Nauti Temptress
by Lora Leigh
(Nauti Girls # 1)
First in a new series by Lora Leigh involving in some ways my favorite Nauti boys? I'm in! The Nauti series was one of the first romantic suspense stories I ever read so it really holds a special place in my heart. They are all alpha males with lots of attitude, dominance, confidence and guns on occasion. I was very excited about this series because I thought we would be reading about their daughters. Which is not the case. Don't ask me why I thought that, maybe I read it somewhere.
The good thing about not reading about the daughter of my favorite Nauti boys is that they are still young, still around and still kicking ass. My favorite part of this book was the fact that they are all present in this story, especially Dawg. See, it turns out that Dawg's father had a whole other family going and now Dawg is responsible for his half sisters and their mother.
Eve being the oldest works as a bartender and also helps their mother run the B&B that Dawg got for her. And in both places all she sees is Brogan Campbell. He's a bad boy, has been around for some time but rumor has it he's a thief and a traitor. Dawg doesn't want his sister anywhere near him but Brogan has other plans. He needs Eve so that he can get the help of the Mackay boys to solve the case he's been working on.
Overall not bad as far as a storyline goes, there was some action and some mystery. But there were a lot of loopholes for me. For example, at the beginning Eve seems like she doesn't know anything about Brogan they've barely talked before etc. Towards the end of the book and without that much time passing, she knows everything about him from their prior interactions. So either I'm missing something or this connection they had happened while I wasn't looking.
But one thing is for sure... Lora Leigh knows how to turn up the heat. Even if the story and characters are not 100% what I wanted, I have no complaints in that department. Brogan is almost primal, a great dirty talker and knows exactly what to do for Eve. I just wish for once the heroine wouldn't have been a virgin. Maybe it'll happen one day.
*ARC provided by publisher

Yeah, I thought this series was supposed to be about the "Nauti Boys" daughters too - I've read some good reviews and some that really pan it so I'm kinda torn...if it was mass market I'd probably buy it right off but I'm thinking I'll wait till the price comes down
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