* Jacquelyn Frank: Author Override | UTC Reviews
* Skye Warren: Author Override
* Narrator Lorelei King: Interview
* Stephanie Tyler: Interview
* Carolyn Crane: Author Override | UTC Review
* J.T. Geissinger: Interview | UTC Review
* Men and Women of the Military Giveaway Hop
* Keri Arthur: Interview | UTC Reviews

Friday, 3 June 2011

Interview and Giveaway with Laura Wright!

The ladies at Under the Covers are thrilled to announce that Laura Wright is our Author of the Month! In a time when vampire novels can be tiresome and redundant, Ms. Wright manages to take us on a refreshing spin of the common fanged creatures. 

Thank you so much for stopping by today and answering our questions! So let’s get started and get to know you a little more. Who is Laura Wright? Tell us five things that most readers would not know about you.

First of all, let me say thank you so much for having me as your author of the month! I’m honored to be here. Now, on to the 5 things you may not know about me..

1. I drink the same cup of coffee all day. I just keep warming it up in the microwave.. (are you gagging yet? )

2. I love to garden, and I mean LOVE, but I will only plant things I can eat. Lol..I hate flowers, shrubs, bushes etc.

3. When I can’t seem to move forward on a character or plot, I get in the shower. For some reason, the hot water makes the magic happen, baby. (Dirty thoughts, Ladies? Heh heh)

4. I’m not a huge paranormal reader. <gasp> Now, don’t get me wrong, I have my beloved authors and books in paranormal romance for sure, but my favourite genre is actually historical – and the steamier the better!

5. I never, ever thought I’d be a writer. I was all about acting and ballroom dancing since childhood, and believed I’d keep going in that direction.

UTC: As we mentioned earlier, you have built a complex and darkly alluring world with this paranormal romance series. How did Mark of the Vampire come to be? What was the inspiration behind the series?

The Breeding Male was my initial inspiration for the series. I fell in love with the idea of a genetically altered vampire of supreme strength, glorious looks, terrifying hunger and amazing sexual abilities. <heh heh> I’m odd that way, I suppose ;)

UTC: With vampires being a popular choice for paranormal romance series, what intrigued you about these fanged creatures? Did you know that the brothers would be vampires from the very beginning?

What I love about vampires is the same thing I love about animal hybrid characters – the deep hunger that only an animal or near-animal feels. Characters that are caught between human and animal completely fascinate me. The fierceness in them to mate, feed, fight wars with all the human emotion and drive.

I didn’t know the boys would be vamps right away.. I knew they wouldn’t be human, but the vampire part of them came from their father, the Breeding Male and what I created him to be.

UTC: On to questions about favorites! If you could spend the day with only ONE brother, who would you pick and why? What type of activities would you do?

Yikes. This is so hard because each one has qualities I adore and am attracted to. I will say Nicky – TODAY..lol.. He has certain sexual gifts that … ummmm.. I thoroughly appreciate.
<are you blushing? I am!>
Lol, you asked!!

UTC: Between the brothers, who was the most difficult to write? The easiest?

Nicky was so difficult to write. So painful with his history, what he was forced to do, and how hard I had to push him out of his comfort zone and into reality. Alexander and his cage killed me – killed me! And then again, I cried my head off for the last ¼ of Luca’s book, so I dunno.. None of them have been easy, that’s for sure!

UTC: What is one quality that all heroes should have?

Great question! And for me the answer is, no matter how much of an asshole they are, how alpha they get, how wicked their tongue or the actions, they are always honourable when it comes to women.

UTC: I adore the names of your characters! Do character names come easy for you? What about the terminology you use throughout this series? I.e. balas, veana, etc...

Thank you! I like regular names for heroes and heroines – for the most part – and I felt in this series it would be interesting for the boys to have normal names in a very abnormal world.

The terminology – I felt that the Eternal Breed, living their separate lives in their credentis for so many centuries would have their own language as well as having taken on some of the more modern language.

UTC: One of the best things about your Mark of the Vampire series is the distinction between the Impures and the Pureblood vampires. What was the inspiration for this?

Class systems are fascinating to observe and to write, as well as strong motivators for conflict. We all understand a need to change the way our governing bodies are doing things just as we all feel the injustice when someone is being persecuted or their rights are stripped from them. It’s a universal desire to want to be free – and to fight for that freedom at any cost.

In the MOTV world, there hasn’t been much change until Alex’s book, until the Order messes with the Romans. Now, they have to decide what they believe, and ultimately what side they will fight for.

UTC: Luca trumps both Alex and Nicky in my eyes! I adore him! What can we expect from his book, Eternal Captive?

Lol, Luca. He has stolen many a heart, beating and not :) He’s my terrifying beautiful asshole and his book made me ball like a baby – or a balas :) In Eternal Captive you can expect Luca to be challenged on every level. He is forced to deal with the side of himself he most fears – and it may not be what you think…

UTC: Tell us, what’s next for Laura Wright?

