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* Narrator Lorelei King: Interview
* Stephanie Tyler: Interview
* Carolyn Crane: Author Override | UTC Review
* J.T. Geissinger: Interview | UTC Review
* Men and Women of the Military Giveaway Hop
* Keri Arthur: Interview | UTC Reviews

Friday, 2 December 2011

Interview and Giveaway with Larissa Ione!

It's a new month so that means we have a new Author of the Month! And who else would we pick other than paranormal romance author, Larissa Ione! You may have heard of her delicious demons in her Demonica series, but Ione has a new spin-off series called the Lords of Deliverance. Her latest book, Immortal Rider features Limos and Arik, a character you may know from the Demonica series. UTC got the chance to chat with Larissa Ione on her newest release, so without further ado....

Hi Larissa! Thanks so much for stopping by! Paranormal romance is HAWT right now. What sets the Lord of Deliverance books apart from the others in the genre and what sets this new series apart from the Demonica series?

Well, I think what sets the Lords of Deliverance books apart from the rest of the genre is the fact that it's about the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Yes, there are vampires, werewolves, angels, and demons in the books, but the main characters are Biblical legends who haven't played major hero roles in romance novels (as far as I know, anyway.) As for what sets it apart from the Demonica series...that's a difficult question since the two series are so intertwined, and as the Horsemen books progress, the Demonica characters become even more involved in the apocalyptic arc. But I guess I'd say that the LOD books are a little darker, and they delve deeper into the supernatural world.

I'd say you've found your voice in paranormal romance, but you've also written a pretty good contemporary erotica. If time permits, would you like to continue to write in that genre, or what other sub-genre would you like to dabble in?

Thank you! Actually, I'd love to write science fiction -- a Star Trek novel, specifically.

Every reader is hoping for a Reaver book! What is about the angel that makes him so interesting and desirable?

Hmm...I think readers like Reaver because he's a powerful authority figure, but also because he's got a mysterious past that even he doesn't understand. More of this comes out in the Lords of Deliverance books, which will kick off his own book I'm hoping to see released in early 2013.

You write some of the most inventive sex scenes I've read in a long time. Where do these crazy acrobatic moves and ideas stem from?

My crazy imagination! :)

When we had the pleasure of interviewing Stephanie Tyler earlier this year she told us there's plans for a new Sydney Croft project for the summer of 2012. Can you give us any details?

Well, we're still working on that. We're planning some novellas, but we don't know if they'll be self-published or will be released through a publisher yet. We're very excited about them, though!

After reading Vampire Fight Club in the Supernatural anthology, I am very excited to find out more about the day-walking vampires. What can you tell us about them?

Unfortunately, not much. But you'll learn all about them in Lethal Rider, which is Thanatos's book, set to release next summer.

Some fun questions! Demons, wargs, angels and vampires. You have them all! But if given the choice, which one would you be?

Vampire! A vigilante vampire. I'd spend my nights hunting scumbags. Fun!

Death, Pestilence, War and Famine. Which would you rather catch?

Do you mean, which Horseman? I think Pestilence/Reseph. I'm currently working on his book right now, and he's a blast to write.

Which series do you prefer, Supernatural or True Blood? Eric or the Winchester?

Ooh, tough one. They both have their draws...and drawbacks. I'd say Supernatural edges out True Blood, but not by much. Definitely prefer Eric, though! Mmm....

Christmas is around the corner, and UGH is feeling festive. What would their company Christmas party be like? Who would be invited and what would happen?

Everyone at UG loves a good par-tay! There'd be champagne fountains, blood punch, plenty of, er, raw appetizers, and the invitations would be sent via a real life elf -- but probably not the kind Santa uses. Elves in the Demonica world are less happy. The Horsemen would definitely be invited, which, by default, would mean that a hellhound or two would show up. As for what would happen? Drinking, eating, dancing, and, of course, lots and lots of sex!

Thanks so much for having me, and happy holidays to everyone!!!!

For more information on Larissa Ione and her books, please visit her website here.


Do you want to get your hands on a copy of her latest release, Immortal Rider with a tote bag and some swag?
This giveaway is open to everyone.

To enter all you have to do is:

1. Be a follower of this blog
2. Fill out the form below.

This giveaway will run from December 2, 2011 through December 15, 2011.


Patti P said...

Wow this is a new to me author. thank you!

Timitra said...

I've read Sin Undone so far because that's the only one local bookstores had here I plan on getting and reading the rest of the Demonica series and The Lords of Deliverance series from Amazon. I really enjoyed Sin's book!!!

ahz1 said...

Great interview! I enjoyed both series and I can't wait for Reseph's book.

Joanne said...

Can't wait to read Immortal Rider. Great interview. Thanks for the giveaway.

Poison Rose said...

Eek, more mentions of how fabulous Larissa is. I guess she gets boosted up more on the TBR pile too... got to start reading her books!!

Great interview ladies, you always ask such great questions.


