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Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Dirty Little Secret # 41


Dirty Little Secret is a weekly meme hosted by us at Under the Covers. Every Thursday we get to know other bloggers and our readers more intimately by asking them a question hoping to reveal their dirty little secrets.  We hope that you will all join us!

To participate in the meme all you need to do is:

1. Be a follower of Under the Covers.
2. Create a post in your blog taking the meme image (code above) and copy instructions.
3. Answer the question we propose! This can be done in any way you like, post a video, write a post etc.
4. Then add your link below.

Non-bloggers: We want to hear from you as well!!!  Let us know your answer in the comments!

We hope you join us and let us know your Dirty Little Secrets!

This week's question:
What book has been sitting in your TBR pile the longest and why haven't you picked it up yet? Or more importantly, will you ever read it now that its been sitting there for forever?

Our Answer:

Angela: I have to say that I've only started reading the early part of 2010. One of the first series I've added to my TBR on GR is the Fever Series. I've attempted to read it once...I can't even recall what made me stop reading it but haven't attempted since. I do plan to read them this year. *shrugs*

Suzanne: I have had Stray by Rachel Vincent (and in fact the rest of that series!) on my shelf for LITERALLY years! I keep meaning to pick it up...but always get distracted by other things. One day, I WILL read them, I am determined, I can't let them languish unloved and usused on my shelf any longer!

Francesca: I don't have a print book on my shelf that hasn't been read for that long I don't think. But I can tell you an audiobook that I've had for YEARS and at this point I might not get to it after all, even though a friend of mine swears I have to read that series. Blue Bloods by Melissa de la Cruz

Annie: I've got Pamela Clare's Sweet Release and Carnal Gift sitting on my shelf for forever. I will read them, but there is just no urgency at the moment. I also have been collecting the Dark Hunter series by Sherrilyn Kenyon that I will someday read. Both series have been sitting there hoping to get picked off the shelf for at least two years. One day, my loves.

Now it's your turn!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Ning said...

Ahhh!! I love the FEVER series!! I can't wait for the newer books. I might go back and reread them before the new releases! and the Dark-Hunters is such a good series. I need to catch up on that too! I stopped after Acheron!


Ning @ Reading by Kindle Fire

Sonnie said...

The Fever series gets better! I didn't get the hype after just reading the first book, but at book three it becomes addicting! *Sigh V'lane*

I only read the first in Blue Bloods a longgg time ago, but I remember I just thought it was a little "Eh..." for me. Nothing special.

I haven't read the others yet.

Great Question! This will be my first "Dirty Little Secret" meme!

-Sonnie @ Lit Girl: Confessions of a Future Librarian

Kimberly @ Turning the Pages said...

I picked the Fever series too! It's been on my list for ages and ages!

- Kimberly @ Turning The Pages

Unknown said...

Hi Guys,

LOL...Don't feel bad, I haven't read any of the books you have listed either!! :) They are all in my TBR pile.
Here is mine: http://bellesbookbag.blogspot.com/2012/03/dirty-little-secrets.html
Mariann at Belle's Book Bag

Lauren B said...

I've read Sweet Release by Pamela Clare and it was OK but nothing to really get excited about. I have a feeling that Carnal Gift may eventually be the book that remains the longest on my TBR.
It kind of annoys me that the third book in the trilogy is not available for Kindle.

Jamie said...

It took me a long time to pick up Rachel Vincent's Shifters series - I just read it earlier this year. And I'm so glad that I did. The first book in that series was the toughest for me to get though, but I ended up loving it!


Anonymous said...

The Fever series are amazing! My favorite reads of 2011. I'm actually rereading Darkfever now. (to get out of a reading slumb...)

Unknown said...

Oh, Stray is a really nice book! :) hope you guys can get to all of them soon.

JoLee @ Wickedly Delicious Book Blog said...

I read Blue Bloods after my Twilight (Teen Vampire Kick). For a while I was hooked on the Fever Series but did not read the last one. Loved Pamela Clare writing and read Unlawful Contact and Ride the Fire.

Fry said...

I keep meaning to read the Fever series, same with Rachel Vincent's books (I have at least finished Stray!).

Unknown said...

It took me forever to pick up the Fever series and then after I read the first book I admit I was not that impressed so it took me months to then pick up the rest of the series. I have to say though that I can’t believe I waited so long to read them--I loved them after the second book and became addicted. Lol

AngelaC said...

See, it's why I'm dreading it. I hear that all the time, Holly. arrrgh.

Sisters Unedited said...

I have read all of the Fever series except the last book. I have read spoilers and I just don't know if I want to let my mind make up it's own ending or to sit down and read the book. But the first 4 books are great!
My Dirty Little Secret

Hope you get to read the Fever series!
Amanda @ Sisters Unedited

Wicked said...

The Fever series is definitely worth the read Annie! You should for sure give it another shot! :-)

<3 Jess

Timitra said...

The Reluctant Dom by Tymber Dalton. I haven't read it yet because I heard it's very emotional, so I want to read it when I don't have assignments due or any other obligations.

Anonymous said...

Angela - I hope you pick up the Fever series again. It does take a while to really get into it but once the action starts thats when it gets really good.

Francesca: I have Bluebloods in my TBR pile too but I only got it a few months ago.

Francesca said...

I guess I should've added the Fever series to my list but I did manage to get through the first book recently. Not too impressed with that one.


Sophia Rose said...

I am bad. I have a large pile that stays about the same height because I will finally pull one out that may even have been there a few years.
I have literally been smacked when people see the Black Dagger series sitting there unread. I do not feel so bad seeing that a few of you have Fever sitting there unread. Ha!

Readers Roundtable said...

I wish that I could say the same Francesca. I have plenty of print books that I haven't gotten around to reading yet. Hangs head down in shame. LOL!

Francesca said...

That's mostly because I RARELY buy a print book. Now if you check out my ebook list or audiobook list of things I've bought and not read, then that's pretty long :)
