Dirty Little Secret is a weekly meme hosted by us at Under the Covers. Every Thursday we get to know other bloggers and our readers more intimately by asking them a question hoping to reveal their dirty little secrets. We hope that you will all join us!
To participate in the meme all you need to do is:
1. Be a follower of Under the Covers.
2. Create a post in your blog taking the meme image (code above) and copy instructions.
3. Answer the question we propose! This can be done in any way you like, post a video, write a post etc.
4. Then add your link below.
Non-bloggers: We want to hear from you as well!!! Let us know your answer in the comments!
We hope you join us and let us know your Dirty Little Secrets!
This weeks question:
"If you were the heroine of a novel,
who would be your sidekick?"
who would be your sidekick?"
Our answer:
Suzanne: At first I couldn't think of ANYONE and then three came to me all at once! Either Billy Joe, Cassie Palmers ghostly sidekick in Karen Chance's series, Pickwick the Dodo from Thursday Next series by Jasper Fforde OR Kate Daniel's attack poodle Grendel. Hmmmm decisions decisions! I think I am going to go with Grendel, who doesn't want their very own attack poodle!?
Annie: Gighul from Jaye Wells' Sabina Kane series. What? Don't mess with the demon cat!! He'll mess you up! And then maybe pee on you.
Francesca: Tink's a Disney whore! Jenks from the Hollows by Kim Harrison. No question about it. I want my very own, resourceful, foul-mouthed pixie! Armed with a tiny sword and pixie dust and drunk on honey! Watch out!!!
Now let's hear it from you!
I went a different route. I didn't pick a sidekick from a previous novel...
But I do love mine!
I had to pick one of my fave characters to be my sidekick.
I love this weekly. It makes me dig deep and think hard, and share all the things I've always wanted to say outloud so many times lol =)
I would have to pick Nucking Futs Nix from the Immortal After Dark Series by Kresley Cole. She is the comic relief I would need to get through some of the tough situations I would find myself in since I would be kicking ass and taking names.
OMG, Bona Fide Reflection great minds. I would also pick Nix, but if I had to pick someone else I would go with Miki from the Magnus series. She reminds me of myself lol
I had to pick a character from a movie instead of a novel :-/ I just couldn't think of a comparable character from a book.
I should read more, lol.
I didn't pick a character from a book. I had to pick my dog. If you saw her picture you would understand why.
Hippies, Beauty, and Books. Oh My!
Took me a while to think of this answer. I almost didn't do it.
Another great question! Didn't take me long to choose mine. lol
That was a tough one, I had to reach for my fav video game for the answer and then it was no contest!
Hello there! I not sure if you like audiobooks, but just in case, I'm giving away The Warlord Wants Forever by Kresley Cole, I have a CD that I order before I downloaded it on audible.com.(I couldn't wait)
If you are interested, just post a small comment on the review, that's how I'm going to pick the winner, this is not a big give away, I'm only asking a few friends.
I wondered on this for a while but then got this demon dog!
My DLS Thursday answer @ For The Love of Reading!
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