Skin Deep
(I-Team After Hours #1)
by Pamela Clare
Thank you to Pamela Clare for giving readers something to
indulge in as we wait for the next I-Team book. For me, it has felt like a long
time since I’ve read an I-Team book, but after reading this short story about
Megan, I felt the need to go back and read them all again.
True to Clare’s writing style, she sucks you in right from
the beginning. I was already emotionally involved in this story because if you’re
a rabid fan of the I-Team series, you know of Megan Hunter, the younger sister
to Marc Hunter. We have read about her trials and troubles from Marc’s POV but
never really got her side of the story...until now.
Clare delivers a great short story that will pull on your
heartstrings and make you fall in love with these damaged characters that have
the lucky chance to fall in love. I love all the heroes in the I-Team series,
so I wondered how Nathaniel West would compare to the rest of the bad boys.
Nate is a wonderful character filled with an old soul that I admired. Though
physically scarred, his heart holds so much love that even though Megan doesn’t
think she is worth it, Nate has some tenderness to spare. And the fact that
Nate was so welcoming and attentive to Emily, Megan’s daughter made him more irresistible.
Megan and Nate are both scarred, but I think together, they
are able to see past the emotional and physical reminders of what has happened
with them. So even though their relationship progresses slowly, it is so worth
the wait.
I also loved how involved Marc and the other guys were in
this story. For this reason, I personally think it’s better to have read the
I-Team books BEFORE you read this one. There are some details in this book that
are somewhat spoilery for the books in the series. To get a better experience,
you’ll want to read this in order.
At the end of this book, Clare also includes an extra short
story about what goes down when Marc and Julian go for a beer run. It was nice
to read about the guys once again because they have much distinct
personalities. I couldn’t help but smile whenever one of them made a smart
remark. Nothing beats their humor.
SKIN DEEP may have quenched my thirst for some I-Team
goodness, but it seems like I’m already addicted. I’m already begging for more!
I think it’s time for a re-read.

Purchase Links: Amazon
I have the series on my mountain size TBR pile and can't wait to read it. Thanks
I have this series on my wishlist-thanks Ann!
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