What’s next for Laura Wright.. well, first I’m going to go downstairs and make a sandwich for lunch, then.. Oh, you mean it terms of the series? Gotcha.

The Mark of the Vampire series is just beginning. The war of the Impures and Purebloods is just heating up, and the Roman family is and must expand. Coming up this summer, I’ll be posting a free read on my website with the boys and their mates thus far, then in Dec/Jan I have an e-novella coming out called, ETERNAL BLOOD. It’s Gray and Dillon and the Impure world. Then We have Luca in Feb! So much ahead!!

Thanks SO much for having me here! What a blast – hope to come back and maybe bring Lucca???

UTC:Yes, please!! Thank you, Laura for taking the time to answer our questions.

And now, cue drumroll, please! Laura Wright has graciously offered a book of the winner's choice as well as some swag goodies! This giveaway is open to everyone!

To enter, you must:
1. Be a follower of our blog
2. In comments of this interview, leave your email so we can contact you if you win!

Giveaway ends June 7. Winner will be announced on June 8. Good Luck!


Sarah said...

Awesome interview and thanks for the giveaway! BIG CONGRATS on 200 followers! You guys are rockin' it hardcore. :)

My email is imlovingbooks [at] gmail [dot] com

Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

I LOVED this interview, thanks ladies!
I've been following Laura on FB and have been wanting to start this series for a while now. I finally just read Eternal Hunger and absolutely loved it! I cannot wait to read Eternal Kiss and find out more about Nicky. Ooooo...and an e-novella coming for Gray and Dillon YaY!!!
K, I'm gonna put the nerdy fan girl back in the box now, LoL.
Thanks for the giveaway!
readingbetweenthewines10 at gmail dot com

LorettaLynn//Temprance said...

Great interview:)
Laura is such a great writer..I just loved
Eternal Hunger!! I have been able to get Eternal Kiss yet,but im so looking forward to reading it:)
Im a follower as well


Elizabeth said...

Thanks for the giveaway and the great interview :)



Fabulous, fabulous, fabulous!!! Loved it!! Love Laura, love the boys... Can't wait for what's to come! :-)


Ooh, & sorry for the double post, but yeah, you can enter me for some goodies & swag!! LOL. molson0129@hotmail.com

Tanya said...

Loved the interview. Would love to win Eternal Hunger. Thanks!!


Anonymous said...

I loved this interview! It's nice to see an author with such a great sense of humour! I loved Eternal hunger and I can't wait to read Eternal kiss!


Michelle Bledsoe said...

Laura you are a trip woman. Love the interview. Your guys are awesome. Want me some more brothers. LOL

koonie2888 at yahoo dot com

ChrisS said...

Great interview! This series sounds awesome and I would love to win Eternal Hunger. Thanks for the giveaway.


Juana said...

Thanks for the fab interview and giveaway!

GFC follower = Juana Esparza


jessica said...

Great interview! I've heard that the shower can be really. . . enlightening. LOL
I'm a GFC follower
jessangil at gmail dot com

Carla said...

That was a great interview. I LOVE Writer Lady and her Roman Boys, especially Luca he's my fave. I've been following Laura on FB, Twitter and anywhere else I can stalk her lol. I am a follower of your blog (Carla (CJ) Gallway.

Stephanie M said...

Great interview. Thanks for the giveaway.

GFC follower - Stephanie M

smccar1 at hotmail dot com

Amy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amy said...

o0ok i just want to say thank you so0o much for the interview and to Laura aka writer lady you rock so0o hard love it and keep it up and and thanks for the giveaway .... i cant wait for Luca's book love him <3 <3

AmyNeberdosky@gmail.com is my email

Liz said...

Great interview! Thanks to our hosts and thanks to Laura for posting it on FB! (Going to put a link to your blog on mine!)


Maria said...

Awesome interview! I have been dying to read this series. I'm a GFC follower(Maria). Thanks for the giveaway!


Unknown said...

Awesome interview, hope your sandwhich was good Laura lol


GFC leanne109

felinewyvern said...

Lovely interview. I liked the sound of the books which I haven't read 'yet'. Guess that's more to add to my wish list :S


ArtemisG said...

Great interview! I haven't read any book of Laura Wright. Her books sound amazing.
Thanks for the giveaway.
GFC follower as Diana

artgiote at gmail dot com

Teri said...

Wonderful interview! Both Eternal Hunger and Eternal Kiss are two of my favorite books. The audiobook versions are excellent as well.


Romancing the Book said...

Thanks for the fun interview. Laura is a new-to-me author, but it looks like I've added some books to my TBR list. :)

GFC follower as Romancing the Book
admin.bookblog AT gmail.com

Irene Jackson said...

Great interview I shall just pretend I didn't read the bit about the cup of coffee!Love the sound of the books they've gone on my want list.

bluesun1218 said...

big fan of Laura's, currently own both books but if theres a swag involved would LOVE to win! Can't wait for the next book!


follower- Brandy Swain

June M. said...

