To participate in the meme all you need to do is:
1. Be a follower of Under the Covers.
2. Create a post in your blog taking the meme image (code above) and copy instructions.
3. Answer the question we propose! This can be done in any way you like, post a video, write a post etc.
4. Then add your link below.
Non-bloggers: We want to hear from you as well!!! Let us know your answer in the comments!
We hope you join us and let us know your Dirty Little Secrets!
This weeks question:
Complete the following sentences with fictional character names:
I would have a one night stand with...
I would marry....
I would like to be sandwiched between....
I would turn bi for...
Our Answer:
I would have a one night stand with .....Vishous
I would marry ....Creed from ACRO
I would love to be sandwiched between .... Thomas DelVecchio Jr. and Jim Heron from FALLEN ANGELS
I would turn bi for ....Anya from LOTU
I would have a one night stand with .....Vishous
I would marry ....Creed from ACRO
I would love to be sandwiched between .... Thomas DelVecchio Jr. and Jim Heron from FALLEN ANGELS
I would turn bi for ....Anya from LOTU
I would have a one night stand with...Dmitri from Guild Hunter!
I would marry...Wrath, Curran and Lachlain (I can't choose!)
I would love to be sandwiched between..Maddox from LOTU (Can I have him as a husband too? Please?) and Malkom from IAD
I would turn bi for...Sabine from IADAnnie:
I would have a one night stand with...BONES and Chapter 32. I'll go get the rope!
I would have a one night stand with...BONES and Chapter 32. I'll go get the rope!
I would marry....Rhage because he treats Mary so well.
I would like to be sandwiched between...Venom (Bite me!) and Jason from Guild Hunter.
I would turn bi for...Kaderin the Cold-hearted. Actually, I'd turn for any valkyrie! They're the best heroines!
I would have a one night stand with Rhage
I would marry..Conall, Rhage, Gideon,Wren, Garreth. Yes all of them lol
I would like to be sandwiched between.... Illium, Adrian and, Rehv
I would turn bi for... NIx
Ahhhh! How could I forget Rehv!!?! And I cant believe you would ONLY have a one night stand with Rhage. I want him forever.
Myth, you had great picks. I would have Illium and Nix too!!
Bones and chapter 32. Nice. Although Bones and his version of the mile high club would be pretty awesome too!
Cocktails and Books (http://www.cocktailsandbooks.com/2011/09/dirty-little-secret-12.html)
Fantastic Q's!! Ill have to think on it! I have so many names running thru my head right now!
Ann if you read on GR, I put a one night stand every night lol over and over and over again lol
Great answers ladies!!! Much more creative than mine!
Um I'd have ANY member of the BDB in ANY way they want me ;) lol
One night stand with Wrath definitely!
I would marry... Rhage (because he's uber attractive and he's a gentleman... to mary) and Dmitri (from VA) because dude... he's Dmitri!
Sandwiched between... hmm... Zsadist (the new and improved one of course) and Rhage
I would turn bi for... Rose from VA Love her!
Took me a while to choose mine! Lol
Love this meme, but i haven't been able to participate yet due to my blog being booked up on thursdays...I will join in w/ my own post next time i have a free thursday.... anyhow, here are my widely varied answers...
One Night Stand: Barrons from Fever Series
I would Marry: Bones from the Night Huntress series
I would be sandwiched between: Barrons and Bones
I would turn bi for: (this is tougher) Mac from the fever series, just so I could be closer to Barrons....
Fun questions! Catch ya soon! Book Savvy Babe
That was SOOOOO not easy to answer I would pretty much hump, marry, or sandwich myself between any man from the Paranormal romance world LMAO! But I found myself some hot men to pick from lol
I would have a one night stand with Roarke..
I would marry Roarke..
I would like to be sandwiched between Roarke and Roarke (he can clone himself ;))
I would turn bi for Eve Dallas, and do threesome with Roarke
Easy peasy! Or maybe I'm just crazy :P
BWAHAHAHA!!! NO FAIR! I should have picked him too Ren! damnit! You got him this time. And you're right about the cloning. He's got enough riches for that!
One night stand would be Quinn from the BDB because of the eyes and my boy is a FREAK!
I would marry Acheron because, come on he looks 21 and he's the final fate.
Sandwiched between McKell and Devin from Gena Showalter's Alien Huntress series because, DAYAM!
Turn Bi for Nix from Kresley Cole's IAD, she's just so freaking weird.
Love it!! So hard to narrow down my answers lol. Just too many hotties, too little time!
Liz @ Fictional Candy
I had V and Rhage as well.... <3 <3 <3
Love your answers Ladies!
I love the question for today. =) It was hard to choose for my one night stand, but I chose Rehvenge. Yum!!
And also who to be sandwiched with: Nathaniel and Jason which have been my FAVE male characters in the Anita Blake Series for awhile now. I love those two. =)
Hahaha! love this week's question!
Ren, your answer was amazing I love it!
Great answers everyone, there really isn't a wrong way to go with this one!
My answers can be found here:
I love pretty much all the Guild Hunter guys...well, cupernatural creatures that is!
Thanks for bringing this meme to my attention :-)
_yay_ @ http://bookthatthing.blogspot.com
This was tricky! But I'm pretty happy with my answers... for now.
Thanks for the awesome meme and I'm a new follower so hiya ::waves:: =)
Just found your blog and excited to link up with you for the first time!
~your newest follower
@Blue Shedevil - Devyn and McKell = Instant Orgasm!!!
Welcome to all our new DLS participants!!
Hehe. Cool blog and nice DLS picks. By the way, I'm a new follower! Here's mine: http://rockeemusikreads.blogspot.com/2011/09/dirty-little-secret-1.html
lmfao. You guys make me giggle. AND I SECOND REN. Roarke all the way.
P.s I really need to read the BDB series cos they're sexin' everyone!
New follower...never thought of Malkom from IAD (he kinda of scared me...lol!)
my choices are here:
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