Society Sinners
by Jamie Brenner
(The Gin Lovers # 3)
Again, the author takes us on a journey back in time and we find
ourselves back in 1920s New York. How amazing of a job she does at
making me feel immersed in this world.
And ohhh how the plot thickens! This installment in the Gin Lovers serial brings a lot more betrayal. Seems like everyone is getting themselves in trouble and entangling with people that will lead them to their own ruin.
Starting with Charlotte's husband who is starting to show his ugly colors, with his sister and with his wife. I was extremely upset with him when Charlotte went to him for help with her mother.
Charlotte again seems to be the good girl that has to sacrifice but with enough of bad girl in her to still seek her thrills. I am anxious to see how she keeps growing and how she keeps defying her husband. I can't wait to see her playing all these high members of society at their own games.
The relationship between Charlotte and Jake feels pretty well cemented, but they will have to jump through some big obstacles to end up together. Especially after the ending of this installment. Definitely left me wanting more.
These just keep getting better and better.
*ARC provided by publisher

I really need to get the first one and start this series. Thanks for the review
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