* Jacquelyn Frank: Author Override | UTC Reviews
* Skye Warren: Author Override
* Narrator Lorelei King: Interview
* Stephanie Tyler: Interview
* Carolyn Crane: Author Override | UTC Review
* J.T. Geissinger: Interview | UTC Review
* Men and Women of the Military Giveaway Hop
* Keri Arthur: Interview | UTC Reviews

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Interview and Giveaway with Karin Tabke!

Helloo Maidens! Please join me in welcoming Paranormal Romance author, Karin Tabke! Ms. Tabke has just released the first book of her new paranormal romance trilogy called Blood Law for Berkley Heat. You can find my fangirl review of Blood Law here.

Karin Tabke is a full-time writer who dapples in various genres, including paranormal romantic suspense under the pen name, Karin Harlow and historical and contemporary romance. You can find more information on Karin Tabke and her books here.
UTC: First off, thank you so much for stopping by today! We appreciate your time and are thrilled to have you here to talk about your new Blood Moon Trilogy! Lets get started and get to know you better! You write paranormal romance, paranormal romantic suspense, contemporary and even historical (medieval) romance! Do you find it difficult to make the necessary changes in writing style between genres? How do you make sure your “voice” remains distinctly yours?
First off, thank you, Ann for the invite!  Im really excited to hang out here today! Ok, so to answer your first question, no.  I dont find it hard to make any changes when I switch subgenres.  My contemporary voice and historical voice while distinct are as much a part of me as my arms and legs.  I can speak with either at any given time.  I dont have to make sure my voice remains distinctly mine, not anymore.  Its ingrained, part of my writer fabric now.  All I do now, is hone it.
UTC: Blood Law is the first book in your Blood Moon Trilogy. How did the idea of this series come to be?
I was at the movies with hubby watching Rise of the Lycan.  I had one of those ah hah! moments. The next night we were watching Sons of Anarchy and then my head blew up with the idea!  Hubby was sweet enough to clean up the mess.
UTC: The Blood Law is a crucial aspect to the Blood Moon series and is essentially, the notion of an eye for an eye. What inspired this law?
 The Bibles eye for an eye.  Lycan are primal.  In nature, wolves are primal and their laws are simple: respect the hierarchy and only the strong survive.
UTC: I adore your main lead characters in Blood Law! What do you love most about your heroine, Falon and your hero, Rafael?
I love Falons complexity.  There is so much more to her than what you see.  I love her natural curiosity, her wonder, and her love for Rafael.  Rafe, what can I say about him that hasnt been said?  He is ruled by honor and duty, but at his core, it is his primal self that overrules all law, lycan or man made.  He is the good son who loves as fiercely as he hates.  Hes torn between his honor and responsibility to his pack, his blood ties to his brother, and his fierce love for Falon.  He cannot have one with out sacrificing the others.
UTC: What was it about the Lycans that intrigued you so much to write a trilogy on them?
Their badassness.  Lycan are the misunderstood rogues of the paranormals.  I love that they are so basic in their primal simplicity. And since I write alphas, what better canvas to paint the ultimate alpha?
UTC: Why did you decide to write a paranormal romance series? Is there a genre you prefer to write over others?
I didnt pick paranormal romance, it picked me!  I love writing love stories, period.  My favorite genre is the one Im currently writing.  I wrote WANTED, my hot cop contemp novella in the upcoming MEN OUT OF UNIFORM with authors Maya Banks and Sylvia Day in between ENEMY MINE (Karin Harlow paranormal suspense) and writing BLOOD RIGHT, and I grinned the entire time I wrote it. So, really, I love the characters.
UTC: The covers to Blood Law and Blood Right are downright delicious! Did you have a say in the cover art? What was your reaction when you saw it for the first time?  
I know arent they just yummy?  Love them!  Yes, I did have a say.  My editor and I talked early on about our vision.  I really wanted the covers to tell a story. Same models for all three books.  The first cover (you can see it on the amazon kindle page) was gorgeous but it didnt convey the passion between Rafe and Falon I had hoped for.  They knocked the second try out of the park!  I love the BLOOD RIGHT cover and as soon as I can show the BLOOD MOON RISING cover, I will! 
UTC: Out of all the heroines you have written, who would you say is most like you?
Oh no!  Ok, so every one of my heroines has a little piece of me, thats how I roll!  But, most like me?  Frankie in SKIN and Jax in ENEMY LOVER.  That said, I am not nearly as brave as either of them!  But they have mouths on them and dont back down, two of my better or worse traits depending on which side you happen to be when experiencing them.
UTC: What can we expect for your next instalment in the Blood Moon trilogy?
BLOOD RIGHT February 2012!  Also, the second book in my Karin Harlow L.O.S.T. series, ENEMY MINE, is releasing Aug  11.  Im excited about this book too!
UTC: What can we expect from your upcoming short story "Wanted" in the "Men Out of Uniform" coming out in October?
A fun, steamy romp!  I loved writing Colin, my hero in that story. While alpha through and through, he has a sense of humor, I loved!  Its good, really good.
UTC: Tell us, what's next for Karin Tabke?
After I wrap up BLOOD RIGHT, Ill begin BLOOD MOON RISING, and then its back to those sexy Blood Sword Legacy knights!
Thank you again, Karin for stopping by Under the Covers! We appreciate your time and will be eagerly awaiting the next instalment of the Blood Moon Trilogy, Blood Right!
Thank you Ann for the invite!!!

