3.5 Feathers
Echoes at Dawn
by Maya Banks
(KGI # 5)
Rio is the perfect romantic suspense alpha hero. At least that's what I thought every time he showed up in this series before. Then he made it his mission to go after Grace Peterson and rescue her. Well somehow between that decision and what went down in this book he lost some of that alpha appeal.
This book started out strong for me and slowly fizzled out some of the charm. At times it felt we weren't getting much progression in the overall story although there was a lot of action.
Grace seemed a lot stronger and ended up being a more delicate type of heroine, even though still stronger than her sister Shea in my opinion. Grace and Rio still worked well as a couple though, him being the strong protector and relying on her powers at times and there was still some spark. As a couple I have to say I liked them a lot better than the previous book. Although the romance might've felt a bit rushed, and I would've liked their connection to develop through a longer period of time. Rio was still a pretty strong hero even though he was toned down from what I expected.
And then there's the Kelly's...this is not a Kelly family book. They were mostly absent in this story and I expect the same from the next book as well. I do expect the next book to be a little more to my liking, being that it's PJ and Cole. Playful but hard.
This book started out strong for me and slowly fizzled out some of the charm. At times it felt we weren't getting much progression in the overall story although there was a lot of action.
Grace seemed a lot stronger and ended up being a more delicate type of heroine, even though still stronger than her sister Shea in my opinion. Grace and Rio still worked well as a couple though, him being the strong protector and relying on her powers at times and there was still some spark. As a couple I have to say I liked them a lot better than the previous book. Although the romance might've felt a bit rushed, and I would've liked their connection to develop through a longer period of time. Rio was still a pretty strong hero even though he was toned down from what I expected.
And then there's the Kelly's...this is not a Kelly family book. They were mostly absent in this story and I expect the same from the next book as well. I do expect the next book to be a little more to my liking, being that it's PJ and Cole. Playful but hard.
*ARC provided by publisher

Good Review! I have to admit that I'm terribly behind reading this series - though I continue to buy them as they come out..lol- I have lots to look forward to
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