Devil's Punch
(Corine Solomon #4)
by Ann Aguirre
I would love to have Corine Solomon as a friend. When she learns that her best friend, Shannon has been taken by the demons she has provoked, Corine makes no hesitation as she sets her plans in motion to get her back. She is loyal and kind, and although her life right now is still murky, she knows that she has people in her life that are worth fighting for.
DEVIL’S PUNCH begins in Mexico, where Corine and Chase are trying to work their relationship out. Chase has been giving Corine her space, but I have to say that I loved how he was able to convey his feelings without smothering her. Those tender kisses and longing glances really solidified the fact that he really does care about her and what happens between them. I loved the glimpses into his past and really wished there was more of that because I enjoyed more of his character that way.
Though the book starts off in Mexico, it doesn’t really stay that way. Early on, Corine’s journey to find her best friend takes them out of Mexico and into Sheol, or Hell. I found that the pacing was good. There wasn’t a moment that dragged for too long. I thought that that was noteworthy because in most of Ann’s books, she is able to move the story on smoothly while punching you in the teeth. She’s that good of a writer.
Another nice thing about this book is the action. Aguirre incorporates interesting mythology while making it her own. I noticed that Aguirre’s writing style isn’t flashy and yet it still manages to hold my attention. But don’t get me wrong, the action is in no way subdued. There are demons, so there is no way that this book could be passed up!
Interesting things occur in this book that makes me eager to read the next book in the series, AGAVE KISS. I can’t help but wonder what Aguirre has in store for her readers next!
*Review Copy provided by author

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This sounds pretty interesting...thanks for the author recommend Ann!!!!
No problem, Timitra!!!
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