Karin has graciously offered us a SIGNED copy of her newest release, BLOOD LAW to giveaway to one lucky commenter! Open to everyone through May 25 - May 31. To enter, you must follow these instructions:
1. Be a follower of this blog.
2. Leave a comment on this interview or on my Blood Law review here.
3. Leave your email address in your comment.
Winner will be announced on June 1. Good luck to those who enter and thank you for celebrating our 100 follower celebration with us! We appreciate it!


LorettaLynn//Temprance said...

This looks like a great book. I just love the cover.Looking forward to reading:):) Great interview and giveaway


Ren said...

Ouch,failed become the 1st commenter! But, congrats for 100 follower, UTC Ladies!!
And thanks for the interview and giveaway (and make it international, YAY!).I love Blood Law cover, but Blood Right cover is stunning!
I read the review of Blood Law here and in Goodreads, and want to read this so bad! ^_^

sawamura_foxman AT yahoo DOT com

Megan@Riverina Romantics said...

Great interview guys! Thank you for the great giveaway!

rootml1 AT hotmail DOT com

satins booki said...

great interview ladies.


Book Savvy Babe said...

Karin, I”m so glad you got say in the cover, because this cover rocks! I have heard great things about Blood Law, and hope I get to read it soon!
booksavvybabe AT gmail DOT com

AngelaC said...

Great interview UTC!!!
2112 seem such a long time to wait for the next book. I've only heard good things about this book.

Ma crn 1 ATgM ail dot com

Denise Z said...

What a wonderful interview - I have not read this book and it definitely sounds like a got to read! I appreciate the time and effort of putting together the interview and thank you for the chance to win the giveaway.

Veronica said...

I have to agree with the others, it sounds like a really great book to read! I follow your blog via GFC (Veronica) thanks :)


Lori @ Romancing the Dark Side said...

Great interview! This one's been on my wish list for a while...can't wait to read it!


Karin* said...

Good morning! (hey it's still morning here in Cali!) I'm going to refill my coffee cup and then I'll be back to chat!

Karin* said...

Hi,Temperance, how are you today?

I love the cover too! I could not be happier with it.

Karin* said...

Ren when I saw the BLOOD RIGHT cover I about swooned! I don't mind sending a book internationally. Good luck!

Karin* said...

Thanks for stopping by Meggerfly!

Karin* said...

Thanks, Sue!

Karin* said...

Hey, Book Savvy Babe! I have been really blessed for the most part with good covers, but even more blessed with editors who are willing to listen and work work with me.

Karin* said...

Angela, 2012 will be here before you know it!!

Karin* said...

Thanks, Denise. :) I appreciate you stopping by!

Karin* said...

Thank you, Veronica. I think you'll really enjoy BLOOD LAW!

Karin* said...

Enjoy, Lori! Thanks for stopping by!

Escape by Fiction said...

This book looks wicked hot - I want it!! The cover is just amazing. I love guys with tats!

Good reading ~ Escape by Fiction

Avalon Cat Cartoons said...

