Author Override is the place where authors take the reins and take you on a journey into their world. Some may allow you into their private writing dens. Others may take you along with them on research trips or interviews. Whatever the case may be, sit back, relax and enjoy the ride because here you’ll get an in-depth look into an author’s musings.

Murphy’s Release Day
by Lynn Viehl
I’ve been seriously considering changing my surname to Murphy, after the old adage that says whatever can go wrong will go wrong. That law loves me, and has particularly vicious timing, as it always kicks in whenever I have a new novel release. To date during release week I’ve had things like food poisoning, pneumonia, and the flu. One year I broke my foot falling down a flight of stairs on the way to a book signing. I’ve also burned up three computers, got into a car accident, hunkered down through four consecutive hurricanes, and almost lost my house twice, once to a tornado and again to a raging wildfire (made the NY Times bestseller list for the first time during that one.)
Considering my history I wasn’t exactly surprised when I went in for a routine check-up on the Friday before my new release day and my doctor told me that I had a problem with my jaw that required immediate treatment. Nor did I bat an eyelash when he said I’d have to have the procedure done on the day before my new novel Nightborn came out. I didn’t even complain when he advised me that without meds I’d be in a considerable amount of pain for the following week. I figured that was just my bad luck kicking in, and since the procedure required only local anesthetic I’d be okay.
I was okay, too, until halfway through that procedure, when I had a bad reaction to the epinephrine in the local. Imagine feeling like you’re having a heart attack, a seizure and a massive anxiety attack all at the same time – that kind of bad. Once it was over, my reaction meant I had to go through the remaining two hours of this rather painful procedure without any anesthetic.
Happily I have a high threshold for pain, and went home with a huge bottle of meds, which I soon discovered made me so nauseated I couldn’t take them and keep any food down. Not that I could eat anything that wouldn’t pass through a straw anyway. I trashed the meds and went to bed, where I discovered I was only comfortable sitting up, and of course I can’t sleep sitting up.
The next morning when I crawled out of bed I looked and felt like I’d gone a couple of rounds with Mike Tyson, which meant canceling a celebratory luncheon with some friends. There are just some things Cover Girl can’t cover. So I hunkered down to spend my release day with an ice pack, a bottle of ibuprofen and all the Jell-O I could slurp.
I always try to learn something from my experiences with bad luck, which is why I now know that Campbell’s only puts seven tiny little noodles in those instant cup-of-soup mixes, and that vanilla-swirled chocolate pudding doesn’t taste like anything but chocolate so the vanilla is completely wasted. Also, as much as you want pretzels, and however small the pieces are that you break them into, you cannot consume pretzels without chewing at some point. But I’d survived and I was on the mend, and after checking the weather channel several times to see if any hurricanes, tornadoes or wildfires were bearing down on my house, I finally let myself relax a little. It was over; my bad luck had exhausted itself.
My pup Cole came over to cuddle with me on the sofa, and gave me the most adorable, sorrowful look. It made me marvel at how sensitive our pets are to our suffering – at least until he made a strange noise and puked all over me.
I don’t know what I’m going to do for my next release day, but maybe I can escape my bad luck. The international space station couldn’t be that easy to knock out of orbit and crash into the planet, right?

(Lords of the Darkyn # 1)
The High Lord of the Immortal Darkyn has sent his most trusted warrior, Korvel, to retrieve a coveted scroll that's rumored to contain maps to Templar treasures and the secrets to eternal life. Uniting with Korvel to recover the dangerous artifact is Simone Derien, the daughter of the scroll's guardian, and a woman with many deadly secrets...

A white and black floral tote bag
A signed copy of Nightborn
A blank journal with a slumbering maiden on the cover
A pretty pink pen (benefiting breast cancer research)
A lampwork bead edition of my BookLoop
To enter:
1. Be a follower
2. Fill out the form below

Hi! Thanks for this awesome giveaway! and OMG! LOL you should change your name, really! How could you have survive to so many bad things!!! Or you could stop release books but I don't think you can do that! LOL Anyway, I hope it will get better next time!!! Thanks again!
Such a great giveaway, thanks you a lot for making it international.
