What are your new years resolutions?
Didn’t make any. I do try to set goals, though, and one goal is to make sure I balance my work and play a little better in 2012. I’ve been writing /editing and etc. pretty much straight through since I started. I’ve had at least one release every other month now since August of 2010! Got to make sure I take more time with the family, even though I love writing so much.
The Six Pack Ranch series was published previously. Are there differences between the original and the reissue to make people that already read the books want to get the new ones?
Yes…and no. I know books are expensive, and anyone who already has the first versions will not be lost picking up the third book and carrying on. Having said that, I added a LOT to the first two books in terms of word count and showing the relationships in the family. Heat was 42,000 words, and in the new version it’s over 60,000. Haven moved from 45K to 65K. That’s almost another 1/3 to the story!
The Coleman's are such a wonderful family. What's the hardest part of writing about a family, showing family dynamics and making them memorable and likeable?
For me the toughest part is trying to pick which family stories need to be shared right NOW. Imagine a large group of people, all with thoughts, plans and dreams. It would take forever to tell what each person is doing at any given moment. Sometimes I have to choose to focus on the characters that make the most sense to be interacting—which means I might not include information about someone who’s a favourite of readers—like the twins or Travis. Their turn will come!
You have written about two of our two favourite things, cowboys and werewolves, if you had a choice between a sexy werewolf or a sexy cowboy, what would you chose?
Can’t pick. Seriously. The werewolves make me smile because I get to be over the top and silly with them, even with the sexy moments. The cowboys make me concentrate on real emotions and real situations without being able to pull ‘magical’ solutions out of a hat. And if you mean choosing between them for…other than writing purposes? Ohhhhhhh, ;)
You have a sexy cowboy in your clutches who just happens to have some rope in his back pocket. Do you a) tie him up and have you wicked way b) have him tie you up and have his wicked way or c) Ignore the rope and have a nice cup of tea?
So, how is the weather where you’re at? We have clouds in the morning but it always seems to clear by noon and let the sunshine on the beach for the afternoon. **whistles innocently**
Are two cowboys better then one?
Six are better yet…
Of ANY book character, who would you want to have a date with?
Oooh, tough. I loved the Anne McCaffrey Dragon rider books, and always thought F’lar would have liked me better than that chick he ended up with.
Do you have a writing process? Do you have to listen to music, have complete silence, write only on a full moon?
I write when I can, where I can, and how I can. With the weird and wonderful thing that is my life, I HAVE to be adaptable. Last year we traveled in an RV for 10 months. I wrote in the vehicle while we were driving (gagagag) or in the evenings while the family watched movies. This year? We’re in Ecuador for three months. I’ve been (I swear) writing gmails to myself on my iPod while laying on the beach and then I transfer the drafts to a more official word doc when we get home.
You do what you have to.
What's the story with Travis? I know you probably can't tell us what's the secret that Jaxi knows about, but you have to tell us something!! :) When is his book coming out?
Travis wants to run away and become a Tibetan monk.
No… not really. You’ll get a little more of Travis’ background in book 3, and then a lot more in book 4. His book is planned for 5 or 6—not sure which, but in the meantime I think all the brothers/cousins have interesting stories to share.
What's the best thing about being a writer?
Finding out what happens next. What? You thought I planned these things? Nope! I HAVE to write to know what comes next.

Rocky Mountain Haven
Six Pack Ranch, Book 2
It’s the quiet ones that take you by surprise.
Beth Danube’s emotionally abusive husband is dead and buried. So is her heart. It’s no big deal, she has all she wants: her three little boys and a fresh start in a small Alberta town. What she doesn’t want is another man in her life—not now, maybe not ever.
After ten years of unsatisfactory, missionary-position sex, she never expected her libido to reawaken. One look at sex-in-boots Daniel Coleman in a Calgary bar, though, blows the dust off her sexuality.
Sensing an edge of desperation, even fear, beneath Beth’s come-on, Daniel finds himself giving in to the powerful urge to let his normally subdued desires run wild. The lady wants non-judgemental, non-vanilla sex? She’s got it—in and out of the bedroom.
At first, friends with blazing-hot benefits is more than enough. Then she realizes Daniel is burning away the protective fortress around her heart…and the guilty secret she dare not reveal.
Warning: One woman determined to retake control of her life, a man with the single-minded purpose of offering her—and her body—everything she needs. Inappropriate behaviour in barns, change rooms, and oh-my-gawd phone sex with a cowboy.
First Chapter: Excerpt
Buy links:
Rocky Mountain Heat: Samhain | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
Rocky Mountain Haven: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Rocky Mountain Haven: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Vivian Arend has hiked, biked, skied and paddled her way around most of North America and parts of Europe. Throughout all the wandering in the wilderness, stories have been planted and they are bursting out in vivid colour. Paranormal, twisted fairytales, red-hot contemporaries—the genres are all over.Between times of living with no running water, she home schools her teenaged children and tries to keep up with her husband—the instigator of most of the wilderness adventures.
Website | Blog | Twitter

If you’d like to try a taste of the Six Pack Ranch, Ms. Arend has an ebook ARC of book 3 that will be releasing March 13, Rocky Mountain Desire, up for grabs! Open internationally!
To enter:
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2. Fill out the form below

Sounds like a great read! Thanks for an excellent review.
Great interview.I can't wait to read about all the other Coleman men.
Slowly making my way through this series, and loving these heroes.
I enjoyed the interview and learning about all the different places you've traveled.
Great interview. Can't wait to read Six Pack Ranch series. Thanks for the giveaway.
Ive read a few if these .
srbagby 50 at gmail dot com
I loved your interview and most especially the blurb that reels you in. You have me hooked.
I love Viv's werewolves but man this series is Cowboy Crack. I love the first two books SO much:) So far, Haven is my favorite!
I have yet to read any of these but if your other books are anything to go by I need to add them to my 'must read' list :D
Love the sound of this series,yummy cowboys!
Stopping by to say HI!!! I can't wait to find out Travis' secret.
As someone who read Heat and Haven in both the short and revised version I say it is well worth buying the new ones, so much more of the yummy Coleman's in them. And ROCKY MOUNTAIN DESIRE...dreamy sighhh going on here....
Don't enter me in the give away, I just wanted to say hi to one of my favorite authors and my friends at UTC =)
Great interview. Love cowboy stories. Adding these two books to my to buy list. :)
Great interview! I have this series on my To Buy list! I can't wait to start it!
Vivian you have quite an adventurous life!!! I'd love to travel through the US and Europe one day!!
Great interview! I luuuuv the 'rope' question amd its answer!
Thanks for the post. Awesome interview! I love the Granite Lake Wolves series but, I haven't tried the Six Pack Ranch books yet. I plan to change that soon. I look forward to reading them!
I love this series. I have the original of "..Heat" I bought and reread the revision of "....Heat".
I preordered Haven. Can't wait for "... Desire". Thanks for the chance to win.
Great interview!!! Vivian, you are hilarious!!! Totally need to start diving into your books! :)
I am so excited for this series. I have the first two sitting on my Nook - I need more hours in the day.
Thanks for the interview.
I LOVE the excerpts I've read on this series...FAB covers too! I've got them on list! This is another new author to me...thanks for the intro!
I was able to read for review the first two books in the re=release and I loved them. I so want Desire!
oh wow.
"Inappropriate behaviour in barns"
Yep. Works for me :)
Great interview and I love your book. christina_92 at yahoo.com
Love Viv's books , but haven't tried the cowboys yet! Can't wait :)
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