Vonna Harper
We've got more great Samhain authors so without further ado, let's introduce you to Vonna Harper!
Studs, as the title suggests, is about two shape/shifting men who spend part of the time as horses. They aren’t just horses but wild mustangs who have taken a herd of mustang mares to the Hopi reservation where they’re safe—or so they think. Because these special horses are super fast, some bad guys (and an emotionally-conflicted Hopi young man) want to exploit them. The heroine who winds up in a menage with the two shifters is a Hopi woman drawn back to the land of her birth. She commits to doing what she can to safeguard the mustangs while trying to wrap her mind (and body) around those two unique beings. She’s also related to the emotionally-conflicted man which of course complicates things.
Where did you come up with the mythology for this book?
Glad you asked. I wrote nine Native American historicals for Tor Publishing. One was about the Navajo and Hopi & I have quite a collection of Native American nonfiction books. Of course I made up the shape-shifting part but the setting, particularly the underground kivas, is accurate.
What are some essential items you require when you write?
Ice water, my slippers, dog sleeping on the nearby couch, music playing. I also feel rich if I have plenty of paper and ink cartridges. Also assess to my email, Facebook, and Twitter for when my brain blows up.
Can you tell us a bit about your writing schedule?
Writing is my career. It pays the bills. I don’t write eight hours a day because I’m responsible for a disabled husband plus my mother is 93, but writing is always on my mind. I try to back away from the computer on the weekends but this is Sunday and I’ve written 2000 words plus done some research and promo.
If you could read one book again for the first time, which one would it be?
Wow. Maybe Jaws or Silence of the Lambs. Nothing light for me.
What is your favorite thing about being a Samhain author?

What would you do and who would you spend it with?
Our family has long had a cabin on Forest Service land not that far from Crater Lake. Picture me sitting outside near the lake in the dark watching the moon & stars while listening to frogs and birds. I’d be sipping on wine and talking writing with a small select group of writer friends. Then maybe they’d all leave and a certain male someone would--
Haha! Keeping it PG, love it! Thanks for chatting with us today, Vonna!
Vonna can be found blogging at Aphodisia Authors and Novelists' Ink

Vonna is graciously giving away a short erotic romance called Wilderness Night.

Freedom. The thought floats on the hot breeze, strokes Magara Force's body as she jogs through a Florida wildlife refuge. Freedom from responsibility, from self-control even. But much as she longs to turn her body over to a man, its an irrational dream.
Then she's overtaken by a powerful man determined to find escape from the unwanted twist his life has taken. Sensing Magara's need, Lon Storms challenges her to surrender to him and thus satisfy both of them.
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So enjoyed this interview! I haven't read any of this author's work yet but "Studs" looked especially interesting. Best wishes to her, her husband and mom!! Hope you are all having a great summer!!
Great interview! Sounds like besides writing you have your hands full, I am always amazed at what people are able to do.
Great interview! I've read a few of her books and enjoyed each of them.
Great interview! I have several of Vonna's books and they always a joy to read.
Great interview and I will admit that I haven't read anything of yours...yet!
The cover is brilliant and I love a good menage.
Thanks for a fun post! Congrats on the new release! I haven't read any of Vonna's books, but I'm definitely going to go check them out :)
Vonna is a new author for me. Thanks for the great interview. Can't wait to check out her books.
UTC ladies thank you very much for the author recommendation!
Great interview Vonna. I see I'm falling behind in reading your books. Studs sounds like a great read. I can't wait to read it.
luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com
Miss Vonna, I have not read any of your books, but I did enjoy the excerpt and look forward to visiting your website. Thank you for sharing.
Great interview! Congrats on the new release...can't wait to read it! Thx for the giveaway op! :)
barbbattaglia @ yahoo.com
Love the interview and looking forward to reading something by Vonna asap =D
best wishes, Linda xo
fr_larsson at hotmail dot com
Love the interview and looking forward to reading something by Vonna asap =D
best wishes, Linda xo
fr_larsson at hotmail dot com
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