I'm sure our pets feels our mood and you can't say that he didn't keept you thinking about something else (even during the short time you cleanned after him)^^;;
Mine put me to bed...he push me to the stairs and when i'm near the bed, he pushes me with his head until i lie down and he jump next to me. Same each time i'm ill, if i'm depressed he rubs himself to me when i read he goes on the bed next to me and keep in head on me. The cat follow the exampel with strong purring. Without them i won't be there so they know that's sure
all the best
ah Lynne, I totally feel ya. I have a tendency to hurt myself in random ways, so does DH, so I figure we are matched up pretty good.... I think some of us are just accident prone all around. Anyhow, I hope you feel better soon, and maybe 1 day you will have a release day with just celebration an no accidents... weirder things have happened...
Anyhow, contrats on the release, and thanks or the contest!
Book Savvy Babe
Thanks for an awesome post and giveaway!
Ahhh Lynn. This is a laugh, cry or curse kinda scenario(s) and it sounds like you're a real trooper! Sorry, but I had to chuckle a few times, especially when you were listing off all your calamities! Oy vey! Well... hopefully now that you've survived the freak bad luck, it's nothing but smooth sailing from here... right? right!
I love Lynn Viehls books and can't wait to read this one! Thanks for doing this :)
okay, not to make light of your awful release day luck, but that post was something else! You do deserve an honorary award for dealing with all of that! I am not going to wish you luck on the next one, cause I don't think it will help but just think of all the cool stories and posts you will be able to write ;) thanks for the give away.
sstogner1 at gmail dot com
oooh - I was cringing in empathy as I read about your experience with your jaw. I hope your next release day can't help but be better - I hope!
sallans d at yahoo dot com
Lynn Viehl is one of the few authors that is an auto buy for me. I just loved her Darkyn series
I have been waiting to return to the Darkyn world for a long time.
thanks for the giveaway.
Proserpine wrote: LOL you should change your name, really!
My family calls me Calamity Lynn -- makes me wonder if there's some wild west show out there that might hire me if the book thing doesn't work out. :)
How could you have survive to so many bad things!!!
I carry nine hundred 4-leaf clovers with me everywhere I go. Seriously, I always figure I'm lucky in the good way -- if I really had bad luck, I wouldn't have survived my first day in the world, lol.
Oh dear ! Your release days are like the bad luck of friday 13th on steroids.
Thank you for making this fabulous giveaway international. Looking forward to the new series.
Mike wrote: Such a great giveaway, thanks you a lot for making it international.
I'm an author without borders. Also, I love shipping things overseas because I always check Google Earth to see the exotic places where my books are traveling to.
I'm sure our pets feels our mood and you can't say that he didn't keept you thinking about something else (even during the short time you cleanned after him)^^;;
Cole is so sweet; I couldn't blame him for his little accident. It happens sometimes when he eats too fast.
Mine put me to bed...he push me to the stairs and when i'm near the bed, he pushes me with his head until i lie down and he jump next to me.
That sounds so adorable. Like he's the parent and you're the kid. :)
Same each time i'm ill, if i'm depressed he rubs himself to me when i read he goes on the bed next to me and keep in head on me.
All kidding aside, my furry people always seem to know when I'm not feeling well. They follow me from room to room and park themselves next to me wherever I stop. I often wonder how they pick up on my feelings -- maybe our scent changes, or they can read our expressions? Mine are always watching my face.
The cat follow the exampel with strong purring. Without them i won't be there so they know that's sure
Amen. And I know cats can be just as sensitive as dogs. My kit Jeri has been sleeping next to me at night all week while I've been recovering from the surgery. He's not usually the cuddly type, either.
Book Savvy Babe wrote: I have a tendency to hurt myself in random ways, so does DH, so I figure we are matched up pretty good.... I think some of us are just accident prone all around.
My guy is the same -- I think if I listed all our mishaps over the last 27 years they'd be equal. His are always really scary, though, because he's a mechanic. A few years ago he lost his balance on a ladder and stuck his hand into a running fan he was working on to keep from falling. Luckily it wasn't sharp or heavy-duty or he would have lost some fingers.
Erin wrote: Sorry, but I had to chuckle a few times, especially when you were listing off all your calamities!
My philosophy is that if it doesn't kill you, laugh it off. :)
Well... hopefully now that you've survived the freak bad luck, it's nothing but smooth sailing from here... right?
