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We hope you join us and let us know your Dirty Little Secrets!
This week's question:
Which author introduced you to urban fantasy or paranormal romance?
Annie: I read lots of Gothic Horror and Classic romances before I started reading YA *ducks* and then I found Lover Enshrined randomly and fell in love with Ward and paranormal romance. My first urban fantasy read was from Richelle Mead. I loved her YA series and wanted more of her stuff. And now I'm a pnr/uf junkie.
Francesca: My first urban fantasy author was Anne Rice. You could say she's urban fantasy right??? I read everything she ever wrote. But what kicked into gear my obsession recently was Charlaine Harris with the Southern Vampire series and then Kim Harrison with The Hollows. After Urban Fantasy I moved on to Paranormal Romance, but to tell you the truth I don't remember who was my first author to transition from Urban Fantasy to Paranormal Romance.
Suzanne: Where to begin! Hmmm, I started off with Fantasy and that lead to a recommendation for Ilona Andrews Kate Daniel series and Karen Chance's Cassie Palmer series which I LOVED and now have crazy obsessions with! Before that the only vampire books I had ever read had been Dracula. The UF lead me to PNR and I think my first one was a Sherrilyn Kenyon book, Dragonswarn, then I was totally addicted to all things that go bump in the night!
Angela: I've got to admit, I hated to read. But what peaked my interest in reading are the twilight books *shrugs*. Then A friend recommended J. R. Ward's BDB books and I loooved it! I read each book in about 2-3 days, one after the next. And for someone who hated to read, that was a miracle. That series is what started my obsession to PNR. I never went back to YA since. *wipes tears of happiness*
Now it's your turn!
I was totally a Dark-Hunter's junkie when I first started PNR. Haven't read that many UF yet, but I'd say Sookie Stackhouse though I didn't finish!
Ning @ Reading by Kindle Fire
I do not remember what my first UF book was to be honest, though I do remember my first PR one. Lol
I remember it clearly. It was the start of me giving up historical romances and going to paranormal. Kresley Cole The MacCarrick Brothers Series to Immortals After Dark Series.
I know I read some Anne Rice when I was younger... But the author who really introduce me is Karen Marie Moning! After I discover J.R Ward, Kresley Cole, ALyssa Day, Jessa Slade, Gena Showalter,...
Gimme, Gimme!
PNR - JR Ward
UF - Jeaniene Frost
Hey there! Great question.
Funny enough I'm not a BIG fan of either Kenyon or Ward. The books are good, but nothing I would wanna reread. The only exception: Lover Awakended. LOVED it. Genre-wise I became a PNR lover first and later on I read my first UF.
_yay_ @
Check out my Dirty Secret ;-)
This question really made me think about my reading history. It really put things into perspective of where I've come from as a reader and how my tastes have evolved. Great question guys!
Paranormal-Christine Feehan's Dark series and Emma Holly Midnight series, I found both authors at the same time and so began my love affair with paranormal romance!!!!
Urban Fantasy-Karen Marie Moning's Fever series, I love every I've read by her so far!!!! I haven't read any other urban fantasy books yet but I have a few series on my wishlist thanks to the UTC ladies!!!
I really had to think about this. I remember being in awe of Cherry Adair.
My intro to UF was Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson series and then I ventured to Karen Chance's Dory Bassarab and Cassie Palmer, to Charlaine Harris' Sookie Stackhouse and then to Jeanienne Frost's Cat and Bones.
I didn't branch into PNR until just this year, but I have to say my first love is UF because I like my reads gritty and dark.
LKH's Anita Blake Series... I read that my freshman year in High School, and fell in love with the whole genre. :)
such interesting answers! Kenyon was the one who got me hooked, but Charlaine also had a part in it. ;)
Great picks girls!! Mine was Sherrilyn Keynon!!
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