Now, Jaye has brought someone special with her today. Gighul, our favorite demon is here as well! So please help us welcome Jaye Wells and Gighul to Under the Covers!
First of all thank you so much for stopping by today (and of course for bringing Gighul with you!) Blue- Blooded Vamp is the last Sabina Kane novel (I haz a sad). What can readers expect from this final installment in the series?
I can promise that the major story lines will be resolved and that readers are in store for another fast-paced adventure. It was a big challenge to wrap up such a detailed and complex story, but I’m very proud of the way everything turned out. I hope the readers are satisfied with the conclusion of her journey.
Do you have plans to write a new urban fantasy series?
I do! At this time, I’m not quit ready to spill the details, but hopefully I’ll be able to reveal some news soon.
How would you describe Sabina Kane's journey throughout the series? How would you say she has grown and developed?
It’s been a steep learning curve for her. She started out in such an unbalance, broken place, and she’s had to go through so much. She’s learned a lot about herself and how to have relationships throughout the series. She’s still not perfect, but perfection is overrated and boring, in my opinion.
I love Sabina's snark and strength. If Sabina was looking to have a drink with another urban fantasy heroine, who do you think she would call up and why?
Good question! I’d have to Rachel Morgan from Kim Harrison’s Hollows series or Genevieve Taylor from Suzanne McLeod’s Spellcrackers series. Part of Sabina’s journey was to get in touch with her magical side and those two ladies would have a lot to teach her about using her powers responsibly.
Gighul is one of the many things I love about this series. Why do you think readers get a kick out of the demon?
Who doesn’t love a snarky demon? Honestly, I think the reason they love him is the same reason I love him—he gives us a much-needed break from all the seriousness and tension. I’m always amused at how many readers tell me they have a crush on him. He’s this seven-foot-tall green-scaled, black horned demon who also appears as a hairless cat, but people think he’s sexy as hell. Just goes to show that humor is an amazing aphrodisiac, I guess.
If your series was turned into a movie, which actors and actresses would you cast as Sabina, Gighul and Adam?
Sabina would be either the actress who does the covers, Toni Busker or maybe Emma Stone (she kicked ass in Zombieland).
Adam would have to be Ryan Reynolds. I based his look on his role in Blade Trinity.
Giguhl would have to be someone like Alan Cummings or John C. Reilly. He’d be toughest to cast, I think.
Gighul!!! Thank you for stopping by as well and welcome to UTC. Let's say you're gearing up for another one of your demon fight club matches. What do you do to warm-up?
The best way to prep for a battle is to flog the little demon, if you know what I mean. You can’t kick ass with too much demon baby batter on the brain. Seriously, it stings like a mofo.
You've just been told that you're opponent has backed out and now a bigger and meaner fighter is taking his place. What's the first thought that runs through your mind and what new tactic will you use to take this mofo down?
When in doubt, always go for the ‘nads. The Trampire taught me that.
If you could pick another urban fantasy hero or heroine to fight in a cage match, who would you pick and why?
I only fight demons in fight club. So instead of fighting a hero or heroine form UF, I’d have to fight the villains. Like that pansy Algaliarept from that hot bitch Rachel Morgan’s story. That said, I’d love to go a couple of rounds with that sexy selkie Jane True, but if there was Jello and whipped cream involved.
Congrats! You've just won a fight! How do you celebrate. Let's keep this PG now, you don't know whose eyes are watching.
Now you tell me I’m supposed to be PG. That stands for Pretty Gratuitous, right?
Fine, then. All I’ll say is there’s nothing like a game of “hide the pitchfork” with a few willing nymphs to celebrate a victory.
And lastly, if we host another Demon Fight Club, are you in?
That’s a rhetorical question, right?

Here's your chance to win a copy of Blue-Blooded Vamp!
US only.
US only.

The epic conclusion to the amazing Sabina Kane urban fantasy series.
Sabina Kane is on the hunt. Her prey: Cain, the father of the vampire race and the one who murdered her family and her friends. Unfortunately, Cain is hunting Sabina, too. The one man who holds the key to defeating Cain is, of course, Abel. A mage with secrets to spare and, hopefully, the power to match it. Unfortunately, for Sabina, he's in Rome and may not want to be found.
Sabina sets out for Italy with her friends, Giguhl and Adam Lazarus, to track down the only man who can get her the revenge she hungers for. But will he help her or oppose her? And just who is Abel, really? Worst of all, when Sabina figures out the goddess Lilith has a plan for her-she realizes this trip is getting deadlier by the minute.
As they say: when in Rome-SURVIVE.
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PG!! @ UTC blog LMAO. Not with you Annie lol.
Thanks for the giveaway! Awesomely funny interview.:)
Yay! Can't wait for more Sabina Kane!
Thanks for the giveaway and great interview.
I like Sabrina as a heroine. I like she isn't perfect it makes her more relatable.
Love the interview and you can not go wrong with Ryan Reynolds *yum*!!
Great interview! Loved it. I'm one of those people that does not read UF & I absolutely LOVE this series. Sorry to see it go & looking forward to what Jaye has up next.
Great interview - Jaye is so funny, fun to follow on twitter also. I love this series. Looking forward to reading this one.
Thanks for the chance.
Great interview! I'll admit that I have not read any of the books in this series but I've heard great things about them. Thanks for the giveaway!
I absolutely love the Sabina Series and am so sad it is ending.....
This is one of my favorite series, and I can't wait to read how you wrapped up her story.
Thanks for the interview! I'm not entering as I'm reading BBV *rightnow*
I've loved this series and while I'm said to see it ending, I can't wait to see what Jaye comes up with next :)
Oooo, Ryan Reynolds. Yummy! I love this series!
Great interview! Jaye is hilarious and the questions were great.
This is a fantastic interview and giveaway. I love Sabina her character is so kick ass.
I'm sad that this is the last book in a very fantastic series, but so happy that Jaye has plans for a new UF series. I can't wait to check it out.
I LOVE this series! and Ryan Reynolds?! Yes please!!
I thought about Ron Perlman to play Gighul. I loved him in as Vincent in Beauty and the Beast and also in Hellboy.
Thanks for the interview and giveaway! This is such a great series. Love Sabina!
Thanks for the giveaway and what a nice interview... And G - you could SO kick Al's butt!!!
I think Allan Cummings can act just about any character.
Awesome interview. thanks for sharing!!
Great interview! Can't wait to read this one! Sad it is the end. :(
LOL I'm gonna read this series because of Gighul. What a funny guy :-). I laughed out loud at his last comment. So glad he had time to stop by.
I can imagine how hard it must've been to wrap up such a complex series. However, I'm kind of glad that I'm late to the party. I don't have to wait for the release(s) *hehe*. Great interview. Rock on lovely people at UTC
_yay_ @ BookthatThing!
Thanks for such an awesome interview and giveaway. I can't wait to read Blue-Blooded Vamp.
I haven't read this series but I'm going to soon...Gighul sounds like a riot!
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