Absolutely. This morning I went in for my second procedure, which lasted 5 hours but went much smoother. The doc was smart and didn't give me the local with the epinephrine, which made a big difference. :)
MaDonna wrote: I love Lynn Viehls books and can't wait to read this one! Thanks for doing this
Aw, thanks, MaDonna. Hope you enjoy the story.
You need to maybe invest in some Groucho glasses so bad luck can't find you during release week. At the very least, you'll amuse your family and friends. ;-)
Great giveaway for a great author. Lynn I've had the flu for 2weeks but you made me laugh out loud when your puppy threw up on you. Better Luck next release :)
Great giveaway for a great author. Lynn I've had the flu for 2weeks but you made me laugh out loud when your puppy threw up on you. Better Luck next release :)
Oh, my...that sounds extremely painful...and I'm glad to hear you are on the mend! I can relate...as I had jaw surgery several years ago, it ain't pretty. And as a dear friend of Murphy myself, I can commiserate. He likes me WAY too much! I shake my head so often over the things that happen to me on a regular basis that I look like one of those bobble heads you see sitting on folks dashboards. Laugh...but, I'm so not kidding! Anyway...AWESOME prize pkg! I LOVE the Darkyn series! Thanks for the BEAUTIFUL giveaway opportunity! :)
barbbattaglia @ yahoo.com
Holy crap! That's a lot of bad luck. I sure hope your jaw will heal all up very soon. That shows me how much of a strong person you are. Yikes! I have a high pain tolerance also. Although it still sucks to be in extreme pain. Our animals are very smart and loving indeed. I hope this release day will be kind to you. With an extra dose of good luck. :D
Thank you for this awesome giveaway chance!
DeAnna Schultz
I wish Campbells did put more noodles. I tried to cook noodles separately and add them in. It was OK. I love how pets do know our moods.
Thanks for giveaway!
Sharon wrote: I am not going to wish you luck on the next one, cause I don't think it will help but just think of all the cool stories and posts you will be able to write
It certainly gives me plenty of material for funny articles. Maybe one day I'll put together the Lynn Viehl Book of Day Release Disasters. :)
Di wrote: oooh - I was cringing in empathy as I read about your experience with your jaw.
My poor guy is suffering a bit this time, too. Everytime we go out somewhere in public the women who see my face give him the most ferocious scowls. :)
Lisa wrote: Lynn Viehl is one of the few authors that is an auto buy for me
Thanks, Lisa. I couldn't do this without the support of readers like you.
Chinyere wrote: I have been waiting to return to the Darkyn world for a long time.
Hey, I know you. ;) I'm happy to be back writing in the Darkyn universe. It's my favorite place to write dark romantic fantasy.
Irene wrote: Your release days are like the bad luck of friday 13th on steroids.
Oddly enough I never have bad luck with the number 13. Isn't that strange?
Unknown wrote: You need to maybe invest in some Groucho glasses so bad luck can't find you during release week. At the very least, you'll amuse your family and friends. ;-)
My family has been so great. For the last week I haven't been able to eat anything more solid than a baby-food type diet, and they refuse to let me make separate meals for myself -- they insist on eating the same soup and noodles and soft things I can manage.
Mary Jo wrote: Lynn I've had the flu for 2weeks but you made me laugh out loud when your puppy threw up on you.
Oh, I hope you feel better soon. Today I've been sipping slushies I make out of frozen Gatorade, and they're great for helping you stay hydrated.
Barbara wrote: And as a dear friend of Murphy myself, I can commiserate. He likes me WAY too much!
I think some of us are Murphy magnets. Might be genetic -- maybe we're distantly related? Ha.
DeAnna wrote: . I sure hope your jaw will heal all up very soon. That shows me how much of a strong person you are. Yikes! I have a high pain tolerance also.
It seems to be an uncommon thing -- and I'm surprised at how many drugs they want to give you post-surgery these days. Back when I worked in the medical field we never handed out so many prescriptions, The funniest thing is how the nurses look at you when you refuse the heavy-duty narcotics; like you need a psych eval. But warm salt water rinses and herbal tea work better for me than the mind-altering substances.
Wade wrote: I wish Campbells did put more noodles. I tried to cook noodles separately and add them in.
