What up Maidens! Today we have contemporary romance author, Diane Escalera with us! She’ll be talking about her writing habits and preferences as well as her new book, Dangerous Desire! So please help me welcome Diane to Under the Covers! For more information about Diane, please visit her website at: www.DianeEscalera.com
UTC: First off, thanks so much for chatting with us today! We really appreciate it! You say that writing for you has become one of the greatest joys of your life. How did you first get into writing?
Thank you for having me! And thanks for the awesome 4 star review!
Unlike most authors, I didn’t know I was destined to write. In fact, I worked in banking for many years, but deep down knew that is wasn’t my dream job. At the young age of thirty-five, my sister died of an illness. I realized the same thing could happen to me. There are no guarantees. I couldn’t waste another moment doing something I didn’t love. Writing was one of my greatest joys when I was growing up. While still working at the bank, I decided to enroll in an intensive course where I learned everything I could about the craft. It didn’t take long before I left the bank to pursue a writing career.
UTC: Who is your favourite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?
I have a few favorites, but if I had to pick one, it would have to be Linda Howard. Her writing seems so effortless, but as an author, I know how hard that is to do. She balances the story with equal amounts of romance, suspense, and of course hot sex! I wait impatiently for her next book.
UTC: Linda Howard is a class act. Great choice! What is the biggest challenge for you in regards to writing and how do you overcome those challenges?
I think my greatest challenge is not letting the business side of writing monopolize my day. Given today’s technology, one could easily be on the internet for hours. It’s wonderful to connect with the outside world, but at the same time, a writer needs to keep producing. It takes discipline, and I try hard to balance writing, promotions, networking and all those other glamorous things an author must do.
UTC: Do you have any interesting writing quirks?
Hmm. Not really. While I’m more of a pantser, I do need to have a few things in place before I start a new book such as a working title, my main characters, and the premise of the story. I like to have an idea where I’m going, but I’m never sure how I’m going to get there until I start writing.
UTC: Dangerous Desire takes on the issue of illegal dog fighting. This topic isn't featured in many books. How did this become the basis of your storyline? What interested you so much to write a book about it?
This question comes up a lot. Because of the unusual plot, I decided to do a separate post where I go into more detail on how the story came about. Check it out. You’ll be surprised to learn what triggered the idea.
UTC: Your characters are so relatable and fun. What characteristic do you think all strong lead characters should have?
Thanks so much! I try to create characters that everyone can relate to, people I’d want to hang out with in real life. It’s about character, integrity, compassion and heart. Oh, and a sense of humor! Nothing beats a good laugh.
UTC: Cole Santino, Cruz's brother is smokin' hawt! Can we expect to hear more about him? Perhaps in his own book? Naturally that means I’m his heroine, right? Right?
Lol. Yep! You’re the only woman for him. Yeah, Cole is hero material. I always thought about giving him his own story, and that’s why Dangerous Desire ended the way it did. A sequel is definitely calling out to me. Don’t worry. I’ll consult with you on the juicy parts!
UTC: *fans self* Oh, I can’t wait now! Meanwhile, what is on your nightstand right now? Any good books you've read that you'd like to recommend?
Don’t laugh. My mom just gave me a Christian book to read. I think she’s trying to tell me something! It’s actually a cute story, and I will read it, but still… Right now, I’m reading Lori Foster’s Trace of Fever. It’s a little more up my alley.
UTC: Tell us, what's next for Diane Escalera?
The Print edition of Dangerous Desire will be out in October. I’m also excited to announce that I just sold a novella to Lyrical Press, which comes out in March 2012. Sexy, fun and romantic, Still Hot for You takes a peek into the marriage of Dylan and Shay LaCosta. Theirs is a hot and steamy union, with an even hotter couple. Just like in real life, relationships have problems. But when two people are meant to be, they fight with each other, and they fight for each other.
Dangerous Desire is available now at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Lyrical Press, and digital bookstores everywhere.
Please visit DianeEscalera.com to learn more about my sexy tales. I love to interact with readers! “Like” my fan page on Facebook.com/DianeEscaleraOfficial. Follow me on Twitter.com/DianeEscalera.

Thanks to Diane once again for taking the time to chat with us! She has graciously offered to give away one ecopy of her book, Dangerous Desire to a lucky entrant. To enter, please:
1. Be a follower
2. Fill out the form below

I'm glad to hear there's a sequel coming up. This book looks eciting--I love the anti-dog-fighting theme--and so I'm happy to hear there'll be a next book.
Good interview! I love Linda Howard's books, too.
Has being a published author afforded you opportunities you might not have had otherwise? How?
Glad to hear there's a sequel!
I'm not going to enter the contest because I have the book and I've read it BUT I wanted to tell everyone how GREAT it was. Make sure you enter to win, you won't be disappointed!
What a great interview! This book looks awesome and I can't wait to read it! Thanks again for the giveaway and even if I don't win, I'll still be buying it :)
I too am glad that there will be a sequel. I love series books, you get the chance to know the characters better and to hear about them after they get the HEA.
Uh, where do I find the post about the dog fighting-theme? I didn't see it on your site.
I think it's amazing that you, Diane, found your calling even though you spent years in a career you didn't love! A reminder to all of us that it's never too late to make a career change and that life is too short to not do what you love.
Thanks for the giveaway!
darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com
Thank you all so much for the awesome comments! Cindi, look for the author override post under Diane Escalera. It's where I go behind the scenes and talk about the dogfighting theme. Thanks for asking!
Good luck everybody!
Thanks for the great interview and adding to my huge to-read list!
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