Magic Slays (Kate Daniels # 5)
by Ilona Andrews
Urban Fantasy

This is the fifth installment of the Kate Daniels series and I LOVED IT! I completely completely consumed it this book, no page was left unturned, no word undevoured! In the last book it was left with Kate and Curran finally getting their freak on and becoming mates, and Kate starting up her own PI business with a little assistance from the Pack. In Magic Slays it has been a couple of months and she hasn't had a single client which, isn't surprising been as Ted her former boss at the Order has been bad mouthing her. But, when she does finally get her first job of finding out where a kidnap victim is, she stumbles on more then she bargained for and the whole of Atlanta's magical community have to team up or face certain death.
Although I love the action packed plots of all the Kate Daniel books, in this book I found myself looking forward to some Kate-Curran interaction and was a little worried that now they have gotton together the funny push and pull of their relationship would disappear; however, it was a needless concern, the two of them have still had heaps of chemistry and the witty banter that marked their relationship from the beginning. I loved watching them figure out exactly how they were going to life together, both of them are stubborn and used to getting their own way so sparks definately fly and although this book is fairly tame in the sex department, it is mostly fade to black, you can still feel the heat between them.
This book also expanded more on Kate's crazy family, and I really can not wait for the final confrontation between Kate and Roland and how it will pan out, Kate is like Spiderman she always beats the big bad guys even though she seems to have less power they they do, I just hope she can do the same with Roland. I have a feeling though that Hugh might be in the next book, her step father's prodigy and Roland's right hand man.
The only thing that was slightly disappointing was that I wanted to see Andrea and Rapheal together! There wasn't a single confrontation between them! They can't split up! I can't allow it damn it *shakes fist*! They were perfect for each other!
I really loved this book, not only did it have a fast action packed plot, but it had my favourite couple in it and it has left me waiting very impatiently for the next.

Loved this book!
Good review, I haven't read this one yet but it will definately go on my TBR pile.
Good review, I haven't read this one yet but it will definately go on my TBR pile.
LOVE! Such a great series, gotta love Kates spark!
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