I think I'll try that next time I make some, Wade, thanks for the suggestion. I'm also going to write a letter to Campbells and see if they'll change their formula. I like the small portion of cup-a-soup for when I'm not feeling well, but seven noodles are not enough.
despite the fact that all your giveaways rock...this one has GOT to be my fave of all time. thanks so much....yay! it's international *jumpsupanddown*
Sounds like a great series to try out.
I have LOVED everything of yours that I have managed to get my hands on! So excited for a new chapter in your world ;)
Yay wrote: despite the fact that all your giveaways rock...this one has GOT to be my fave of all time.
Thanks -- hope you win!
Kassandra wrote: I have LOVED everything of yours that I have managed to get my hands on! So excited for a new chapter in your world
I appreciate you looking for my work, and hope you enjoy this novel. I had a lot of fun with the story. :)
OOOHH! That was all I could say! I winced when I read about your jaw. I think I felt that!
I hope you luck gets much better!
Thank you so much for the great interview and giveaway! You sure have some rough luck around release time of your books. Thank you for sticking with them anyway. I do think our animals can tune into our emotions, and like kids, when they get sick they want their "mommy". I hope both you and your pup are feeling better now.
June manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
Wow you don't do bad luck by halves. So excited this is an international giveaway, thanks for the chance to win.
ticklebear2 at yahoo dot com
thanks for making this international..
i haven't read any lynn viehl book..but i think this is a great book..pls pls enter me..LOL
success for you
I love your post, Lynn. It is so funny...Just the fact that you survived and you're still writing! Any sane person would have given up...or at least stopped finishing and/or publishing the books. That seems to just be some sort of bad karmic call of the wild for you!
wow this book sounds awesome andthat cover is just well sexy! great posta nd thankx for teh chance on the aweosme give away too
I enjoyed the Author Override and the chance to learn more about Lynn Viehl. I haven't had a chance to read any of her books yet, but I'm interested in checking them out.
THANK YOU!! What a great read. I appreciate the giveaway being International.
Oh my, what a way to spend release day. And on top of all the past ones too. Glad you made it though. And pets really do feel sorrow when we are in pain. Im sure thats what he threw up he was just feeling your pain. At least when things like that happen to me thats the way I like to think of it.
Lynn I was wincing while reading this post I didn't know one person could have so much bad luck...I hope this latest release brings you nothing but good luck!!!!
I didn't know to be amused or appalled reading your post on the bad luck you had! Congrats on the release of your new book & I hope the next 1 will be smooth sailing.
Tx for the opportunity to win.
Mel wrote: OOOHH! That was all I could say! I winced when I read about your jaw. I think I felt that! I hope you luck gets much better!
I'm feeling a lot better this time around (this morning I had the second stage procedure) and my guy brought me shrimp with lobster sauce for dinner. Btw, you can eat shrimp with a sore jaw if you cut it into teeny tiny pieces. :)
June wrote: Thank you so much for the great interview and giveaway! You sure have some rough luck around release time of your books. Thank you for sticking with them anyway.
In between promotions I did a lot of sewing this week, which helped me think about something else besides my bad luck. I've been taking the dogs on short walks, too, and being outside always makes me feel less depressed. Cole's tummy has settled down now and he's feeling much better, too. :)
Jacqui wrote: Wow you don't do bad luck by halves. So excited this is an international giveaway, thanks for the chance to win.
No problem, Jacqui, good luck. :)
OMG! Your luck sounds like mine! Be sure to keep smiling and laughing! It is so much better than crying and it keeps everyone around you guessing how you can hold it all together...or just makes them a bit nervous depending on the type of laugh (think mad scientist here!)
Congratulations on your new release (I can't wait to read it!) and surviving the release day! You really need to make t-shirts for your next release listing all that you have gone through for your fans. Be sure to list Good Luck and leave a blank line at the end! It will only get better!
Dian wrote: thanks for making this international.
Not a problem. Any time I have a giveaway I make it open to anyone on the planet -- I don't want international readers to be left out.
Catherine wrote: Any sane person would have given up...or at least stopped finishing and/or publishing the books.
Storytelling is the only thing I'm really good at, Catherine. Besides being a klutz, that is (I wonder, are there any companies who hire the accident-prone? I should check into that.)
