Fifty Shades of Grey
by E.L. James
(Fifty Shades # 1)
(Fifty Shades # 1)
Going in I thought this would be another erotic book with a decent story. But I gotta tell you I was not expecting what I got. And I say this in a good way. Let me explain.
First of all, I did find the writing style a little distracting because it read almost more like a screenplay than a book (that's the best comparison I can think of), so it didn't flow as easily for me. That's neither good nor bad, just my observation, and I think this was the main reason why I couldn't really feel a connection to the characters.
And the second point that stood out to me was the fact that I didn't find this book as erotic as I thought I would. Yes, there's some sex, some was actually pretty hot, but in general there was something lacking that, well, no toe curlings for me.
OK, so after saying all that you would think it doesn't sound like I enjoyed it. Sorry if that's how that came across. I did rate this 4 stars!
The story in this book is really good! I was completely sucked in. You have two very different individuals. Christian Grey is, well, he's unique. Even after finishing this book we don't know 100% what his past was all about, and I'm not sure what could've happened to him to make him such a screwed up man, but I can't help but want to know everything about him, what makes him tick.
Anastasia Steele on the other hand... Someone please pass me the paddle, I'll discipline her myself! She was a bit immature and at times annoying. However, I understand the why of her personality, I mean, what graduating college student doesn't even have an email? Yeah, my point is she must've been a very awkward kid, with almost no social skills or life experience, and all of a sudden thrown in a very strange environment.
And overall, I think she handled everything amazingly well. By the end of the book she had grown up a bit, and even though she has some more to go, at least she's learning from this experience. And hopefully Grey is also! That boy needs help! You do see a little bit of that in this book but I was a bit scared of his stalkerish tendencies.
One thing I loved were the cute little emails between them, with the quirky messages, the twichy palm, the shouty capitals. Just adorable!
And the ending, well, the last 25% of this book was great in my opinion and the cliffhanger at the end was just RAW and INTENSE. It's almost like watching a reality TV show, you're glued to it because you just have to know what's going to happen next. So I'll be getting book 2 soon because I just HAVE TO KNOW what happens next.

Great review! I rated the book 4.5 stars. However - what didn't work for me were two things you didn't mention.
Stop by October 3rd http://bookthatthing.blogspot.com for a chance to win Fifty Shades Darker! #FiftyShadesDarkerBlogTour
Happy Friday!
Thanks! I'm curious to see which two things *running over to read your review*
I'm curious now too. Lol.
Great review babes!
Nice review!
You definitely have to get the next book! I've read it and it was really nice..
I have heard so much about this series lately, but the only thing that turned me off was its price on Amazon.
I would expect a higher price from a well known author, but it made me put off buying it....
I loved both of the books. If you liked book one TRUST me you will adore book two. He is super hotter and super broken in Darker. I love love love those damn emails between them..and his Laters Babe saying...(swoon) Mr. Fifty is my new favorite :)
I love her writing in fan fiction and just received my first book and can't wait to read it.
This book sounds really great and I cannot wait to pick it up. sdylion(at)gmail(dot)com
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