Next up on our A Scandalous Affair event, we have a good friend of ours, Laura Hunsaker with us today! Take it away, girl!

When Annie suggested I write 10 reasons why you should date a Highlander for Valentine’s Day, oh you know I jumped on that! Nothing makes me happier than thinking of Hunky men in kilts who can wield a sword with deadly skill, but also touch my silky soft skin with the gentlest of caresses.
Imagine this: you have just been stolen from your enemy’s lands by a big, braw warrior. He tosses you onto his horse and rides off. You know not who he is, nor do you care, but the one thing you know is that you want to spend Valentine’s Day with him.
10 Reasons Why Your Valentine's Day Date Should Be a Highlander:
1. The verra long sword.
2. That brogue- He would read you some Robbie Burns *swoon*
3. The castle, because every fantasy should have a castle.
4. The kilt. . . and the mystery of what’s underneath it.
5. The magic of that first kiss
6. The intensity and passion of these warriors could be directed to the bedroom.
7. You like a broody man? These heroes invented broody.
8. He might not bring you flowers, but he’d bring you your enemy’s head on a pike.
9. His riding skills, horse riding skills, that is.
10. The fact that the only thing beneath his kilt is a wee dash of lipstick and his woman’s saliva (quote taken from a real Scotsman via twitter)
[Edited in by Annie: But wait! Some of you may know that Laura is also known as the Highland Hussy. But did you also know that she also has a thing for Fabio? Yes, that's right! Just for fun (and because Laura is SUCH a good sport, I'll leave you all with this wonderful pic of Fabio as a token of my love to you, LOL! Thanks for participating in A SCANDALOUS AFFAIR!]
For a sample of Laura's writing, check out AMETHYST HEAT. It's a free read! For more information on Laura and her books, please visit her website here.

Mackenzie Stewart’s in Scotland for a much-needed vacation. During the castle tour, Mackenzie becomes completely enamored with a painting of one of the previous lairds. Two gentlemen come up behind her and, begging her pardon, they kidnap her, dragging her through time.So I’d like to give a copy of the ebook Highland Destiny to a random commenter. Just comment about why you’d like a Highlander for your V Day date.
The men are sorcerers attempting to end a feud that has plagued their lands for years. Their patron has begun to dabble in the black arts, and between his irrational thirst for power, and his dark secret, the sorcerers are frightened. They believe Mackenzie can break the Stewart curse. They try to convince her to play along with their crazy scheme: marriage to the evil John Campbell.
Before Mackenzie can protest, her carriage is halted and the door thrown open. For a split-second she is arrested by the same beautiful piercing blue eyes that belonged in an oil painting.
Mackenzie then finds herself the victim of a second kidnapping!
Her new captor, however, does nothing but tempt her body and her temper. Believing her to in fact be the betrothed of his mortal enemy the Campbell, Connor originally sets out to capture his enemy’s betrothed. He never thought he would be so attracted to her that he’d want to keep her.
Just for fun: I'll give you a BONUS ENTRY if you flood this post with pictures of Fabio. Laura will be thrilled! ;P If you can find one with him in a kilt, even better!
I agree with every single one of you reasons, I especially like the last one *snicker*
Well there are multiple reasons why you'd want a highlander as your valentine! You've named basically all of my main ones, hehe especially the last one and the second one (gotta love that brogue! hehe) Although from all the Highlander romance novels I've read, they seem to be passionate about everything they do, so why not have the most steamy, and delectable valentines day with the most passionate male species alive? ;) Makes sense to me, hehe.
Yes, all of those reasons. Throw in unflagging stamina too! I like that :)
Well, they're hot, buff, hot and ultra alpha male. Duh, of course I'd want them as my date. Hahaha. Thanks for this giveaway!
Bahahahahaha!!! "Verra long sword" ROFLMAO. I loved Highland Destiny and cannot wait to read your next book in the series. Thanks for the entertainment ladies! Very enjoyable and funny post!
Happy Reading and Writing!!
Bona Fide Reflections
Okay, definitely the kilt and what's under it (hopefully nothing, right?) - that has to be the best reason to have a highlander as a valentine's day date!
For me, the sword-wielding uber masculine alpha male personality has absolutely nothing to do with why I'd want a highlander as my VDay date... (erm, that first part is a lie, it has a lot to do with it!!!) It's all about the kilt for me... xD
Not quite a kilt, but as close as I could find... http://jenniferlyonbooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Fabio-3.jpg
Oh yes, the stamina of a warrior, can't believe I missed that one!
I love everyone's comments-keep them coming while I look at Lady D's link to Fabio (I will never live that down, will I?)
Ladies, I actually read a book "written" by Fabio. Yes, I did. *hangs head*
Love this post! Thanks for the giveaway! This book sounds fabulous!
I'd say that I'd want a highlander for reasons 1-10 ;)
hehehe...A long sword =) and I too used to be in love with Fabio. Right now I'm in love with Paul Marron and Jed Hill ;-)
I also agree with every one of of your reasons, AND - that very kilt is usually made of their clan's plaid, which makes a wonderful blanket to be laid upon while that wonderful Scot ravishes you!
I would love a Highlander for my Valentine - because with all of that raw power and strength, he still knows how to be a gentle or lusty lover with his woman without hurting her. YUMM!!
Thank you for the giveaway chance!
Gena Robertson
I love the accent! I'm a sucker for a guy with an accent and the accent a Highlander has just makes me want to crawl all over him and never let him go! ;)
I love the quote taken from the scotsman!!!!
I'd love a Highlander for Valentine's day, one because of the accent, two because they're so broody, three because he can handle all that horse power with his thighs, four because he's armed with a very long and broad claymore!!!!