SiNn wrote: wow this book sounds awesome andthat cover is just well sexy! great posta nd thankx for teh chance on the aweosme give away too
I do love the cover art my publisher did for the novel. True fact: I started thinking about writing Nightborn while I was sitting by a fountain in Savannah, Georgia. That same fountain is the exact same one that appears on the cover of the novel (and I didn't request it or even know they were going to use it until they sent me the finished cover.)
Barbara wrote: I enjoyed the Author Override and the chance to learn more about Lynn Viehl.
Glad you liked the post, Barbara.
Marybelle wrote: THANK YOU!! What a great read. I appreciate the giveaway being International.
I love international readers. I love interplanetary readers, too, but I can't convince FedEx to deliver to Mars. Yet. Ha.
DonnaS wrote: Im sure thats what he threw up he was just feeling your pain. At least when things like that happen to me thats the way I like to think of it.
You could be right, Donna. I thought he might have eaten his lunch too fast, but now that I think about it I fed him about two hours before his accident. . .
Timitra wrote: Lynn I was wincing while reading this post I didn't know one person could have so much bad luck...I hope this latest release brings you nothing but good luck!!!!
Thanks. :) So far it's been lots of fun, and I'm meeting all kinds of new readers, so I'm feeling pretty lucky.
Timitra wrote: Lynn I was wincing while reading this post I didn't know one person could have so much bad luck...I hope this latest release brings you nothing but good luck!!!!
Thanks. :) So far it's been lots of fun, and I'm meeting all kinds of new readers, so I'm feeling pretty lucky.
Linda wrote: I didn't know to be amused or appalled reading your post on the bad luck you had!
I think, as Art Linkletter always said, laughter is the best medicine. It also doesn't use up all the Kleenex in the house.
Phoenix wrote: Congratulations on your new release (I can't wait to read it!) and surviving the release day! You really need to make t-shirts for your next release listing all that you have gone through for your fans.
That might be a cool idea. Like an "I Survived . . . " list shirt they sold after the 2004 hurricane season. I wonder if they make those t-shirts in extra-extra long. My list of release day bad luck would probably cover the train on a wedding dress. :)
I'd like to say thanks to Francesca for hosting me, and also to all of you for leaving so many nice comments today. I am going to head off to dreamland now, but I'll stop by tomorrow and check in. Have a great night!
Wow! This is an amazing giveaway. Thanks so much for making it International.
My sweet Jack Russell is just like your pup. He know exactly how I'm feeling.
Thanks again.
Amazing giveaway, thanks you a lot for making it international!!
Lynn Viehl, you're was new author for me, but i like discovery new author books. I want read your books. It look like very great story, i mus add in my tbr list!!
Hi Lynn! You are very welcome, we've had a great time having you here and send you all the best wishes for a speedy recovery and much better luck for the next one ;)
The book sounds amazing and the giveaway is fantastic! Thanks so much for the post and the chance to win! Also, I love to see active authors. Thanks very much for taking the time to respond to everyone's posts. :)
Kendra @ Reader's Edyn
Lynn is a new to me author. You sound like a pretty resilient chick to suffer all that bad luck.
Thanks for the giveaway.
~ Monique
Lauren wrote: My sweet Jack Russell is just like your pup. He know exactly how I'm feeling.
Jack Russells are really smart dogs -- my friend Jill has one and I swear that pup can understand every word she says. She and I were on the phone talking about meeting for lunch at a local park, and then she started laughing and told me her pup had just run into the kitchen with his leash.
Filia wrote: Lynn Viehl, you're was new author for me, but i like discovery new author books. I want read your books. It look like very great story, i mus add in my tbr list!!
Thanks. :) If you want to check out some of my work for free, I keep a virtual library of e-books online for anyone to read, download, print out and/or share with friends. You can find the index of links at my weblog, Paperback Writer, on the right sidebar; just click on the link Freebies and Free Reads and it will take you to it. Some of the free Darkyn and Kyndred stories and novellas I have on there in the fiction section are Incarnatio, Midnight Blues, Near Dawn, Rain Lashed, Worthy, Willing, and Wanted.
Francesca wrote: You are very welcome, we've had a great time having you here and send you all the best wishes for a speedy recovery and much better luck for the next one
I'm feeling almost back to normal, thanks. It's been a pleasure visiting here and talking with your readers.
