I'm a huge fan of his hair. Not sure what it is about longer hair on men. Those who can pull it off are just sexier. I mean, really. check out this pic right here. Brooding male. Yum.
I am currently in a historical romance faze right now. I saw this and thought, hmmm Taylor as a gladiator? What about a highlander hero? Any takers?
And of course, who can resist a bad boy on a motorcycle? I know I can't. Think he could play Jax from Jill Shalvis' SIMPLY IRRESISTIBLE?
Or, perhaps a M/M hero? *raises eyebrow*
But if I had to cast Taylor for a book role, I think he would make a fantastic William from Gena Showalter's Lords of the Underworld!! What do you think?
Which bookish role would you cast Taylor in?
Wow I can totally see him as William. And that smile... that's what I think of when Will puts on his charm.
Oh yeah, totally William!
Cade, from Dark Desires After Dusk by Kresley Cole.
Yay, glad you like him as William!
Nice, Lady D! He could be a good Cade too! My Cade is Jessie Pavelka!
*squeee like a Justin Bieber fangirl*
I think I say this on a daily base.
1. Taylor is Hot, and I loved him at FNL.
2. Man + Long Hair = Hottest thing on earth.
3. Taylor + Long Hair + Bike&Leather = *squeee like a Justin Bieber fangirl*
I never saw him as Wiliam, but I think he could be a real good Lassiter from BDB!
Loved the post Ladies!
Haha Dyllan!!
Lassiter! Hey I never thought of that one! I can totally see that!
Jessie Pavelka I could see, but he almost has too much of a good-boy thing going on. xD As for Lassiter, PERFECT!
Yumm, yum yum yum.
Thanks ladies
I didn't see him as Gambit yet! Damnit! Must get on that!
You're right, Lady D. Jessie has that polished look about him.
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