I'd love to win this! I'm a GFC follower.


Vanessa & Avalon, Avalon Cat Cartoons

Anonymous said...

Gimme Gimme! LOL This sounds great!!!!

shamelessromancereviews at gmail dot com

Alyssa (Hesperia Loves Books) said...

Great interview and whether I win or not, this book is definitely going into my massive TBR pile, lol.

~ Alyssa ♥ hesperialovesbooks

Alyssa (Hesperia Loves Books) said...

sorry I forgot to leave my email address:


Jennifer @ The Book Nympho said...

Awesome interview and review.

thebooknympho AT gmail DOT com

Sarah said...

Sweet, thanks for the giveaway and awesome interview! :)

imlovingbooks [at] gmail [dot] com

buddyt said...

Thank you fr the giveaway.

I haven't read anything about lycans for quite a while so I would like to get hold of the bpook.


Carol T

buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

I Follow via GFC (buddyt)

Kati R said...

What a great interview and giveaway. I've been on paranormal kick lately. And the cover is all sorts of HOT and then some!

GFC: Kati R
romancingrakes AT gmail DOT com

Elaine G said...

I can't wait to read this book.
Great interview.


Anonymous said...

Lycans! *-* What a super sexy cover. ;) It's going on my TBR list right now! LOL
thanks for the giveaway!
I'm a gfc follower.

kah_cherub at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

oh, right. Duh, forgot to say I follow as Karla Vollkopf. ;)

Karin* said...

Escape by Fiction, BLOOD LAW is most def wicked hot!

Karin* said...

Good luck, Avalon! Thank you for stopping by!

Karin* said...

Good luck, Dee!

Karin* said...

Good luck, Alyssa, thank you for stopping by!!

Karin* said...

Thank you, Jennifer!

Karin* said...

Thank you for stopping by, Sarah!

Karin* said...

Carol you're in for a Lycan treat! ;)

Karin* said...

Thanks, Kati, I love the cover too!

Karin* said...

Elain I can't wait for you to read BLOOD LAW!

Karin* said...

Thank you, Kah cherub!

Gabbie said...

The cover is hot!! I cannot wait to read about Lycans. Blood Law sounds realllly good :D

Great Interview!

GFC Follower - Gabbie
Gabbie-ethela AT hotmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

I love the cover and the Blood Moon trilogy sounds great!


Eden Summers said...

Great review guys!! Blood Law sounds like a must read book for me.

WildAboutBones said...

Sounds like an great book. Can't wait to read it.
Thanks for taking the time to do this interview.
I am a follower of this blog. jennifermailcenter[at]gmail[dot]com

Jenn of Frequent Reader, Infrequent Blogger said...

It looks really good, great interview.

jennlovesed14 at gmail

heykiddego said...

Haven't read any of this series, but it looks cool!

heykiddego (at) gmail (dot) com

SaNnn~~~ said...

Nice interview and of course GREAT cover..
Seems interesting.. :)


Tanya1224 said...

Thank you for the interview. I'm actually at the book store now and was checking out this book. It's cool you had a say in the cover because it is one hot cover! Please enter me in this contest, I'd love to win this book.
I'm now a follower as Tanyaw1224

Unknown said...

What an amazing cover!!! I mean, it's really incredible!
I'd love to read the book... Booth, Rafael and Falon seem wonderful. And your choice of Kate Beckinsale for Falon... it's great!

GFC: Alexandra Roxana Garcia
E-mail: alexandra.roxana.garcia@gmail.com


Judy said...

thanks for the great giveaway! I really enjoyed the interview. This book looks great.

I am a follower (judy)


Book Chatter Cath said...

That is a GAW-JUS cover
great contest:)


Irene Jackson said...

Great interview , I love the idea of these Lycans I'm looking forward to reading the books. The cover is fantastic draws me in immediately :)
gfc follower - irgl7

Unknown said...

Great interview! I love Lycan stories and wish they would do more Underworld type movies. congrats on the followers Please enter me in the giveaway. thanks
GFC follower

jennyb845 said...

Great interview. I love cover! It is hot!! I would live to win a copy.


Laura H. said...