I love the 10 reasons and that pix of Fabio is just to die for.
Oh, yes, 10 good reasons. Especially the kilt. I'd like to check it out for myself and see what's under there. Naughty girl.
What fun! Highlanders are hot! They're brave, strong, and sexy. So there's my reasons :) hehe
Who wouldn't want a Highlander for a date?! They're hot, sexy & very protective!!;-) A Highlander can sweep me off my feet any day!!! :-)
You guys have been wonderful! Wow, look at all the Highlander Love :)
Keep it up, these comments are just making my day!
Woohoo! Yes all those 10 reasons (ok, maybe I'll pass on #8). Gotta love the brogue tho. It's so sexy! Also a guy who wears a kilt has got to be ultra confident of his masculinity.
Oh, Gods. That Fabio pic is... what the heck is he doing with that woman?? LMAO!
Can you believe that I have NOT read a Highlander novel? I'm new to the romance genre...but even I know who Fabio is! I know so little about the highlands and Highlanders, but I gather that they are "manly men," who enjoy the company of other men (not that way...it's not all about sex!). So, the advantage of having a Valentine's date with a Highlander is that the next day (or 2 or 3 or 4), he's be out of my hair, off with the boys at the pub or tossing logs or ransacking enemy villages, while I have some peace doing my own thing!
Is it sad that I immediately recognized that Fabio cover art? Here's my personal favorite (and I think, the first time he posed alone on a cover...though the in-step is sex-ay too) http://pinterest.com/pin/205758276695291970/
I wouldn't mind having some of that battle intensity put to work in the bedroom...heck, Celtic Brogues are such a turn-on for me he won't have to work very hard ;)
Definitely the kilt and the brogue-you've pretty much hit them all but those are my favorite.
mljfoland AT hotmail DOT com
Gotta love a man who can rock a kilt
Liked your top 10 reasons. The highlander voice does it for me. Probably giving away my age, but I remember the Fabio covers when they originally came out. They're as hot today as they were back then. Will be checking out your books.
Very interesting top 10 reasons.
Number 10 if the only under his kilt was lipstick and saliva, what happened to his big sword?
luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com
Well I personally can't come up with one reason why a sane woman wouldnt want a seriously hot Highlander for Vday. I mean just thinking about that they are not wearing anything under those kilts of theirs is just, well I think you get the idea.
I love the list! 10 great reasons! I can't wait to read Highland Destiny. This was the best I could do for Fabio:
oh yeah.. i am so agree with those reasons :D
thanks for the giveaway :)
Just stopping in to show so love!
I just love highlander men!! They are so HOT!! Nothing says it than a hot man in a kilt. Thanks for having this giveaway!!
kandj7299 at verizon dot net
So far the brogue and the kilt have the overwhleming vote, it looks like.
This was so much fun!
I could listen to him all night long, but also these guys throw telephone poles, that is my main reason. Thanks for the post and the Amethyst Heat free read. Loved it. lisagk(at)yahoo(dot)com
Why you all UTC Ladies and Laurie too, not tell me about this post??
Especially with all that Fabio "yummines ??(cough - cough, that's a lie)
Don't enter me, already read your book, Highland Hussy. Great post! =D
I loved the reasons!!! I love Highlanders!! NOM NOM NOM ;) Their accent, the body, just yum!!
I have been meaning to start your series laura, I can't wait!
samanthadacier @gmail.com
MMMmmmm, I just have a thing for those plaid kilts! Oh my! And a man that lives on the land. Yum.
Thanks for the giveaway!
OMG...I LOVE your list! A highlander can toss me over his brawny shoulder and carry me off to whisper naughty nothings in my ear any ole time he wants...a holiday isn't necessarily a requirement! ;) LOL!
barbbattaglia @ yahoo.com
This post brought to mind an ad for a video game featuring Fabio that my husband has posted on his video game website (I love my nerdy man). I just tweeted you the link, but in case anyone else doesn't want to miss a glimpse of Fabio's Iron Sword, check it out here: http://huguesjohnson.com/scans/nintendo-ads/ironsword-h.jpg
This image made my day!
I loved the list! I can't resist an accent so that would be my reason. rings@wwt.net
You had me a Kilt...I love a man in a kilt, and strong legs and arms.
Hey Laura! Fun post, thanks a lot for it. :) And thanks for Fabio. I happen to adore that particular book by Johanna LIndsey - Man of My Dreams - Megan and Ambrose. *le sigh* Fitting that it introduces us to Lachlan and that he gets the next book in the series, Love Me Forever, yes? *grins*
For me, it's the power generally associated with those strong bodies, the accents (yum-O), and the kilts! And something about the Highlands themselves just make me crazy happy. A well executed highlander story is pure pleasure for me. Lindsey's series is a terrific example of that.
And did you see that episode of America's Next Top Model when the girls got to pose with Fabio on their own romance cover? Holy crap they disappointed me. Obviously they had not read romance, nor did they know how to work that opportunity. :(
Thanks again for the chance to win!
Kendra @ Reader's Edyn
And I think I need an extra point for the horrendous pictures I came across in my less than successful search for a pic. *shudders. You don't want to know what I saw as a version of Man Of My Dreams. ACK! My eyes! But my favorite covers of Fabio, ironically are Lindsey books. Not kilts ... but, meh. Check out Gentle Rogue and Defy Not Thy Heart. Love!
Highlanders have so many things going for them--but one of the things that is rarely stressed is their honorable nature toward a true lady and duty to their laird. I believe in loyalty and duty. And hulking muscles and riding skills don't hurt, either!
that verrra long sword! ;) love the list, thanks for the laugh.\
sstogner1 at gmail dot com
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