Hi Angela, thank you! I knew I wasn’t going to win the RITA, so when they called my name I went into shock. At the rehearsal, they told us to write a speech even if we knew were weren’t going to win, so I had scribbled down a few notes on a piece of hotel stationary. But then I didn’t know what I did with the notes, so when I got up to take the award, I have no idea what came out of my mouth. It was only after I had sat down again that I discovered I had clutched my notes the whole time in one fist.
Right now, my two awards (the other for RT Book Review’s Book of the Year award) are sitting in a little corner of my dining room. I’m hoping to get a shelf to put them on so that they’re in a secure place.
What can you tell us about Hunter's Season?
Hunter’s Season is about Xanthe, a secondary character from Devil’s Gate, who is Dark Fae and works for the crown. More specifically, she works for Tiago, who is the Dark Fae Queen Niniane Lorelle’s chief of security and mate (main characters from Storm’s Heart). The hero is the Dark Fae Chancellor Aubrey Riordan (also from Storm’s Heart).
I was excited to tell this story because it gave me—and will give the reader—a chance to catch up with what is happening in Adriyel. Also, as characters, Aubrey and Xanthe really spoke to me. I was delighted to be able to tell their story. This is the fourth Elder Races novella and closes down the story arc I started with the first novella, True Colors.
A little birdie told us that Jenn LeBlanc's awesome photography skills were used in the Hunter's Season cover. What are your thoughts on the cover?
The cover is so much fun! I love the autumn colors, and the Dark Fae male is awesome. Kudos and thanks to Angela Waters, who is the cover artist, and to Jenn and her model Karl for providing such awesome material. It was fun to squee with Jenn when she realized that her stock photo had been used!
What can you tell us about the future of The Elder Races Series/novella?
I am very excited to have just completed the draft of book six, which is Aryal’s story. I’m calling it a “hate sex buddy movie love story type thing.” There’s lots of action, surprises character development, and I think some real laugh out loud moments. Now I’m turning my attention to a proposal for book seven, and I’m excited to start getting my ideas down for that project!
As for the Elder Races novellas, I have no plans to pursue more at this point in time. I’m going to concentrate on the full length novels and developing other projects.
You are set to release a new series called Game of Shadows. The first book is called RISING DARKNESS. Where did you get the idea for this series and how will this series differ from the Elder Races?
The Game of Shadows series is actually a duology, and there are no plans to develop this further than the two books. I actually got the original idea before the Elder Races series ever came along (goodness I think it’s been something like seven years ago now!!). The first incarnation was not good, not good at all. After developing it for some time, it stalled, and I set it aside.
Then a few years later I looked at it again, and I realized two things—the first was how bad parts of it were, and the second was that there was some really good stuff in it as well.
I reworked the project and eventually Berkley offered for it, and now I’m thrilled that we have some release dates on the books. It’s been a long time coming.
The books have a strong urban fantasy feel to them, and the mythology is highly developed but it doesn’t have the same Earth as in the Elder Races world. There are four POVs, including the antagonist, so the total “feel” of the stories is quite different.
What does your writing schedule look like? How many hours do you write in a day?
My writing schedule has been very hectic since I signed my first Berkley contract, which is exciting, because I’m thrilled to have the work! As for how many hours a day, that tends to vary. On Saturday I put in close to sixteen hours as I pushed to finish the draft of book six—but that’s a bit unusual. Usually my schedule is dictated by what kind of deadline I’m facing at the time.
Are you a neat freak!? What does your writing space look like?
At the moment, my writing space is a mess because I haven’t cleaned up from this deadline. Usually I start out quite neat with a project and things go gradually downhill from there. When I finish that project, I clean my work space and get ready to do it all again.
What's the best book you've read lately? Or what books would you recommend to readers?
I’m currently reading Patty Brigg’s Fair Game. I adore her work and highly recommend her.
Quick-fire questions!
Favorite supernatural creature?
Right now, my favorite are the Djinn.
Favorite author?
Can’t. Don’t have just one. Recently, though I’ve been wanting to reread some Katherine Kurtz.
Favorite book?
Can’t. Don’t have just one. I just…. can’t. But I will say that when I was a child, I read Black Beauty something like eleven times, and I think I cried every time.
Favorite place to read?
Sprawled on my couch, with my dogs.
Thank you for having me again! It’s been a lot of fun to visit with you!
Thea Harrison
Twitter @TheaHarrison
Duty. Devotion. Desire. When fate brings two isolated people together, love is in the cards.
As a palace guard and assassin for the Dark Fae, Xanthe always wore a mask, hiding her emotions to do her duty. But when her identity is compromised, she trades undercover work for guarding Queen Niniane—a position that often brings her in contact with Chancellor Aubrey Riordan.Aubrey’s trust is shattered. A year ago his wife tried to assassinate their new queen in his name, a betrayal of everything he believes in. And now an attack on his life is proof the dark conspiracy is not yet over. Although injured and weak, Aubrey can’t help but be drawn to this shy assassin and loyal protector. Xanthe is everything Naida wasn’t, and the passion she stirs in him is something he thought had long passed him by.