Thanks for the giveaway and for participating in this blog hop! Very interesting and informative interview. This is a new author for me but I'm very intrigued and will even be checking out The Blood Sword Legacy series. I'm a new follower via GFC (MamaHendo3).


Melissa (Books and Things) said...

Oh I've been wanting to read this one for a long time. Great interview and giveaway!!

I'm a gfc follower
books (dot) things (at) yahoo (Dot) com

Kristie said...

Great Interview! Can't wait to read this book.

Texas Book Lover said...

I have sceen this book around recently and it sounds fantastic!

I am a gfc follower!
mmmafsmith at gmail dot com

Rhianna said...

Really glad I found this book and this blog thanks to the hop! :D

GFC Follower (Rhianna)

always.and.never AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

Great interview! The book sounds great, love the cover.

Thanks for the giveaway.
GFC - JessS

Juana said...

Thanks for the interview & giveaway. This book sounds like a keeper. I added it to my Book Wish List.

GFC follower = Juana Esparza


bittenbyromance said...

Great interview ladies. I forgot about this one coming out.. Please enter me.

Spav said...

This looks like a very interesting book. I'll have to put it at the top of my wishlist!


Christie said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I posted a comment on your review as well.
I am a new follower on GFC: Christie

swaggirl01 at gmail dot com

Maria said...

I commented on your review. I'm a GFC follower(Maria). Thanks for the giveaway!


jessica said...

I'm a GFC follower. I love the cover and love your books!
jessangil at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Great post and prize! I've been seeing this book on the blogs and dying to read it. Please enter me for your giveaway and thanks. Have an awesome summer!
GFC: LadyVampire2u

LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

Really want to read this! :)

GFC Follower (Stephanie)

Gigi said...

The cover looks so sexy!! I love strong male characters, so posesive, grrrrrrrrr! This kind of books always are my fav!

GFC follower: Gisele Alvarado

BLHmistress said...

LOL love her answer for how she came up with this series, hope it wasn't too messy for her hubby.



Janhvi said...

thanks for this awesome giveaway!!!
the book looks hothothot!

i'm a follower via GFC-Janhvi Jagtap

justjanhvi at gmail dot com

Dinda said...

Great interview !!!
The book sounds good. I love the cover.


Valerie said...

Sounds like a great book...I love the cover!!

GFC follower-Valerie


Patricia's Particularity said...

Thank you so much for this giveaway! I must read this book!!

Commented on Review - amazing!! & Follower ;)


Romancing the Book said...

I've been eyeing this series, but haven't picked it up. I loved Karin's Enemy Love (as Harlow) and can't wait for the next in that series. :)

Jen K.
GFC follower as Romancing the Book
admin.bookblog AT gmail.com

Katie said...

thanks for the giveaway! I love the main characters! thanks for the great interview i always learn something new.
GFC Follower - Katie

SiNn said...

awesome interview! i have ro get this even if i dont win ill be adding to my have to have list ty !

im a gfc follower -SiNn

IdentitySeeker said...

Great interview! I tend to like heroines with mouths on them so I'd have to give this series a try. I absolutely adore the book cover for Blood Law. Thanks for the giveaway:) I'm a GFC follower: Identity Seeker.


Toni said...

Wonderful interview! Great cover too. I really like to know that a series has a set end. Trilogy = 3. Enough said. Thanks for stopping by and offering such a great prize.
GFC: Toni Steiner

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway thank you so much!What a great interview this book sounds great can't wait to read it! Im a GFC follower/latishajean
tishajean@ charter.net

donnas said...

Great interview and awesome cover. Looking forward to reading it.

Im a follower

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Crystal @ RBtWBC said...

Great interview & thanks for the giveaway!
readingbetweenthewines10 at gmail dot com

tfalick said...

awesome interview. and thank you for the amazing chance to win this book. THANK YOU! it is very much appreciated!

ChrisS said...

Great interview. Karin's Blood sword Legacy series was awesome and I just finished reading Good Girl Gone Bad and Wow! I am really excited about this new series and look forward to reading Blood Law.


AquarianDancer said...

So I won't lie, the original reason for me reading these books was that my name is also Karin. I don't see many people with the same spelling (although it is probably pronounced differently). However, after I started reading them I couldn't put them down!

AquarianDancer at gmail dot com