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Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Review: Possess Me by R. G Alexander

  Possess Me
by R.G. Alexander
Erotica Romance
Possess Me is a book written in three parts. While the stories follow the same story arc, each short story follows a different couple and their happily-ever-afters. I absolutely loved this idea! I thought it was unique and the fact that Alexander sets it in New Orleans makes me love it that much more! Each story is so culturally rich that I wished I could head on over to experience the magic for myself!

“Release Me”
The first story is Rousseau and Allegra’s story. What is so engaging about this story is the presence of the Loa spirit, Bone Daddy in Rousseau. Bone Daddy is a sexual spirit whose goal is sexual satisfaction. But even Allegra is intrigued by BD, it’s Rousseau that she wants.

As I mentioned earlier, I loved the idea of Bone Daddy, but I found it a little confusing because Rousseau and Bone Daddy are essentially the same person. It was a little hard to distinguish them from one another. But apart from that, I loved it!

“Reclaim Me”
Ben Adair is also another character that I loved. From the moment he made his first appearance in Release Me, I knew I’d love his story. Michelle and Ben have both had eyes for one another for a very long time, but they kept themselves at arm’s length.

But with Michelle’s special ability to see spirits, Bone Daddy’s presence seems to be pushing her closer and closer to Ben. I’ll have to agree with BD on this one.Together, Michelle and Ben are electric and I have to say that this story was my favourite of the three.

“Redeem Me”
In this last story, we get caught up on the events in Allegra and Michelle’s life, while also being introduced to one of their friends, Bethany. With her mediocre looks and shy personality, the others can’t believe that BD has set his sights on her, but with Allegra’s wedding on All Saints’ Day, the voodoo spirits can now walk the earth in the flesh.

Overall Impression: Loved the idea, loved the characters and loved the overall magical and sensual darkness that encompassed everything. And the cover is really hot!


jfort357 said...

Can't wait to read this book!!! Sounds sizzling HOT!!! Luv the cover!!! Added this series to my TBR list!!! Thanks for sharing this awesome review, Ann!!! :-)

Leagh said...

Ooohh this on one sounds HOT. I have it sitting on my shelf at home and am gonna have to pick it up sooner reather then later!

Elaine G said...

I cannot wait to read this book.I've had it on TBR list since it came out.
nice review.

Barbara said...

How can you NOT like a book with a character named Bone Daddy? Just for that...I really need to read this one!


June M. said...

I really want to learn more about Bone Daddy. The book sounds great and that cover is delicious!

Francesca said...

Bone Daddy is def my fave character. Very interesting man


Carol L. said...

Thanks for your review. And what a great concept. I do look forward to reading these books and meeting Bone Daddy.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Unknown said...

Great review hon. I love finding sexy anthologies and boy does this sound hot. Anybody know the name of the model on the cover? I am dying to know LOL! Bone Daddy? Talk about appropriately named LOL! He does sound very interesting. Great review again hon, thanks so much for this :)