by Vivi Andrews
(Midnight Justice # 2)
Argghhhhhh I'm so upset I didn't love this story! This is the first short story I read from this Midnight Justice anthology but I think the concept is fresh and cool. I mean, we are talking about superheroes here! Very League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and all.
Darla aka DynaGirl happens to come across someone breaking into a records vault. He's a bad guy, so she has to apprehend him. Except he's very sexy and he kind of gets under her skin. When he gets away from her, she can't be outdone by a villain, and makes it her mission to find him and bring him to justice.
But Wroth had a good cause for what he was doing. Typical good guy acting the villain for a good cause. He just wanted to save his sister.
This sounds like fun right? And then add in the fact that the dialogue is funny and I should've been hooked. But I wasn't, not that much. I mean I liked it ok but it was missing a certain something that I can't really put my finger on. It was still an entertaining read if you like this type of setting, definitely something that I'd like to see more of as far as plots and storylines. I will check out the other two stories in this Midnight Justice anthology.

I haven't read this book yet but I have to agree that I really like the sound of this anthology and like you tend to think in terms of "League of Extraordinary" when it comes to these types of books.
We have reviewed it at GP but I haven't had a chance to read it. I want to though because I love the concept =)
Sounds pretty good!
Yes, the setup is different, I think I wouldn't mind seeing more stories along these lines.
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