Magic Bites (Kate Daniels # 1)
by Ilona Andrews
Urban Fantasy

Anyone who knows me, knows about my love -that burns with a fiery and undying passion- for these books and have probably been stongly encouraged (okay coerced) into reading them! But I can't help it. Something about them draws me in. It has all the things I love, interesting new world; check! Sarcastic and funny heroine; check! Out of this world sexy alpha male; check! Paranormal creatures; check! A fast paced plot and plenty of bloody action; check! Tell me what is NOT to love?
Kate is one of my favourite characters, as I said above she is sarcastic and funny, and also completely kick ass..Someone pointed out to me recently that I only like the sarcastic, tough, bitchy heroines, and well they might be right, but what can I say, I hate whiners! As for Curran *deep girly lustful sigh* need I say more?
The world building in this is also really good, there is alot of it in the first book, but once you have your head around it, it is a complex and interesting new world Ilona Andrews introduces you to, a world where pretty much anything can happen and frequently does. This gives the story an edge of excitement as you know to expect the unexpected. I also really like the vampires in this book, these vampires don't sparkle, and they don't brood and wax poetic about the beauty of the night they infact will just rip your neck off and gorge unless they are tightly controlled by necromancers.
I hope this little reveiw, which is really just me gushing about how much I love this series encourages you to pick this series up and give it a try!
Kate is one of my favourite characters, as I said above she is sarcastic and funny, and also completely kick ass..Someone pointed out to me recently that I only like the sarcastic, tough, bitchy heroines, and well they might be right, but what can I say, I hate whiners! As for Curran *deep girly lustful sigh* need I say more?
The world building in this is also really good, there is alot of it in the first book, but once you have your head around it, it is a complex and interesting new world Ilona Andrews introduces you to, a world where pretty much anything can happen and frequently does. This gives the story an edge of excitement as you know to expect the unexpected. I also really like the vampires in this book, these vampires don't sparkle, and they don't brood and wax poetic about the beauty of the night they infact will just rip your neck off and gorge unless they are tightly controlled by necromancers.
I hope this little reveiw, which is really just me gushing about how much I love this series encourages you to pick this series up and give it a try!

I love, love, love Kate Daniels!!!
Jen at Red Hot Books
Great review! Guess what Suz? I finally...finally, put this on hold at my library. So I shall be reading it soon! :)
~ Sarah ♥ I'm Loving Books
Lol! Me too! As you can probably guess! It deserves 6 feathers : D
Woohoo! Atlaaaaaaaaaaaast Sarah! It only took months and months of nagging, I will be stalking you when you start reading wanting a page by page update : D
You've convinced me. I adore the irascible heroine types too.
Thanks for the post!
Good review! I'm convinced! A sarcastic, funny, kick-ass heroine and an alpha hero?? Who would need more??
rea090 AT gmail DOT com
Haha! Your enthusiasm for this series is infectious. I'm kicking it up to the top of my to-read pile.
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