Love the heat and the paranormal put together? Well, then you're in the right place! Because today we have erotica author, R.G. Alexander today who will be talking about her books Possess Me and Tempt Me. Come and see what she has to say about writing and her love for New Orleans. For more information on R.G. Alexander, please visit her website here.
For readers who are new to your books, can you tell us a bit about yourself?
Of course. I always feel like I’m on a dating site when I do this *g* Hi, I’m R.G. Alexander aka Rachel Grace and I write erotic paranormal and contemporary romance for Samhain, Ellora’s Cave and Berkley Heat. I’ve written over 20 books, I prefer Firefly marathons to long walks on the beach but I am a fan of sunsets and chocolate. I also belong to an author group called The Smutketeers, with fellow erotic romance authors Eden Bradley/Eve Berlin, Crystal Jordan and Karen Erickson.
Possess Me is set in New Orleans and every page is infused with their magical culture. What was it about New Orleans that made you set the book there?
Well, I do love New Orleans. Who wouldn’t? Not the crush or the beads but the mystery and romance of it. The classic crumbling buildings and the indomitable spirit. History and magic. But I didn’t really have a choice. My mischievous Loa Bone Daddy appeared in my mind, and really, he couldn’t live anywhere else.
The format of Possess Me is interesting. Set in three short stories that are interlinked, how and why did you decide to write Possess Me in this manner?
Possess Me started as a very short story just about Allegra, Rousseau and Bone Daddy, but as it fleshed itself out, it became so much more. The family and friendships were so vivid, and everyone wanted their story told. Heck, even The Mamas wanted more time. I only realized halfway through that it all connected, that their stories had to be told together. Did I mention I was a pantser? No one was more surprised than I was when it continued in Tempt Me…or that the stories and characters want to keep going.
Bone Daddy is a star. Can you tell us what it is about BD that makes him so desirable?
At first, he’s just irresistible, just revelling in what he is and what he can bring out in other people. He was a force of nature no one could deny. I think what kept him so riveting was his evolution. Seeing beneath the sexual being to the bright soul inside. Seeing his mistakes, his flaws, and his love for the people he found himself connected to.
Tempt Me is Gabriel’s book. This changes styles and is written as a novel. What can readers expect from this book?
I did not think I would write Gabriel’s story. In Possess Me’s second novella he appears and his actions made him almost irredeemable. In fact, that’s how he saw himself. Readers can expect a man who has hit rock bottom, who believes there is nothing in him worth saving…and all the people-human and not-who believe the opposite. I also think you’ll get a few surprises-a human BD for example. Still sexy, but he loves to do the laundry. Talk about perfection.
What is your favourite quality about Gabriel?
Oddly, its that he is one of the grumpiest heroes I’ve ever written. Also, I think, its all he’s had to go through his entire life, and that he’s survived it with any good intact at all. Plus he’s incredibly sexy.
When writing erotica romance, how do you "keep things fresh"?
I just do my best to stay true to the character. Each character has their own unique way of lusting and loving. Their own issues to conquer. Their own secret desires. The character’s perception makes it fresh every time, because no one else sees the world or romance exactly the same way.
Who is your favourite heroine?
That is hard. Every story I’m currently writing has my best heroine, because I’m rooting for her. Reggie from Regina in the Sun and Meru from Lifting the Veil, my two earliest heroines, are probably still closest to my heart. Meru was so much like me…only better. And Regina was, well, amazing and spunky and bold. But then again, Angelique from Tempt Me is fairly spunky as well. She has to be to get Gabriel’s attention.
Do you find it more easy or difficult to write anthologies?
I actually enjoy anthologies, because I can look at the same world in the same book from entirely different points of view. In Three Sinful Wishes, my Berkley Heat ménage antho that came out in June, I was able to look at the same basic wish from three unique perspectives, three paths to love with friends who, despite their connection to each other, were all very different. In fact…after Tempt Me…I’m hoping readers will see a few characters that are begging for their own anthology *wink*
Fun question! Complete the following sentences with either Bone Daddy, Rousseau or Ben.
(RG: These are evil and unfair-I love them all! And I don’t think my answers will be expected.)