Ruth said...

Great Interview! I can't wait to read more from Larissa Ione! Thank you!

Jess B. said...

oh i cannot wait. I've read all the demonica series and just love the intricacies and twists on fun myth and demonology. I already have my regular copy and it's on the top of my TBR pile! thanks for the giveaway and another great interview!


Sebella Blue said...

Larissa has some of the best characters going and is one of my "Stalker go to's". She always manages to make me laugh and has at least one major surprise in each book. I watch for everything she writes, even if it's an add on Craig's List.

Ronda Tutt said...

Awesome Interview, Larissa I absolutely love you and was so glad I got to meet you at AAD. I have been waiting for this book to come out and I can hardly wait to get my hands on it. Would love to win it - LOL

No matter what you write I know it will be awesome. Your writing is alwasy smoothe sailing and enjoyable.

Ronda Tutt

Maloup said...

Larissa is one of my favorite PNR authors! I think it's awesome how she chooses some very controversial topics and make it so easy to read about them. I also love how she doesn't let criticism undermine her work. To me, she's one of the few who can make demons and wargs sound sexy! I wish her all the best!
Thanks for the interview ladies! Very exciting!!

WildAboutBones said...

This is such a good series. I would love to win. Anxiously awaiting Immortal Rider.

Denise Z said...

I always knew you were a girl after my own heart Larissa! A vigilante vampire it is!!! Thank you for taking the time to share with us today and for the awesome giveaway opportunity.

fishgirl182 said...

thanks for the interview. i love larissa's books. i really want to read than's story. read immortal rider and it left him in a cliffhanger!

Unknown said...

I just finished with this book and it was amazing. The places she has taken her characters is deep and complex. I will be first in line for Reaver book.

Victoria said...

You were my second paranormal author and I've enjoyed every one of your works. I'm dying to see how you redeem Pest :). Thank you.

Sophia Rose said...

I have not read the Demonica series yet so I need to get on the stick.

I love how she's got her books all planned out for two years and I still find its incredible that she's part of a bestselling writing team.

Informative interview, thanks!

Proserpine said...

Hi! I really enjoy Eternal Rider so I'm looking forward to read Immortal Rider and the rest of this series! Thanks for the giveaway!

MonicaM said...

Hi! I've never read any of Larissa Ione's books! CAN'T WAIT TO TRY THEM! Where should I start???

Francesca said...

@MonicaM Start with the first Demonica. It's called Pleasure Unbound


Di said...

I'd love to try one of Larissa's books!

miki said...

i've just discovering her so i would be happy to win one of her book
thank you for this opportunity

Deea said...

Eeek! A Reaver book! How exciting! I love him! (no surprise there, since Larissa's side characters are just as awesome as her main characters.<3)

Great interview, ladies! I haven't even read Immortal Rider yet and I'm already super excited about Thanatos' book!

P.S. I'd go with the Winchesters' too.:))

Thank you for the giveaway!

jfort357 said...

This book sounds very intriguing!!! Added it to my TBR list!!! :-) Thanks for the chance to win!!

Mary Abshire said...

I'm looking forward to reading your books. Thanks for the giveaway.

SacredmOOn said...

I've heard and seen so many awesome reviews for this author. Now I gotten a glimpse into the world of Larissa Ione with an outstanding interview. I can't wait to start reading her series. TY for the giveaway chance! DeAnna @SacerdmOOn1

Allison W said...

I've been wanting to read this series! What a great giveaway and a chance to start it!

Elaine G said...

Great interview.I can't wait to start this series.

Mary Preston said...

A Star Trek novel - which show I wonder?

Love your work.


CYP @ A Bookalicious Story said...

I've seen Ione and her books everywhere recently! Haha, great interview and thanks for the giveaway!

Drmgrl99 - Dawn said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I want this book the series is amazing!

Anonymous said...

It's Supernatural and the Winchesters for me. I'd love to try this book. Thanks.

Unknown said...

I love that woman! Good job!!
The Demonica series is one of my all-time favorites, and Lords of Deliverance is on its way..anxioulsy waiting for the Immortal Rider audio book, I've heard nothing but great things about it..like there would be any doubt!!

Chelsea Rafferty said...

This is so exciting :) I recently discovered I could actually have "applications" on my google chrome and I discovered this Feedly one where it basically gives the RSS code to all the blogs I follow so I can see new posts in a quick glance :) OF course I saw this one down the list and I HAD to click because I adore Larissa's books :P Though I'd take Eric from True Blood over Dean, even though he's delicious too ;) I'm still learning how to spice up my own blog LOL but eventually I'd love to have one as nice as yours looks. Thanks for doing an interview with one of my FAV paranormal authors :) I always love reading these, so its much appreciated! :)one of my favorite parts.. I just finished reading Limos story and I was thinking well hmm when is Thanatos/Regan's story out? And what about Reseph? Does he get a "save" so to speak? And of course my other question was what about Reaver! I really want to read all three :D So exciting :)

swtlilangel4jc at yahoo dot com

Supru said...