Warning: Take a man recovering from an assassination attempt, the assassin sworn to protect him, add in a magical Tarot card deck and an isolated cabin, and watch the sparks fly!

For readers, where is your favorite place to read?
Comment for a chance to the ebook of your choice from my Samhain back-list! If you already have the three novellas on my back-list, you can always give your prize to a friend!
I love reading on the bed at night and on my couch with a cup of tea in the afternoons.
I like to read in my big recliner during the day and I like to get into my bed and read at night.
Big recliner after everyone has gone to bed ;)
I like to read in my bed.
on my couch...it's right next to m window so I can read by light from the sun and just relax
I like to read in bed, warm and comfy. :D
But I also love to read while taking a bath and next summer I would like a hammock to read outside.
I love to read in my designated reading nook on my chaise lounge. Everyone knows not to bother me when I am in my personal space. : )
I read lying across the bed, lying on the couch - riding in a car...um...everywhere I get a chance, but my fav is bed or couch!
Hi everybody!
Once again, a big thanks to the wonderful folks at Under the Covers for having me on their blog today. Always such a pleasure.
It looks like we all have similar places we like to read, places that bring us comfort and peace. I have a recliner too, where I like to snuggle under a soft throw with a warm drink. Perfect for reading!
Good luck with the contest!
My favorite place to read is on my backyard deck (in the summer, of course). I sit in an adirondack chair under my "vineyard" and enjoy the breeze.
My favorite place to read - there isn't one. I read everywhere even in the kitchen as I make dinner. But if I have to pick it would be in bed :).
I read anywhere and everywhere. While riding in the car, waiting to clock in at work, before bed, in bed... you get the picture.
I love reading in bed....especially on a cold rainy day!
My loveseat with a cold diet coke nearby and a cat or two next to me.
I love to curl up in my window seat with a blanket(okay yes you caught me its a snuggie, my kids bought it for me I swear) I like to read there anytime of day. Thanks Carin
mawmom at gmail dot com
Everywhere!! =) now that i´ve got my Kindle + the Kindle app in my phone, i can read anywhere and anytime =D Love it!! But the best place is still in bed, and hearing rain outside.
Love the giveaway, =)
best wishes, Linda xo
I love reading on the couch wrapped up in my favorite down comforter, with a cup of chai tea close at hand.
caity_mack@yahoo dot com
My favorite place to read is out on my back deck on my glider. If it's raining, cool, or dark, I have a big, comfy chair I curl up in and read.
This book sounds fantastic. I love the Elder Races series! Can't wait to read it. Thanks for the great interview and giveaway.
I have a lot of favorite places to read, but the front porch swing in the fall is probably my favorite.
Thanks for a great post and congrats on the newest release! I love, love, love Thea's books :)
I love reading in my recliner cuz then my dog curls up in my lap :)
Favorite place to read is definitely my bed...lol....I like to lay on it and just read
I do not have any one favorite place to read, but the most frequent choice is a love seat in our family room.
I haven't started the novellas yet, but I look forward to reading them.
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
Anywhere! Any reading time is good time!
I love to read in my bedroom with a candle burning. ;)
Damaris (Maris)
My favorite place to read is anywhere I have some free time and something in my hand to read. The place I read the most is in the chair in my office, I can prop my feet up and get comfy and the light is good in that room, so I guess you could say that's my favorite place to read. :D
I love reading in bed.
During most of the year my favoite place to read is sitting on my front porch, during winter its curled up on the couch snuggled up with a blanket.
When the weather is nice I love to sit on my back deck in the shade of our maple tree with a cold drink. In the winter it's in a cozy window seat reading and looking out at the rain...
My favourite place to read is in bed!
My favorite place to read would be anywhere that's quiet :) and the only place that's truly quiet is in my bed just before I go to sleep. Thank you for the giveaway!
My favorite place is outside on the swing under the tree. I can only read there though, when the weather is nice and during the summer. I can read anywhere I can take my kindle or print book. I'm really not picky. :)
luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com
I love to read in my den, by our fireplace during the winter/fall months, and in my living room during the summer/spring!!
In the comfy chair in the living room.
My favorite place to read is anywhere and everywhere. I read at least a book a day. In the car as a passenger, in restaurants, while eating, while watching TV, in bed, etc...
I love to lie down in my bed, relax, and read. :)
I will read anywhere; but my favourite place is my couch with my coffee and my cat
faefever25 at hotmail dot com
I like to read in bed.
Love to take a hot bath and read or lay in bed! Rarely get to do either though. Most of the time I'm on the couch.
I love to read in front of the fire!!!
In my bed!
I love reading in our "other" living room on the old couch. No one bothers me but the kitties and it's got a great view out the window when it storms.
I love reading in this big comfy chair with my cat on my lap in my living room. sdylion(at)gmail(dot)com
I love reading at night in my bed because any other time that I try reading I just get distracted! So when it's so quite in my room I just fall into the story!
Thanks so much for the chance to win!
My favorite place to read is curled up in my papasan chair. Thanks for the giveaway!
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