I heart Nalini Singh! She's one of my all-time fave authors and her Psy-Changeling series is part of the reason why! Singh just released her cover for Tangle of Need
I'm not sure, but I think that model is Francesco Cura. I think he makes for a great Riaz! I like that his face is half casted in shadows. It's a little more sexy that way. Ialso like the choice of colors on the side, but it kind of reminds me of Beastly's cover as well with the roses and thorns. Either way, this cover combined with the excerpt at the end of Archangel's Blade
He looks like Francesco Cura to me, too.
What a cool cover and Yes, that is in fact Francesco Cura (who now goes by Francis J Cura) .....
BTW - he is also now appearing as the "Hamblor" in the new Carl's Jr / Hardees commercials here:
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