I love the whole world created by this awesome writter. Greatinterview! Thank you!

Barbara said...

I LOVE Larissa's books...just finished Eternal Rider, looking forward to this new release!


erin said...

Thanks for a very fun post and giveaway! I love the Demonica series and I would love to read this new series! Love larissa's voice and any new book of her's is first on my wishlist!

Thanks again and happy Holidays!

June M. said...

I only discovered Larissa Ione this year when ETERNAL RIDER was released. Since then, I have become a huge fan of her work and this world. I can't wait to read more about this series and strongly suggest that anyone who has not read Larissa Ione's books do so immediately!

Midnight Marie's Room said...

Fab blog piece and Awesome givaway

Raonaid Luckwell said...

I've read all but Immortal Rider! Seriously cannot wait. (Well with the exception of the Acro which I'm waiting for my win where I won them)

Larissa Ione said...

Thanks so much to everyone who came by to comment! And huge thanks to Under the Covers for having me!!

You ALL rock!!!

felinewyvern said...

I love Larissa's books and look forward to reading the newest one with pleasure :D

Dyllan said...

Great review!! Can't wait for Reseph's book. And Reaver's. Just started Immortal Rider. I hope there's more Sidney Crofts books. Riding the Storm is one of the hottest books I've ever read, wth a real and great plote! :D
Awesome Giveaways ladies, and Congrats to Larissa on her Immortal Rider release!!

Unknown said...

Wow! I can't believe you got to interview Larissa Ione!! I love her work!

Irene Jackson said...

I love the Demonica series and I've read the first Riders book and enjoyed. Can't wait to get my hands on this one!

GLORIA said...

Great interview!! I so love her books and can't wait for Than's!!

wanda f said...

This is my top wanted book .I love Larissas books .Ive read all the Demonica and the first LOD book shes an amazing writer .I realy enjoyed this interview and cant wait to get my hands on Immortal Rider

Mary @SweepingMe said...

Great interview! I have seen so many great things about this book! I have to get started on this series!


Anne R said...

Love the interview. Can't wait to read this book, I am so excited. Thanks.

hregtvedt said...

Just added the book to my TBR list! Thanks!

Unknown said...

It is on my List for Christmas! Hope the hubby gets it for me..I put it on there like 8 times so he can't miss it!
Great interview!

Michelle Bledsoe said...

The Demonica series is the best. I am so eager to read the rest of the series, but then will be so sad to see it end...LOL
Thanks for the interview.

koonie2888 at yahoo dot com

Sariah said...

Great interview. This series sounds great!! It has been on my list but I think I am moving it up. Thanks for the chance.

Carol L. said...

I cannot wait to read Immortal Rider. Love all of Larissa's books. Thanks for the interview.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

LitBtch said...

I looove this interview! specially about the Reaver book! eeek I need Lethal Rider now! as in NOW! I totally love her writing!

Jewel said...

I've heard great things about Larissa Ione & her books from my friends, but I haven't had the chance to find out for myself...yet. This book looks amazing. Can't wait to read Larissa's books.

GFC: Jewel

Andrea said...

Your interview are always so interesting. I'm looking forward to reading about the Four Horsemen.


alainala said...

awesome interview, thanks!!
i LOVE her books! especially the new lords series!

books4me said...

Thanks for a great interview! Can't wait for Larissa's new series!

books4me67 at ymail dot com

Lisa Richards/alterlisa said...

Awesome interview! Love, love, love her books.

Anna (herding cats-burning soup) said...

Love your writings as Sydney Croft and am starting the demonica series this month. I'm so excited everyone says it's fantastic!

RKROGEN said...


mnjcarter said...

I love the demonica series and have yet to start this series. The reviews are fantastic. HAve them on my TBR!


Jen said...

Awesome = Larissa Ione! For real!

lrhubble said...

Loved the interview. That was a lot of fun to read. :-) I love Larissa's books and am so glad there are more in the works. :-)


MamaElk said...

Great interview!
The Lord of Deliverance series in on my wishlist! A friend of my raves about Larissa's books...so I'm hooked before even reading them, lol.

JoAnna said...

Awesome interview! I can't wait to read about Reaver's past!

MeikkiBeibi said...

I have been seeing this book everywhere lately, I think it's a sign that I should read it. ;)

Great Interview! :D

Cassondra said...

Larissa is so awesome! I just love her books. What a writer!

Unknown said...

Larissa's books are fantastic!!!Glad to see that Demonica will be more entwined with th e Lords books. I noticed a few commenters haven't read ay of these yet...get on the ball & start you won't be disappointed!!

DarkendSorrow said...

Love Ione's books!!

lindseye said...

Still need to get all these books read and fall in love with these heros.

Unknown said...

Great interview! I love Supernatural the best, too.