Crazy For Books Book Blogger Hop
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This weeks question:
“Let’s talk crazy book titles! Highlight one or two (or as many as you like!) titles in your personal collection that have the most interesting titles! If you can’t find any, feel free to find one on the internet!”
I actually like the titles for the Hollows series by Kim Harrison. They all have a Clint Eastwood movies theme. "Dead Witch Walking" "The Good, The Bad and the Undead" "Every Which Way But Dead" etc...
The reason for the titles ... from the author:
Why the Clint titles? There is a reason. I've always liked the characters that Clint Eastwood has played, especially the westerns where the guy comes in off the plain, able to solve the town's problems with a bully, but not all that eager to, but after some persuasion, he does. Not only does he take care of business, but he does it in a just, not necessarily legal way. I sort of see Rachel like that, if Clint had a pixy instead of a gun, and a convertible instead of a horse. Okay, maybe they aren't that much alike, but the feeling is there. But a more bland aspect is that it was a marketing decision to help make the books more recognizable.

Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee
The question of the week is:
Q. How has your reading habits changed since you were a teen? or If you are still a teen what new genres are you in love with currently?
Get this! I didn't read as a teen. I was one of those kids who thought I was too cool for school. It wasn't until a few years ago that I started reading again. I'm 22 now, which puts me in an odd spot. Naturally, Twilight sparked an interest, but it was actually Libba Bray's Gemma Doyle trilogy that got me going to the libraries and bookstores. Since then, I've notice a slighty (okay, maybe not so slightly) smuttier preference in books. Hey, I have a pulse. Sue me.
I didnt read as a teen either. I kinda stopped at 12 and picked up again in mid thirties. Yeah for Judy Blume, Nancy Drew and Little House on the Prairie though.
Now like you, cheers to the more smuttier preferences *giggles*
I was the same way as a teen. I was too school for school and books. lol
Here's my friday memes for this week.
♥ Sarah
Stopping by to wish you all a Happy Friday
Lydia @ Sensual Ride
Haha "slightly" sluttier! It's ok, I went from Christian fiction to the "slightly" sluttier you speak of, LOL Book Savvy Babe
Haha, LOVE your answer! I didn't really read much in school either because they made us read all of these books that didn't interest me. Oh, and I love The Hollows series, I guess I never put two and two together and figured out that about the titles though - learn something new every day!
Love your answer!
Oh man! I was one of the "geeks" then because I would spend some recesses--mostly middle school ones--reading a book! I used to be the only kid who LOVED sustained silent reading in English class!
Thought of the Kim Harrison titles too after I posted my original post!
Here's my Friday Hops
Have a GREAT weekend!
Old Follower :)
I wasn't much of a reader either as a teen. Friday Post!
Hi there,
Stopping by via Parajunkee's Follow Friday. I'm following you.
Have a great weekend!
Holjo @ Pedantic Phooka
I am with you! I rarely read in high school. I had better things to do like hang out with my friends and go on dates with guys who were never really worth the time. I think it's just the way girls are in their teens. Now, I'm 23 and read constantly. And Gemma Doyle was a big part of it for me too. I love those books so much.
Have a great weekend!
Nothing wrong with a pulse! Thanks for stopping by; I'm following back now!
Hey there!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Happy Blog Hop!
Lisa Jo @ Once Upon A Chapter
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