I have not read any of Laura Wright's books but LOVE vampires so will definately want to check into these. Thank you so much for the interview and giveaway. Congrats on the 200 followers!
GFC follower: June M.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

It was a great interview! And thanks to Laura for making this giveaway possible!
Congrats for reaching 200 followers!

GFC: Alexandra Roxana Garcia
E-mail: alexandra.roxana.garcia@gmail.com



Denise Z said...

I really enjoyed this interview. I have not read this author and thank you for the chance to win the giveaway. Thank you for sharing and congratulations on the 200 followers.
GFC - Denise Zaky

Lolarific said...

I loved the interview. Yesterdays interview with the boys was yummy! It was nice to see you interact with your characters like that. I absolutely cannot wait to read these books!


Gokce said...

I thoroughly enjoyed this interview and even though I regret not having read this series sooner so I could enjoy this talk more, I'm determined to compensate for that very soon :)

Thanks girls for helping to ever expand my to-read list and congrats on the 200 follower mark!

email: gun.gokce[at]yahoo[dot]com

Anonymous said...

I love learning more about the authors behind the terrific books! Thanks! edysicecreamlover18ATgmailDOTcom GFC Krystal Larson

Sheree said...

As much as I love the boys (Paul Marron as Alexander!), I'm so looking forward to Dillon's story. She's the most intriguing character to me. Yes, the boys are hot and I can't wait to get to know Helo and Phane, but Dillon is the one who most deserves a HEA (for putting up with the lot of them).

GFC follower
ironss [at] gmail [dot] com

IngaSilberg said...

That was an awesome interview!
Thanks for the giveaway and chance to win!

GFC inga

Megan@Riverina Romantics said...

Such a great interview! I can't believe you guys have over 200 followers already! Congrats and thanks foe the giveaway!

rootml1 AT hotmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

Awesome interview. I've really been wanting to read these.

GFC - JessS

drizzle said...

awesome interview..i really love it n i hope i can get the copy of eternal kiss.
my email is drizzledye@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Wow, awesome interview!
GFC follower- Krysta Banco


Elaine G said...

Great interview.i can't wait to start this series I have heard such great things about it.
I am a follower

Chrisbails said...

Loved the interview. i would love to win one of these books. Have not read this series but have heard a lot of good stuff about it. thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win. i am a blog follower.

Pimpin' Reads said...

Thanks for the giveaway. Won't you come for a visit to Pimpin' Reads. Celebrating True Blood.
jokestner at yahoo dot com

Rachel said...

I totally agree that no matter what a hero is like he needs to be honourable towards women. That's so damn sexy!

I'm a new follower by the way! Congrats on 200 followers!


donnas said...

Great interview. Thanks for the chance!!

bacchus76 at myself dot com

SiNn said...

aweosme interview ive been dying to read these books forever now i just love those covers im a follower ty for the chance


Anonymous said...

I So can't Wait to read your books sound like my kind of Books.
Congrats on having over 200 Follower!
I'm a GFC Follower

Kaetrin said...

Um, the same cup of coffee all day? Really? :D

Congrats on 200 followers UTC.

I'm planning on reading this series but haven't picked up book 1 yet - who knows, maybe I'll win it here! :)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on hitting 200 followers! People know a great blog when they read one. And I loved the post. This is a new author and book series I simply must try. Thanks!
GFC: LadyVampire2u
LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com

Unknown said...

Great interview! The series sounds great. I have the first book in my TBR pile.
GFC follower

Misha said...

Great interwiev, I'm in.
misadevilgirl@seznam . cz

Ren said...

First, congrats for 200 followers my lovely UTC ladies (who I believe you all already have 250+ followers, and I wait for another giveaway you will throw, once you reach 300 followers or more, LOL!)

I enjoy the interview. Have Eternal Hunger at my TBR,who beg me to read him (err, the book of course, LOL) so, yeah, thanks for this gieaway!
You know I'm already follower from the start of this blog, yes?;)

Have a good day both for UTC ladies and Laura Wright! ^_^

sawamura_foxman AT yahoo dot com

Jenn of Frequent Reader, Infrequent Blogger said...

GFC Follower Jenn
email jennlovesed14 at gmail

DebbieB said...

Great interview! Def will give this series a try. Great giveaway!


Tara W said...

Fantastic interview!
New GFc follower: Tara W
mizztuts AT bellsouth DOT net

IdentitySeeker said...

What a great giveaway! Thanks:)
I'm a GFC follower: Identity Seeker


Jolene and Family said...

What a great interview! I love love loved Eternal Hunger and cannot wait to get ahold of Eternal Kissed!! Thanks so much for the chance to win

GFC follower


latishajean said...

Great interview thanks for sharing what a great giveaway thank you so much for the chance! Im a GFC follower/latishajean
tishajean@ charter.net

Micaela said...

Great giveaway can't wait for Luvas book...
Susperia at hotmail dot com