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We hope you join us and let us know your Dirty Little Secrets!
This week's question:
What books have recently made you cry?
Our Answer:
I will mention the one book that had me bawling my eyes out for the entire last half of the book. It was Sweet As Sin by Inez Kelley. I've cried while reading books before but I have never encountered a book where I literally broke down completely over a hero. This book is about personal demons and how a person's past can ultimately control one's life if you let it. I'm sure that if I read this book again, there will be another guaranteed ugly cry moment. It was just so heartbreaking and emotional. One of the best books I've read all year.
The most recent books that have made me cry have been Nobody's Hero by Kallypso Masters and Dream Lake by Lisa Kleypas. With both books, it's about the deeply emotional background story with both books. In Nobody's Hero, Adam hasn't had an easy life and all of those tough things to go through have made him who he is today. Being confronted with some difficult things can be hard and Nobody's Hero had me sobbing uncontrollably. Dream Lake was all about loss and missed opportunities and how sometimes life doesn't give you a chance, or that second chance that you needed. It was so good it hurt and had silent tears running down my face by the end.
One of the recent books that made me cry is Defiant by Pamela Clare. This book sent my emotions in a great roller coaster ride. I shed sad tears, bitter-sweet tears and happy tears. Definitely worth your reading time.
Now it's your turn!
I haven't read any of those. I'm going to add them to my growing TBR list lol
Ning @ Reading by Kindle Fire
I'm so a Morgan girl but can't wait to read Connor's story!
I just bought Nobody's Hero a couple hours ago! Haven't heard of the others. Will have to check them out!
Anna@herding cats & burning soup
I haven't read any of these but I'm adding them to my TBR list!
Ana♥ @ Beach Bum Reads
Anna @ Herding. I was a Iain girl. I think I still am but Connor actually can compete. have you seen the BookTrailer? I mean whoa!
Haven't read any of these I tend to stay away from the tear jerkers !
I haven't read these either >.< Lol But I'll definitely be checking them out, I gotta see what the tears are about :P Lol Thanks ladies :)
Neyra @DarkestAddictions
The only one I recognize on your list is Annie Girl's choice because she swears I MUST read it because she knows I love tortured heros and sappy heartwrenching love stories.
Hope you (Angela & Francesca) girls had a wonderful 4th of July!! Well Annie & Suzanne, I know you guys didn't celebrate but happy Thursday!!!<3
I just finished one as a matter of fact that made me cry... Somebody to Love by Kristan Higgins... These book was so sweet, funny and sexy, but the end of this book was so tender, it had me sniffing into my kleenex...
I guess I'm kinda weird because not too many books make me cry and I really can't remember the last one that did...lol
Haven't read any of the books you guys mentioned, but I do have Nobody's Hero in my TRB pile to read.
I haven't read any of these but some are already on my TBR the rest are going on!
It takes a lot to make me cry so when it does, that book usually gets an instant 5 moon rating!
-Amanda P
Paranormal Romance
Thanks for this meme, its actually one of my favorites and glad to see its still going strong,,,I actually have sweet as sin downloaded and ready to bust open as soon as I get through with the current series I'm reading thanks for sharing
Jenn B.
Books that made me cry were Sherrilyn Kenyons Dance with the devil. Well most of her books are tear jerkers for me but Zarek's story gets to me everytime I read it.
The second book that I have to add it J.R. Ward's Lover Awakened. Z's story made me cry too.
reading Slammed and Point of Retreat by Colleen Hoover definitely made me cry buckets!
I last cried when I read Lady Knight by Tamora Pierce; when Kel returns to her camp and sees it's been destroyed with her friends taken or dead; that whole scene where she's walking numbly through it trying to find someone left alive is just brutal.
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