Scandal in Spring
by Lisa Kleypas
Wallflowers #4

Miss Annabelle Payton, Miss Lillian Bowman, Miss Evangeline Jenner and Miss Daisy Bowman used to be regular sights at the peripheral of a ballroom. This was before they formed an unlikely friendship each vowing to help the others out to find a husband by means fair and foul. Daisy Bowman is the last of the wallflowers to be wed and now her father has issued her with the ultimatum of finding a husband in the next few months...or he will pick someone for her.
This is the last full length book in the Wallflowers quartet and I can’t give it anything but 5 feathers, although maybe not my favourite in the series I still think it was brilliant, fantastic, amazing and any other synonyms you can think of. After having gotton to know Daisy over the previous three books I am delighted that she has finally gotten her HEA, although I don’t think this book has the passionate and turbulent emotions that the other books seem to possess, this seemed to be more of a sweet love story. Not that they weren’t passionate and this book does have its steamy moments, but I don’t believe Matthew Swift is quite as memorable as Simon Hunt’s ruthless and piratical edge, Westcliffe’s arrogance and unexpected passion and St. Vincent’s cold sensuality. He is however perfect for Daisy and one thing I will remember from this book is the button.
Like the others in this series it also has its funny moments, in particular a vicious game of bowls and of course ever present wit, humour and banter that permeates the whole series. This book also gives you the opportunity to see the other wallflowers and peeks into how their HEAs are working out, and also further demonstrates the friendship between the four women and the sisterly affection between Lillian and Daisy.
So I am sad to ending such a brilliant series and a cast of characters that are warm, funny and showcase some of the best that historical romance and indeed romance has to offer. Luckily for us Lisa Kleypas has written a load more books all of which are of a very high standard, but the Wallflower Quartet holds a special place for me and I already look forward to a reread.
My favourite Daisy Quote:
”Father, wouldn’t it be wonderful if hummingbirds had tea parties and we were small enough to be invited?”
My favourite Matthew Quote:
"Is there any emergency for which you are not prepared, Mr Swift?"
"Miss Bowman, if I had enough pockets I could save the world.”

What can I say great interview!!!!
What a rating this one got, and a good review. Makes me interested in this series.
Enjoyed the review. Sounds like a good story.
Thanks for the wonderful review. Lisa is at the top of my wishlist!
I think these beta male stories are a nice change from the others on occasion. Good review!
Thanks for the review. Sounds like a great book. Can't wait to read it.
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