Taming an Impossibe Rogue
(Scandalous Brides #2)
by Suzanne Enoch
Fans of both Lisa Kleypas and Julia Quinn should really take a look at Suzanne Enoch’s books. As a fan of both Kleypas and Quinn, it’s hard to find another author that grabs my attention as they do. However, upon picking up TAMING AN IMPOSIBLE ROGUE, I knew right away that Enoch would become an author I would be interested in reading more of.
The opening paragraph alone captured my attention and it was then that I realized that I was missing out big time.
“Keating Blackwood came away with the sharpness of gunfire. Someone was in the room with him. Someone he hadn’t invited. Keeping his eyes closed, he stirred enough that he could slip his hand under the pillow and curl his fingers around the hilt of the knife resting there.”
Immediately, Keating became a character I was instantly attracted to. He is called “Bloody Blackwood” because of his past actions. Six years ago, an event transpired that caused him to leave the ton, causing rumors to spread about his inappropriate actions and ruining any noble reputation he had before.
Similarly, the heroine of this book, Camille Pryce has also been shunned by society when she ran away from her own wedding to a man named Stephen Pollard, the Marquis of Fenton. Fenton is actually Blackwood’s cousin and he is outraged when Camille leaves him hanging, thus making him the laughing stock of society because it seems that Camille would rather work at a gentleman’s club called the Tantalus Club than be married to him.
In a desperate effort to stop the whispers and laughter behind his back, Fenton proposes a deal to Blackwood. For an outrageous amount of money, he asks Blackwood to convince Camille to marry him. This offer is very tempting to Blackwood because he has a secret that follows him day and night. So, he takes it. But when he finally meets Camille Pryce, he soon realizes that there is more to the woman than just the fact that she is a runaway bride...
I have to say how much I enjoyed this story. There was never a dull moment and Enoch does a fantastic job with the pacing and chapter endings. I kept allowing myself to read one more chapter because I was so enthralled by it.
Another thing I loved about this book is the fact that the character’s personalities really shine through. Quinn and Kleypas are known for their witty dialogues, but I think Enoch should be added to that list as well. I loved the interactions between Keating and Camille. They were sweet, funny, and sometimes wickedly sinful.
Keating for me was the major reason why I loved this book. Right from the start, he was an honorable man. Though he may have reasons to be mysterious, he was always upfront with Camille. He tells her his intentions and the reason why he wants to be her friend and I think this made him more likeable as a character. Though Camille and Keating start off as friends, it is obvious that they each wish to be something more.
I am very excited about the next book in the series, RULES TO CATCH A DEVILISH DUKE because I loved Adam’s part in this story and Sophia White seems like a very fun woman. I can’t wait to get my hands on this book!
I’m so pleased to have found a new author I can turn to for historical romance. Though this may be my first Enoch read, I can assure you it will certainly not be my last!
*Review copy provided by publisher

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