Practice Makes Perfect
by Julie James
Contemporary Romance
In Practice Makes Perfect, James takes on a whole new meaning when she says “laws of attraction”.
Two of Chicago’s best lawyers, Payton Kendall and J.D. Jameson are in the ultimate contest. Surely a test of how-bad-do -you-want-it , this battle has been eight years in the making, where Payton and J.D. go head-to-head with one another for their dream of being made partner.
But when Ben, their boss tells them that only one of will be made partner, the race is on as Payton and J.D. duke it out in the final haul.
Let me tell you...This is the most entertaining book I’ve had the pleasure to read in some time. Julie James has a way of bringing laughter in all her little books. There’s no question about it. But for some reason, this book seemed to surpass all her other hilarious moments. Ms. James has made me into a crazed fan because of her incredibly smart and agreeable characters, snarky and witty dialogue, one-two punch one-liners and the stream of constant warring between these two? Man, you won’t want to miss out!
It was such a joy to read about Payton and J.D. They have such amazing chemistry, even when they are fighting. I never thought I’d say that I enjoy them equally when they have heating up the sheets or simply heating up in anger and frustration.
Here’s just a snippet of what you’ll encounter if you pick this treasure up:
He would wait for her to come in. Not that he had any fucking clue what he was going to say when he saw her. “Hi, Payton, thanks for the apology, that was nice. Did you see they’ve got muffins in the break room? Oh, by the way, I sliced off one of your heels and shoddily glued it back together hoping it would break off in court and leave you hobbling about like a drunk one-legged prostitute. Have a nice day.”
Somehow, he had a feeling that might not go over so well.
See? You’ll thank me later when you’ve finished reading this one. (“You’re welcome” in advance.)
J.D. Jameson is a man of money. With good looks (yummy smoky blue eyes), a great job (a freakin’ lawyer!), a sports car (definitely not the Prius type), he’s the man that everyone wants to be. But he’s also an asshole. Or as Payton would say, The Asshole. He’s over-confident, never taking no for an answer. He’s controlling and dominating (though that may not be such a bad thing in certain circumstances). And basically all the things that should make me hate him, makes me love him even more!
J.D. can be a douche, no question. But like Pride and Prejudice (read the book and you’ll understand this reference!), Darcy wins the girl by being nice to her. And when J.D. puts on the charm...ladies, be prepared to melt!

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I think I was in tears when I read the heel-breaking part! It was hilarious!!!
LOVE this book. My fave is Just the Sexiest Man Alive, but this one comes in a close second :-)
I cannot resist a hero who knows how to be charming. Sigh.
_yay_ @ BookthatThing
Great review Annie!
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