I would have a one night stand with.... Celestin Rousseau (because he’d be…energetic)
I would marry... Ben Adair (because despite his sass and bravado, he is the friend who stayed, and the man who waited)
I would date...Bone Daddy (because he would always keep things interesting-wait, can I choose to marry all of them? That has to be legal somewhere)
Thanks for the interview!!

Ms. Alexander is graciously giving away a signed print copy of Three Sinful Wishes or Possess Me.
Winner will choose one or the other. Open to everyone!
In hot and steamy Sedona, Arizona, three women are about to be granted their most intimate desires.
Dani, Bailey, and Kaya think they know what they want from life- success, independence, and a gorgeous man to share their beds-but when they perform an old wish-making ritual together, each of them gets a sinful surprise.
In these three interrelated love stories, these women discover that two is company...and three is even better.
Blurb from Goodreads
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I just love to her from the Arthur's. Awesome interview once again. TY for the giveaway chance
Great interview! And thanks for the giveaway. Ms. Alexander was a new to me author prior to reading Three Sinful Wishes which was hell fire hot! Thanks for the steamy read!
asiancocoa94 at aol dot com
Awesome interview, I certainly enjoy reading a bit more in depth stuff about your characters :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
Hey, those books sound great! Thanks for the giveaway!
Hi R.G.!!!! Your books sound very intriguing!!! Luv paranormal romances, especially when it's set in New Orleans!!! The Big Easy is my fav city!!! Thanks for the chance to win!!! :-)
great interview. It's a new author for me but i would like to discover more about his work so thanks you for the giveaway
These books look so freakin good! I cannot wait until I can get my hands on them :D
Thanks for the interview, I am new to this series, but it sounds right up my alley! I love erotica and the paranormal, so I will probably really like these books. I have found that I can really enjoy reading anthologies, they are a nice break from the super long, drawn out stories sometimes. Thanks for the contest, Book Savvy Babe
Wow both books look fantastic and I would love to win either one. Thank you for the giveaway.
Great interview !!!
Thank you for this introduction to a new-to-me author. I'll definitely have to check out her books!
great interview. It's a new author for me but i would like to discover more about his work so thanks you for the giveaway
rogcaprino at hotmail dot com
Great interview. I love RG's books. Thank you for the giveaway.
This author sounds awesome! Thanks for the great post and giveaway!
I want POSSESS ME--- that sounds like a great read-thanks for the great interview
Great interview. She is so blessed with the awesomeness of her covers :)
Great interview & giveaway! I've had "Three Sinful Wishes" on my TBR since I fell in love with the cover in May!
Great interview! And love the fun quetions.
It's nice to know authors can fantasize about the heroes WE fantasize about.
Adding to my TBR!
While I love RG completely I still have not read Three Sinful Wishes yet but would love too so thank you for the chance to win it! Xoxo
Hi R.G.;
Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to spend sometime with us. I'd love to win an autographed copy of one of these books.
Best Wishes;
Great interview and giveaway! This is a new author for me...I would love to win either of these books! Thx for the opportunity to do so!
I love this part of the interview when Rachel says "I just do my best to stay true to the character. Each character has their own unique way of lusting and loving. Their own issues to conquer. Their own secret desires." Its so true, because we can like everyone of the guys but only really connect with one, most important the one that makes us feel more. Each one of them is diferent in his own way!
Love, love love the interview!
I have really got to get my hands on these books. I have been interested in Bone Daddy since I first heard of him. Thanks so much for the chance to win a copy of a book.
June M.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
I'm loving these books and they are on my TRL.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com
Thanks for the interview! I'm a fan of chocolate too...big time. I like the book covers they are both smoking HOT. I've added your books to my book wish list.
A fellow Firefly fan? Now you are my kind of lady LOL! Seriously, Nathan Fillion is my dream husband. I love books set in New Orleans, one of my favorite settings since I am from Louisiana Woohoo! I like that you didn't even intend to make the stories connect in the anthology, they just did. Should be even more interesting to read. Thanks so much for the awesome interview and giveaway.
drharleyquinn87 (at) gmail (dot) com
I loved the interview. I love to meet new to me authors and learn about their books. Both of these books sound great and I have added both to my wish list and R.G. Alexander to my Authors to Watch For list. Thanks for the chance to win.
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