Archangel's Blade (Guild Hunter #4)
by Nalini Singh
Urban Fantasy Romance

As both Annie and myself (Suzanne!) have read this one, we decided we would interview ourselves regarding the book as a nice change in format for our joint review. Enjoy!
Descirbe Dmitri in two words....
Annie: Sensual. Lethal
Suzanne: Dangerous. Carnal
How do you think Honor and Dmitri were as a couple?
Annie: They were perfect. I wondered how Singh would find someone who could bring Dmitri to his knees. He's a prideful man, and to see a vulnerability in Honor made me love her more.
Suzanne: I agree with Annie, they were perfect. They had sexual chemistry in abundence, seriously read this with your partner or B.O.B close at hand, not only that they complimented each other, Honor brought out a Dmitri's mortal heart and Dmitri in his oft times cruel ways made Honor a survivor rather then a victim.
Holly Chang. What did you think of her journey in this book?
Suzanne: I always thought Dmitri and Holly were going to pair up, but it seems she brings out a different kind of affection from him. I really feel for Holly, who has had a bit of a name change in this book, she is in a dark place at the moment and I can't wait to read more about her. I am feeling the Venom and Holly vibe as well!
What was your favourite thing about Archangel's Blade?
Annie: Dmitri. I loved everything about him. He was not my favourite of the Seven. But that was before I learned of his past. He is both a menace and mesmerizing. And I was captivated since page one as Singh described him beautifully.
Suzanne: My favourite aspect of this book was the slow building of the trust and sexual tension between Dmitri and Honor.It was brilliantly done, Nalini Singh seems to be an expert at building up the emotions between two characters until you are on the edge of your seat reading about them.
Anything bug you about Archangel's Blade?
Suzanne: There wasn't anything that really got on my wick too much, but I did find the continued repetition of certain words a little irritating. I was contemplating doing a count of the words "sensual" "cruel" and "lethal" and see how many times it is possible to repeat those three words in just one book!
Why should people read Archangel's Blade?
Suzanne: I am with Annie on this one, it was an excellent book, it was emotionally charged, sexy as hell and a little heartbreaking. I wasn't really a fan of Dmitri before this book, but after I was just a quivering puddle of goo.
UK or US cover?
Annie: I want both for my shelves!!
Suzanne: Wellllllllll if you have read my whinging updates on Goodreads you will probably already know the answer to this question! But the UK cover, I love it, it is so beautiful, even if the woman has no hips to speak of and a series case of hypothermia!
Which of the Seven would you like to climb like a monkey and ride to the ground?
Annie: Just one? I want Venom, Illium and Jason. All at the same time. I'll get the handcuffs.
Suzanne: That is a good point Annie, why pick just one? In which case AODHAN, and then I am going to have to nick Venom from you. Oh look Annie, Paul Marron's behind you! *Grabs Venom and runs away*
I hope you have liked our review! And comment and tell us what you thought of Archangel's Blade we are especially interesting in your answer to the last question, 'cos we are nosy ho bags like that!

Purchase Links: Amazon
OK so no yelling alright? I haven't read this series yet.
Jason and Aodhan for me! Ugh, I think I will have a cat fight with Suz! LOL, love that"Paul Marron" part!
Well, Megan, I'm not yelling, but you must read it.ASAP
Suz pulled a fast one on me!
Megan, read it! It's fantastic!
I know I need to read these. Jodie is always giving me flack over it.
We all need to find a way to pry loose some of the men from Suzanne's harem! She has way too many men!
Loved this installment of Guild Hunter. I go to bed now thinking about Dmitri, I wake up thinking of him. I can not express how perfect this book was to me. Singh out did her self on this one. I thought Kiss of Snow was Singh best work by far but after reading Archangel Blade this is now Singh best work hands down. She has completely thrown me in this crazy mind phase where all I think about are the Characters of the Guild Hunter series. I have been spending many hours on google trying to find my perfect Dmitri, Raphael, Honor, Elena, Ilium ...............
I just want Singh to release allll the books in one hit so i can read them all right away.
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