GzNKz4evr wrote: Thanks very much for taking the time to respond to everyone's posts.
No problem at all. I enjoy talking with readers, but I haven't often tried to visit other blogs and meet new people. A holdover of my old problem with shyness, I guess. I am going to make more of an effort in the future because it is a lot of fun, and all the readers I've met guest blogging have been very welcoming.
Monique wrote: You sound like a pretty resilient chick to suffer all that bad luck.
I think I have the same amount of bad luck as everyone else; it's just mine has truly evil timing. :)
At least you've managed to survive Murphy's Law so far, though with the kind of luck you describe I wouldn't count on the international space station being that safe :D
Ilona wrote: At least you've managed to survive Murphy's Law so far, though with the kind of luck you describe I wouldn't count on the international space station being that safe
True. Although the station has cost us $35 billion dollars since 1985; maybe I'd be doing the taxpayers a favor by wrecking it? :)
Hey Lynn, Just finished Nightborn today and loved it. I have so missed the Darkyn and this did not disappoint. Thanks for the giveaway. Awesome as usual. My cousin, who is a Murphy, puts out a calendar every year with "Murphy Lawisms". Quite the joker he is.
I can't wait for Chris and Jamys story. December seems so far away.
Wow! I am going through my own dental woes right now...I certainly have not experienced anything like you have (thankfully). Hopefully you will not go through anything nearly as bad in the future! Thank you for sharing and thank you for the lovely giveaway.
Wow! Yes I would seriously consider changing my name too if I was you. My bad luck usually centers around my birthday. It is usually starts about 2 weeks before my birthday. Best of luck to you.
Happy Release Day! I've seen this book around the blogosphere a few days ago, and was really intrigued! Thanks for this giveaway!:)
Thank you so much! Fabulous giveaway. I can't wait to get a hold of this book.
CatsMeow wrote: Hey Lynn, Just finished Nightborn today and loved it. I have so missed the Darkyn and this did not disappoint.
That's terrific to hear, Cats -- so glad you enjoyed the novel.
My cousin, who is a Murphy, puts out a calendar every year with "Murphy Lawisms".
If he ever needs a contributing writer, please mention me as an expert. :)
I can't wait for Chris and Jamys story. December seems so far away.
If my editor sends me ARCs I'll be giving those away, probably in October. If Francesca wants to invite me back I'll set one aside and save it for her.
We would love to have you back!!
Elf2060 wrote: Wow! I am going through my own dental woes right now...
I'm sorry to hear that; I know dental problems can be really nerve-wracking. I hope you feel better soon.
Rachel wrote: My bad luck usually centers around my birthday. It is usually starts about 2 weeks before my birthday.
That's not fair, your birthday should be a happy time. I started a new tradition in 2011; every year from now on I'm spending my birthday at a theme park (my folks were too poor to go to theme parks when I was a kid, so I adore them and never get tired of them.) We went to Harry Potter's World at Universal last year and had a wonderful time, and I wasn't depressed for a single second.
CYP wrote: Happy Release Day! I've seen this book around the blogosphere a few days ago, and was really intrigued!
Thanks. :) I've been really fortunate with this release to be invited to guest on some wonderful blogs, and I owe their generous hosts a lot for putting up with me.
Molly wrote: Thank you so much! Fabulous giveaway. I can't wait to get a hold of this book.
My pleasure, and I hope you enjoy the story, Molly.
Francesca wrote: We would love to have you back!!
Excellent, then I will put you as #1 on my Nightbred ARC reserve list.
*SQUEEEEEE* Thank you!!!
I love Lynn Viehl books. Thanks
Omg. Im reading her other series, the Kyndred.Love her writing & is now on my top 10 paranormal romance authors list.Also AWESOME giveaway!
I absolutely LOVE Darkyn Series! Can't wait to read more of her work
wouwww!! The prize are great!!
thanks for the giveaway ^^
Very nice giveaway. Loved the excerpt and the cover is great
All the best with it's success.
I just love your series and all the amazing characters that exist in your world. I love how you always offer free reads for your fans. You have had such bad luck- God speed woman! sdylion(at)gmail(dot)com
What a great prize! Thanks
LOL, I know it isn't funny, but you made me smile at the end. Hope next one is better, looking forward to reading this, especially after all you went through for it. Thanks for the giveway!
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