To participate in the meme all you need to do is:
1. Be a follower of Under the Covers.
2. Create a post in your blog taking the meme image (code above) and copy instructions.
3. Answer the question we propose! This can be done in any way you like, post a video, write a post etc.
4. Then add your link below.
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We hope you join us and let us know your Dirty Little Secrets!
"Who is your author crush? And if you were to write a fan letter to them, what would you say?"
Our Answer:
Dear Kresley Cole,
You don't know me, but I'm a huge fan of yours and I just love all your valkyries and witches. So I'd love to propose we throw a huge party, maybe at Rydstroms' house, the pool seems like a good spot, and invite all of them (you can come too) and we can get plastered drunk! And can we make sure Nix invites Torin?? Yes? Pretty please with a cherry on top!
I haven't written any fan letters or even emails before! If I were to write one it would probably be to J R Ward and it would probably be on of those crazy fan letters where you send nakedpictures of yourself and pledge your eternal devotion. Yep, I am that crazy LOL!
Dear Nalini Singh,
My love for your books have no limit. You write sexual tension to perfection. And your heroes are all in my harem. I'd want you in my harem too so I could get series secrets during pillow talk. I guess it's a good thing you live really far away, otherwise this letter would be scary.
Now it's your turn!!!
Great authors! :)
Great Authors ladies! Iv only read like 3 of the IAD books and those were awesome!
...Here is mine!
Great authors ladies!! J.R and Kresley both rock my world with their amazing heroes and heroines. I've not read Nalini yet, ut will get round to it soon ;)
Great letters!!! I giggled!!
Oooo, all of those are really good and made my short list. Good question this week.
Great picks! I love the letter to Kresley Cole!
Hi! This one was hard... But KMM will always be in my heart! I really love Kresley Cole too, I was torn... Love Blue Shedevil letter BTW! :)
Fantastic picks...all three of them. I've already said it - there are just too many good crush-worthy authors out there. I chose a contemporary writer I think more people should read.
My DLS: DirtyLittleSecret
I haven't heard of any of those authors WOW! Really need to. :)
haha Loved reading all your letters. :) Defo going to check out the authors you wrote to lol :) xx
Had to go with the dark side for my Dirty Little Secret. Thanks for hosting!
Love this question and you answers!
I about died reading Annie's. Love it!
Suz, we have the same author this week, I didn't include any naked pics, (nice touch!) but I did complement her on her choice of Pajamas.
Francesca, I haven't read any of Ms. Cole's books yet, but I will be starting one soon for sure!
Thanks ladies for another awesome meme this week!
Yeah, I'm insanely obsessed with Shiloh Walker's books!
Totally loved this question, being my first for the weekly "Dirty Little Secret" I had a lot of fun with it! And kudos to Francesca for the Kresley Cole letter, loved it and was laughing pretty hard at it!
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