Fake Boyfriend Trope
Yes, this has been done a million times before. Hero or heroine needs a partner for some reason, someone to act the part of boyfriend/husband/fiancée. All kinds of reasons have been done – the character has to be married to get a job, adopt a child, become a citizen or collect an inheritance. She wants to impress people at her high school reunion. He wants to get his family off his back about settling down. Or she wants to make the guy she really cares about jealous.
In Sweet Deal, Shelby impulsively creates a fictional boyfriend to keep her too-friendly boss at a distance. When he suggests they attend a company social function together, she knows she has to get out of it. She lost her last job when she got involved with her boss and she’s not going to make that mistake again. But she really needs to keep this job. So a boyfriend seems the perfect reason to say no to her boss’s invitation.
But she doesn’t have a boyfriend and then she has a whole new problem.
Jake Magill has been eyeing the sexy little blonde he encounters at the coffee shop every morning, and when she confesses her problem, he jumps in like a knight in shining armor, which he knows he is SO not, with an offer to help by attending the picnic with her. It’ll be one night, no big deal, and she is pretty cute…but things get all twisted in knots at the picnic and then Jake has his own reasons for wanting to continue the fake boyfriend/girlfriend relationship.
Well it is a romance, and you know Jake and Shelby are going to fall in love, but things take a few twists and turns on the way to their HEA. Friendships are tested, marriage bonds are questioned, perceptions are challenged and both Jake and Shelby have to figure out how to stop letting the past influence their future.
Do you like the fake boyfriend trope? What about it works or
doesn’t work for you?

Kelly Jamieson
Sweet Deal
– available June 12, 2012
The relationship is pretend. The chemistry…isn’t.
After her last job ended with a broken heart and a humiliating exit from the company, Shelby Leighton’s project management career is back on track with a new job and a high-profile project. The problem: her new boss is a little too friendly, and the staff is talking. Can you say, “déjà vu?” The solution: casually mention a fictional new boyfriend.
Jake Magill doesn’t do relationships. It’s casual or nothing, but the hot blonde he’s been eyeing at the coffee shop sure is something. Especially when she confesses her problem, and he finds himself offering to act as her date.
Sounds simple. Stroll around the party with Shelby’s sexy curves clinging to his arm? He’s all over it. Until he meets her boss—the man who once stole and married the one woman Jake thought he loved.
Now Jake’s the one with a reason to pretend. If only to save his own pride…and Shelby from the predatory gaze of the man who could ruin her, and any chance of finding out if their fake connection is the real thing.Product WarningsContains one desperate lady in need, and a pretend boyfriend who shows impressive dedication to nailing all—and then some—elements of his role. Oh my!
About the Author:
I'm a married mother of two who lives a very ordinary life outside of my imagination. When I'm not writing I'm usually reading. I also like to cook and that means I like to read cookbooks and cooking magazines. In the summer I enjoy spending time gardening and in the winter I like to read gardening magazines and seed catalogues. I love lying on the beach or on my deck with a glass of wine and a good book. I also love to travel. As you can see, pretty much all my activities involve reading somehow! Although I don't have as much time for it any more, I also love to shop, especially for clothes and shoes. Some think I'm obsessed with shoes but that is not true (although my husband would point out that there is no room left in our closet).
I love to hear from readers, so Tweet me on Twitter, leave me a comment on Goodreads or Facebook or my blog, or email me at info (at) kellyjamieson.com.

Because Shelby likes to bake cookies in Sweet Deal, I’m giving away some Hot Licks Cookies and Cream - Lickable Warming Lotion
To enter:
1. Be a follower
2. Answer Kelly's question in the comments and be sure to leave your email address so we can contact you if you win.
I love the fake boyfriend trope because I love seeing two people who think they're fooling everyone around them with their pretend relationship actually fall for each other...gets me everytime!
Mmm lotion you can lick? Hubby might like that ;)
Fake boyfriend/girlfriend trope's are one of my favorite storylines. In this one the two don't really know each other, instead it turns out there is a link to the person creating the need for the pretend relationship. Usually the one being asked has unspoken desires for the one who needs help. So it's a win-win. This is a nice switch to that. Looking forward to reading it.
Yeah I like the fake boyfriend/girlfriend storyline usually, just depends on how the author is using it.
I love the fake boyfriend/girlfriend or even fake fiancee trope...lol...I can't help myself - I guess because I grew up reading category romances - they are like comfort reads:)
The fake boyfriend will only last so long so it will be interesting to see where the )relationship) goes
GFC follower tweetyscute
ninajanke at gmail dot com
Thanks for the giveaway
I enjoy the humorous situations that the people find themselves in when they pretend to be involved. And how they evaluate their feelings for each other.
I love the fake boyfriend trope. It is usually a fun read and when they realize they are in love - it is priceless.
Thanks for the chance
The fake boyfriend only last until another new fake boyfriend appear. LOL!!
GFC as Filia Oktarina
filiafantasy at gmail dot com
I have never had to use the fake boyfriend but I find it an interesting and sometimes helpful idea.
It really depends on the author and the story. I've read some that were really good and funny too.
GFC - Sherry S.
sstrode at scrtc dot com
I do like the fake boyfriend plot. It most cases the stories have a hint of humor. Some authors are better a bringing the story together! But it is rare I find one not enjoyable.
I love Kelli's writing and am looking forward to reading this new book.
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