feisty but smart, knows when to push and when to let things go.
We get a resolution with all the characters in the series and I was happy with everything. Obviously the one I was most anxious about was Jake and Charlotte. But this was actually my reason for giving this 4 stars instead of 5. Rafferty, who has been Charlotte's silent ally in the house, was showing feelings for her in this one. To bring this up this far into the story I thought was unnecessary. It had me scared that out of nowhere Charlotte would end up with someone that she didn't have feelings for. And on that same token, how could Rafferty stir anything in Charlotte when she's in love with Jake and doing everything she can to help him? OK rant over.
That one minor thing aside, I think this serial is a must read. If you are not into serial books, then make sure you pick up a copy of the full length book which will include all the episodes, which comes out in February.
I was so excited to know how it ended but now I know I'm going to miss reading it!
*ARC provided by publisher

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